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Kinkajou stood there, frozen. She didn't know what was happening. What was going to happen with her school and wasn't she young to be getting married. She didn't know what do. Usually she liked drama, but when it's with her she didn't know what to do. She bolted out the door and flew off. She just flew through the forest he mind rushing with thoughts. Finally, after 10 minutes of aimless flying Kinkajou calmed down. I might not know what to do she thought, but Glory does. 

After Kinkajou busted out the door Turtle sat down to think for a minute. What do I do wrong he thought. He felt like crying but he wasn't going to sit here and weep. He pulled himself together, got off and got to work. 

Kinkajou after a few minutes found her way back to the village and made her way into Glory's hut she approach the study and flung open the door.

"Deathbringer you Stupid dragon, didn't you ever hear of knocking, if you came to check on me and the" Glory stopped mid sentence as she turned around. " Kinkajou what is it that you need, because if it's anything but the answer to the rumour I'll tell help you"

" What rumour, oh about your egg, yeah that's a hit at school but I need personal advice. Turtle asked me to marry him and I ran away." Kinkajou explained. " I do love him but aren't I like the youngest dragon to be married like ever, I know we have an egg together but this si just moving to fast."

" Does it really matter as long as you love each other" Glory said

" Wow that's deep" Kinkajou said.

" Yeah, i've been reading more scrolls lately. Now go find turtle That's an order" Glory said. 

Kinkajou flew threw the forest faster than she had ever flow before, she raced in between trees and cut down vines with her talons. She landed on the platform outside the hut and busted through the front door to find the hut empty with a letter sitting on the table. It said.

Meet by sunset at the edge of the ocean or I will begone in the deep palace for good.  

Kinkajou panicked after her conversation with Glory she was determined to find Turtle. She gathered her energy after a quick pineapple and set of for the ocean in search of Turtle. She flew endlessly across the shoreline her nerves getting tenser as the sun got lower and lower, finally flying for what seemed like ages she saw a figure standing on the beach looking out into the ocean. She slowly started descending and approached the dragon.

"why did you leave" ask Turtle who was visibly holding back tears.

" I was just shocked and didn't know what to do, but I do know." Kinkajou responded getting down on one knee, she pulled out the ring turtle left in the hut. " Will you marry me" Kinkajou waited for a second and Turtle jumped into the sea. A second later he jumped out saying

"Yes of course I will" He shouted.

A/N Sorry I have been gone for so long, just needed a break.  

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