Wedding Preparation

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While walking to his homeroom, Turtle wondered how much longer he would have to keep this secret. Just as he thought that Peril came rushing past him into the homeroom.

" Clay and are engaged " She said, and just as quickly as she appeared she disappeared. 

" Deathbringer, come out" Moon said and Deathbringer stepped out of the shadows.

" Couldn't you read in my mind. I was trying to scare Tsunami" He frowned.

" Well yes but I thought that might not be in your best interest." Moon said

"Oh it was " Tsunami said baring her teeth.

" Well let's go" Deathbringer said.

" What let's you just take my students." Tsunami asked

" It's in the best interest of the queen of the rainforest." Deathbringer said smugly and walked out of the room. Moon shrugged and followed.

" Fine. Since Moon's gone let's go hunting." Tsunami said.

" Why do we go hunting so often" Kinkajou asked.

" Because you won't always have a bunch of fruit laying around. So you eat what you catch. No bowls Turtle" Tsunami finished seeing the look on his face. " Let's go" Tsunami jumped out the window. Winter, Qibli, Umber flew together. Turtle and Kinkajou stayed a bit behind. Tsunami landed by the lake.

" Okay everyone at least catch enough to eat." Tsunami said. Turtle instantly jumped into the lake.

" Qibli, I've never hunted so could we share" Kinkajou asked. 

" Well, I'm splitting with Winter and Umber needs it all" Qibli said

" Hey" Umber said.

" I thought it was funny" Winter laughed.  

" Tsunami" Riptide said.

"Where did you go this morning." Tsunami asked.

" The sea to grab this" Riptide said holding a shark in between his back talons.

" Well actually" Tsunami started when Turtle jumped out of the water and grabbed the shark.

" Thanks" he said and the gang started to eat it. The next class, was history. Lucky Moon got to skip it. When lunch time came, Moon still wasn't back. It wasn't until music that Moon came running into the cave. 

" Kinkajou, come here" Moon said walking towards one of the corners. 

" What" Kinkajou asked.

" Glory and Deathbringer are engaged" Moon said. Kinkajou mouth opened to scream but was clamped down with Moon's talons. " But don't tell anyone" 

Kinkajou was practically jumping up and down everywhere for the next week. Peril was too, but she was getting married. Glory's wedding was a secret and only a few dragons would be there, luckily the entire JW was invited so she could talk with Turtle about it. Lunch had finally come on the big day and everyone was filled with energy.

" What are you guys doing at lunch" Winter asked as they sat down in their usual corner.

" Getting ready for the wedding" Peril screamed happily.

" Me and Turtle are doing something, but it's a secret" Kinkajou said.

" What" Umber asked.

" I just said it was a secret" Kinkajou said, then realised it was a joke as she saw the others laughing.

"Why don't we all go hang out at the underground lake" Qibli suggested.

" Except for you two lovebirds of course." Moon added. 

" Well thank you" Kinkajou said. As she finished her lunch the rest of the group left to go to the lake.

" What are we doing" Turtle asked.

" I am going to give you a dance lesson so at the weddings we don't look silly." Kinkajou said

" What makes you think I'm not a good dancer." Turtle asked, and Kinkajou started laughing. " Okay you're right, let's go". 

After that long dance lesson the entire JW was banned to the library by Tsunami until the wedding started. Except Turtle and Kinkajou because they were helping set up. They were hauling chairs in formation and setting up tables.

" Why did I volunteer to do this" Kinkajou said sweating hard pulling a table with Turtle.

" Because you didn't want to be stuck in a library" Turtle said, a little to sarcastically for Kinkajou's liking so she slapped him.

" Owww" Kinkajou cried.

"I'm so sorry" Turtle said running over.

" It's not you, it's your dumb hard scales." Kinkajou said now red with anger. 

" Hey" Fatespeaker said "I heard they're bringing some fruits from the rainforest, but they wanted to ask Kinkajou which ones are the best so they bring those." And her scales were back to a blinding yellow.

As soon as they made it into the library Qibli and Winter pulled Turtle and Kinkajou aside.

" I love that idea" Kinkajou scream.

" What do I have to do" Turtle asked.

" This" Winter said handing him something in a small brown box.

" This might help" Qibli said handing him a rolled up scroll.

" I like it but why are we being so mysterious" Kinkajou said.

" So we don't give it away" Winter said.

" Who's going to tell" Kinkajou asked and was met by a gaze from Winter she didn't really appreciate. Then she slapped him.

" Ow" Winter said.

" Ah much better than last time." Kinkajou said looking around to see everyone laughing. Except Winter.

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