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When the jw got back to school they agrred not to talk about what happened in the Rainforest. School resumed as usual and after almost a week the girls gossip group assembled.

" Well, I'm a little worried about history " Kinkajou said.

" You shouldn't be" Moon replied. " We have the same queen I'll help you"

" Yeah but the" Kinkajou stopped mid sentence as she walked into Peril's cave. Peril was curled up in the middle of the floor with four eggs.

" Kinkajou" Moon said.

" I'm trying to contain, really really hard. I'm gonna need help." Kinkajou.

" Just' Moon started.

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Kinkajou yelled until her mouth was clapped down by moon's talons. 

" Thank you." Kinkajou said. " So how long have the, you know the."

" About two weeks." Peril said. 

" So you kept it a secret from us." Moon asked.

" well I didn't know what to do." Peril replied starting to cry.

" It's fine I have a secret too" Kinkajou. " i laid an egg aswell. It's in the Rainforest hatchery."

" I also laid an egg" Moon said.

" But who's taking care of your, your" Peril started but didn't know how to finish.

" The care takers at the Rainforest" Kinkajou said.

" My mother" moon replied.

" What else is new" Kinkajou said and that spark the gossip. As the months flew by The DoD annouced that there would be an end of year dance. Kinkajou prepared for the dance with Turtle with little lessons here and there. Finally the it was the night before the History exam and Kinkajou was sick of studying. When they finally went back to their caves kinkajou collasped into her bed. The next morning when they actually wrote the history exam Kinkajou thought it was impossible. Turtle on the other hand thought it wasn't too bad. He had been worried about it for a while but in the moment it wasn't bad. After lunch the jw planned to have dance lessons for tonight but Turtle didn't know what to do in between. He stopped at Qibli's cave to see what he was doing but he was busy with Moon. Turtle wandered down to Kinkajou's cave but see was also nowhere to be found. He finally found Winter and Umber and went down to the lake with them.

Where Kinkajou Was 

Kinkajou was hanging out in Peril's cabe helping her take care of the eggs. She thought it would be good practice for her. As the dance lesson approached Kinkajou and Peril finished up what they were doing and headed to the music room. Kinkajou thought Turtle was even worse then the last lesson. After the dance Turtle headed back to his cave when Qibli came up to him.

" Turtle, I'm going to propose to Moon tonight" Qibli said " Could you just help me with one thing" Qibli said holding out a ring and a scroll. Turtle held it for a second reading the scroll. Then he handed it back.

" There" He said

" One more thing" Qibli said as he pulled out the soul reader and it was all black.

"You kept that" Turtle said.

" Of course, you never now when there will be a giant magic killer dragon." Qibli said. Turtle went back to his cave for one last sleep, but he didn't go there. Instead he headed to Sunny's cave.

" Hey Sunny" Turtle said.

" It's late what are doing here" Sunny asked.

" Could I borrow the dream visitor to talk to my mother" Turtle asked.

" Sure, I don't want to deal with her if I say no" Sunny said " Just bring it back" and sunny was asleep. Turtle touch the treasure to his head and sure enough he was looking at his mother.

" Mom I need to ask for permission." Turtle said

When the dance finally came Turtle was actually very good at dancing. Kinkajou was dancing with everyone but Turtle just stuck with Kinkajou and Peril. When the dance concluded Everyone filed out of the hall and towards the caves, but Turtle saw Qibli and Moon slip out to the right. Turtle hesitated but then followed the crowd to the caves. 

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