The Long Weekend

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Finally after all the preparation and waiting, it was time. As the JW Flew to the top of the mountain Turtle was afraid Kinkajou might tackle him out of the sky. When they landed at the top Moon and Kinkajou quickly made their way to stand next to Starflight who was minister. Winter, Qibli, Umber, and Turtle sat down in the front row. After a sweet ceremony, Kinkajou almost died ( She was about to hug Peril when Moon tackled her). When the band came out Turtle was hesitant, but it turns out the dance lessons paid off. 

" Since when could you dance" Winter asked inbetween songs.

" I always could" Turtle said trying to keep a straight face.

After the dancing Peril tried out her new present (read Cleril) and loved it. After partying late into the night Moon had to drag Kinkajou out of bed in the morning. They flew a short distance until they made it to Glory's wedding. After a beutiful ceremony Winter, Umber, and the DoD had left and it was just Kinkajou, Turtle, Moon, and Qibli with the King and Queen of the rainforest.  After the flight to the rainforest, Glory showed Kinkajou and Turtle to their hut. Banana Stood outside invisible guarding them. 

"Pineapple, let's go down to the forest." Kinkajou said.

" Sure" he said. Turtle and Kinkajou made their way into the forest Kinkajou ate fruit and swam with turtle in the river. After swimming for a while Kinkajou lay tired out up top of a platform in the sun as Kinkajou drifted off she remembered something, she shrugged it off then it hit her in the face. She jumped up. 

" I have to go see the Queen" She said flying away.

" Wait" Tutrle said " Pineapple let's go" Turtle started to fly they caught up to Kinkajou when Pineapple got tackled out of the sky into the forest. 

"Kinkajou" Turtle yelled as a yellow figure approached but it was to late. Kinkajou was hit and went crashing down into the forest. Turtle followed diving straight down. When he landed he saw Pineapple laying on the ground pale white, bleeding from his leg and and forearm. One sandwing had a claw on Kinkajou's throat with two other's standing next to her. Turtle panicked he didn't know what to do. He started panicking said.

" I enchant this leaf to wrap up these three sandwings" the leaf started to range towards the sandwings. In a panic the Sandwings dropped Kinkajou two tried to fly but one charged. The leafs quickly caught the two that tried to flee but the leader that charged sliced through the leaves and tackle Turtle and pinned down his arms. He raised his tailed and stabbed down right to Turtle's heart. 

" Owww" He screamed as he looked at his tail which was dented at the end. The sandwing tried to scratch at Turtle's chest but nothing happened. He inhaled to breathe a breath of fire when he was tackled by Deathbringer. Deathbringer held the Sandwing down with one hand and reached into Pineapple's pouch with the other and stabbed the sandwing with a sleeping dart. 

Later That Day 

" Banana and Pineapple are fine, right" Kinkajou asked.

" They will be" Glory responded.

" There's something I need to tell you." Kinkajou said. " Well show you."

" Sis" Jambu said. " There's a problem at the hatchery."

" What" Glory asked.

" There's a weird looking egg" Jambu said.

" Kinkajou can this wait" Glory said.

" Actually the hatchery is close to the thing."

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