Battle Training

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The JW especially Turtle had noticed something strange with Peril. She was always nervous. Left quickly without explanation. Didn't want to study or do homework with them. Turtle woke up in the morning to find Umber still in a deep sleep.

" Umber" Turtle said shaking him awake.

" I could go for another pig" Umber said sleepily.

" Umber" Turtle said louder" We're a month into school and you oversleep 4 times a week"

" Fine" Umber said crawling out of bed. After pulling Umber out of bed, they made their way down to their first class where Tsunami, Moon, Qibli, Kinkajou, Winter were waiting. 

"  How come you are always last" Tsunami asked.

" I overslept" Umber said looking down.

" I'm just kidding" Tsunami said as Peril rushed in instantly curling up in the corner. " Okay, now that everyone is here. I was thinking we do some battle training today."

" Why" Moon ask.

" Okay listen, the remaining talons of power followers are pretty mad at you, you, you, and you." Tsunami said Pointing at Moon, Qibli, Turtle, and Kinkajou. " So I want you to be prepared, all of you. You can never be two safe. Let's go to the training room, Peril you can do whatever you want. Just be at the next class." As they followed Tsunami to the training room Turtle saw Peril go towards Clay's cave. When they walked in the room they found it to be new and improved four times bigger than it was.

"Wow" Kinkajou said" who did this"

" Anemone over the summer" Tsunami said. " So the room is split into six areas each to simulate the different regions of Pyrrhia. Those three rocks over there, rub over your scars. Don't try and take them. They have an enchantment on them"

"Cold" Winter said lying in the snow.

"Okay, Moon and Turtle in the rainforest"

" Wait, he has indestructible scales" Moon said.

" Winter" Tsunami barked and he shot up. " Moon use the heat of the Rainforest against him but don't use your fire. Winter, try to withstand the heat but you can use your frost breath. Go"

Winter instantly lunged at Moon. She dodged but winter slapped her with his tail across her forearms. Moon collapsed in pain, Winter walked over and stepped on her chest.

" Okay that's enough" Tsunami said. " Winter and Qilbi, ice kingdom. Take advantage of the fact that Qibli can't use his fire." Tsunami had barely said "Go" before Qilbi blasted a bolt of fire at Winter. Winter shot frost breath back, but Qibli dodged. He went to shoot fire back but nothing came out. He lunged at Winter and Winter knocked him down but Qibli's tail stabbed his shoulder. Winter cut Qibli's chest as Tsunami yelled

"Enough" grabbing Winter and pulling him off Qibli. She quickly grabbed a stone and rubbed the wound. Qibli staggered over and grabbed a stone. " Okay last battle. Umber and Kinkajou. In the mud. Go." Instantly Kinkajou disappeared and Umber sank into the mud. After a few minutes Umber suddenly started splashing around. He poked his head up he looked at what appeared to be floating mud then he pounced. After a second a bright pink Kinkajou appeared.

"  To the classroom" Tsunami said. After the second part of battle training in the classroom where they learn to always pin a Sandwings tail first. They were getting ready to leave for lunch. When they got to their spot Peril was nowhere to be found. Later Turtle went to ask Peril if anything was wrong and he heard something he shouldn't have and from that moment on Turtle stopped prying at it. As he walked back to his cave he thought about what he heard. Clay and Peril are dating. 

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