25 - Oreo trouble

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Back at Hyunjin's place, that firetruck cell phone keeps ringing in a drawer

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Back at Hyunjin's place, that firetruck cell phone keeps ringing in a drawer. Hyunjin releases it from its prison, with a little frown on his face, and answers:

- Yes...?

On the other side of the call, Jisung whispers:

- Wake up, Hyunjin, we have a slot reserved at the studio this morning, remember?

Hyunjin, surprised at his quiet voice, answers quietly too:

- Why do you guys have to record stuff so early? And why are you whispering?

- I just have a sweet gentle voice that you don't appreciate.

- Really?
You don't want to wake up Minho, isn't it?

- He may or may not be in my bed right now. That is not why I call.

- Oh wow, you guys really...

- No!

- No?

- No. I don't want to talk about it! Get your sweet ass here pronto!!

- Ok, ok, I'll come over... sheesh.

Felix, overhearing the conversation, quickly gets dressed and is ready to do his walk of shame, but Hyunjin has different plans.

- We can go to your place first, so you don't have to take bus, and then I'll just go to the studio from there.

- Oh I don't know about that. I don't live in a fancy neighborhood like this one.

- You silly Lixie... if you tell me I can't do something, then I really want to do it. Plus, do you know in which part of town I grew up?

- No. - Felix answers the question he didn't even hear. After "Lixie" he only heard violins.

- There you go, you don't know much.
You don't even listen to Kpop, do you?

- Oh, that was so dumb of me to say... I'm sorry, I was nervous that day, and when I'm nervous, I say stupid things like that.

- It's fine, I'll make you listen only Kpop in my car.

- I deserve that.

- Good. Now, let's pretend like we know what we're doing in a kitchen and make something to eat.


When they turn from the highway to a tiny side road to get to Felix's home, he gets slightly embarasssed with his old street and shabby houses. Hyunjin maneuvers the car pretty skillfully and even finds a parking spot close by.

Felix opens the heavy metal door, and immediately gets greeted by Oreo's judging eyes. That is not a happy face.

- I know, I know, I was out all night... didn't call... you almost starved...

Felix proceeds straight to the area where he keeps cat food. He's closely followed by meowing complaints, while Hyunjin wonders around.

The first thing that crosses Hyunjin's mind is how wonderfully spacious the place is, almost ideal for dancing. But also, how oddly empty the space is, like nobody lives there.

- It's nothing special, just a place to stay or work... - Felix explains.

- Looks like you can pack and leave in 10 minutes.

- Hmm yes, I didn't really add much to this place. It's just a rental.
When I came here, I just brought a bare minimum. All my possessions fit in two suitcases.
It felt good to get rid of old stuff, life became more simple.

- Wow, that's so strange to me. I like brining my favorite stuff on my trips. I also bring more stuff back. It's like I'm collecting memories and filling up my own treasure chest. My travels continue when I bring a token from each place. A painting, a book...

- Sometimes we don't want memories.

That sounds so sad, that Hyunjin feels an instant need to give Felix a back hug. He holds him tight and asks quietly, in a teasing way:

- Do you want to forget me too?

- No! Never!! You're the best thing that happened to me! I'll never forget you!

- Hmmm then I have to give you memories, a lot of memories.

- You're doing it already. Like this hug. I'll remember it forever.

They stay like that, in a sweet, loving hug, until Hyunjin suddenly lets him go.

- Achoooo!!!!!! Choo!! Choo!!

- Hyunjin.... are you maybe... allergic to cats?

- Yeah.... achoo!!!!!

- Ooooh... why didn't you say so??
Go outside.

- Okaaaay.... - Hyunjin adds while walking away and sneezes a few more times.

Out in a fresh air, sneezes slow down.

- Even your sneezes are adorable.

Hyunjin looks at him with an apologetic look, and Felix just pets him on a back. They're out on a street, and he knows there can be no signs of affection between them if they are in public.

- It's ok, Hyunjin, you have to go to work anyway.

- I'll call you.

Hyunjin drives away and Felix watches as the car disappears down the street. He can't stop smiling, even now, standing alone on a street.
He doesn't notice that, on the opposite side of the street, someone is sitting in a parked car and watching him. Motionlessly.

Felix longingly sighs and returns to his, now Hyunjin-less apartment. It's just him and Oreo again.

- So, Oreo, what do you think?
He's amazing... so good... I'm in heaven.

But Oreo is not impressed. Out of all the humans in this city, Felix had to bring home the one that sneezes.


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watching them? 👀
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