40 - Cheese

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- Hyunjin, wait

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- Hyunjin, wait. What should I say if someone asks who am I? What am I doing here?

- You can say you're my English tutor, how about that?

- Ok, I can do that.
But I can wait outside too, it's fine.
I don't want to create problems for you.

- Come on Felix, I want you to see what I do. It's fun.

Hyunjin actually has a plan, or maybe just a dream, but the first step is to get Felix to one of his photo shoots.
After all, he knows the photographer and everyone on the Vogue team so it's not going to be uncomfortable.

- You get makeup on your face?? - Felix asks, a bit too loudly for the makeup artist who scoffs at such frivolous question.

- Yes, silly. All models do.

- Ah, what do I know? I've never seen a fashion show or anything. It's just that you look great even without it...

The makeup artist now delivers a really annoyed look at Felix, so he leaves her workspace and finds a corner where he can check his phone in peace.
But even while checking out latest updates, he keeps looking up at the things Hyunjin does.

Finally, it's time for Hyunjin to shine in front of the camera. He's so good, he makes the camera blush, and the photographer swoons over him. The whole crew is quiet except for the photographer Kim who keeps praising Hyunjin's modeling skills. Kim looks like he's seen it all, experienced and very professional.

Felix proudly watches and likes how everyone's mesmerized with his boyfriend, although that wardrobe stylist is just a pushing her luck with her sneaky fingers.
Oh, please, she just had to take off his shirt... As if Hyunjin doesn't know how to take off a shirt himself!

Felix demonstratively heads over to help out taking off the damn shirt when he suddenly gets called out:

- You, the blonde! Are you a model? - the photographer Kim yells across the room. He looks bored and not at all interested at the response.

- No. - Felix answers and withdraws back to the invisible part of the studio.

- Oh, but Felix was scouted by my company for modeling! - Hyunjin yells from his changing corner.

Kim looks at Felix up and down. His face looks very dissatisfied, even disappointed.

- Turn around. - he orders, and Felix turns around. - Did you sign a modeling contract with anyone?

- No.

- But he was about to! - Hyunjin is barely standing still now, and the stylist is pulling him back to the changing spot. - It's just that they were not taking new models at the time. It was a bad timing, but they would have surely signed a contract.

- Hmm... I like you. - Kim states without taking eyes off of Felix's body, and still looking like Felix stole his lunch or something. His annoyed face is very confusing.

- What's your name?

- Felix.

- How innovative. I've never met any Felix before. Come here and stand in front of the screen.

Felix frowns, and opens mouth to say he's just an English tutor, but from the corner of his eye he sees Hyunjin motioning to him. He waves his hands like he's pushing him to the area where models pose, so Felix quickly scurries over there.

The grouchy Kim speaks up:
- Do what Hyunjinnie did earlier, okay? Look at the camera and seduce me.

Felix laughs at Kim's words, but quickly realizes that it wasn't a joke because nobody else is laughing.
Hyunjin, seeing that Felix froze under the bright reflectors, walks over, stands behind Kim's back and smiles at Felix.

Well, Felix maybe can't seduce Kim, but he can surely give Hyunjin his "come over here, babe" look.
The camera keeps flashing, as the two of them keep flirting with their eyes.
Kim's demeanor completely changes, and he starts praising Felix:
- Wonderful!
Love this!
So hot!

Little by little, Felix relaxes. He starts doing so well that Kim sends him over to the makeup section and the stylist.
The makeup lady smirks seeing Felix coming to get makeup of his own.

- Oh, you're going to wear makeup? - she asks teasingly.

- Yes, thank you. - Felix repentantly looks at her, and his smile immediately makes her soft. She giggles forgetting everything about their earlier misunderstanding.
Just for fun, she even adds some shimmering blush on his face.
When stylist is done dressing up Felix, he looks at the mirror and likes what he sees. Kim calls again:

- Both of you, Felixie and Hyunie, over here! Chop chop.

Hyunjin whispers to Felix:
- I was hoping I'd do this with you, love.

And Love happily poses next to the most beautiful man in the world.

At the end of the shoot, Kim sends Felix to the management office for completing the paperwork and signing a contract. Meanwhile Hyunjin beams with pride and love. His secret plan worked, and now two of them even get to work together.

- I knew you had that It-factor, Lixie.

*****My lovies, there are only three more chapters of this story

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My lovies, there are only three more chapters of this story.
If you're sad about seeing the end, just know there are five other stories on my profile page.
And another one will start
in June (Hyunho).

Title of the next story:
"The way you kiss me"


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