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As they flew to the Rainforest Turtle was not his self. He was thinking hard of how to pop a question. He had asked his mother if he could ask Kinkajou to marry him. He was expecting to have to argue, but his mother just said " There will be enough hiers without you" and that was that.

The flight to the rainforest was boring, everyone seemed quite. Turtle and Moon had drifted off and Qibli was puzzeling something out in his head. Kinkajou didn't want break the silence. She used this time to think how she was going to tell Turtle about the egg. As the reached the beginning of the Rainforest Jambu was waiting. His escorted them slowly to the pavillion inbetween the Rainwing and Nightwing village where Secretkeeper was waiting with Queen Glory and Deathbringer. After a weird conversation that made absoulutly no sense, they all went to the Nightwing village. Moon lead Qibli into her house and Kinkajou pieced together what this was about. She was proven right when Qibli came a few minutes later holding a black egg with sandy spots and took to the skys. Moon came out a few seconds later and followed.

"  Well their visit was short" Kinkajou said and Glory nodded.

" Well then back to the Rainwing village" Glory said and they were off. After the longest flight ever because Turtle stopped constantly to avoid trees they made it to the village. 

" Okay here " Glory said when they stopped.

" Are there any guards" Turtle asked.

" No" Glory said.

" Thank you" KInkajou replied and then went inside followed by Turtle. When they got inside Kinkajou noticed that Turtle was more nervous than usual. he just curled up in the corner and started thinking about something. Kinkajou was also tired so she used this opportunity to get some sleep.

" I'll be back in a few hours" Kinkajou said. " it's sun time" and she walked out the door. She met up with Glory and Deathbringer and followed them to their pavillion. 

" Did you tell him yet" Glory asked.

" No" KInkajou replied. " I'm afraid he'll react like Qibli and just leave."

" Speaking about Qibli, I heard that he and Moon are married." Glory said and as soon as these words came out of her mouth Deathbringer lunged forward and clamped down Kinkajou jaw.

" Good call" Kinkajou said when Deathbringer released her from his grip. " Okay let's get some sleep."

Turtle waited in the hut for an hour thinking and waiting for KInkajou to come back. He was ready as soon as she stepped in that door he was gonna do it. He had gone through all the scnerios in his head and he was ready for what ever happened. If she said yes he be happy and stay here, if she said no he would be back in the deep palace before anyone noticed he gone. The anticapation was killing him it, be any moment now. He was going insane with the preasure until finally she walked in. 

" How was sun time" he asked.

" Good" Kinkjaou replied. " What have you been doing."

" Just thinking " he said. He was about to do it, but he hesitated."

" Are you okay" she asked. Turtle tried to talk but nothing came out. His whole life he was used to being invisible, but now he was in the open and he had to do this, now or never. He reached into his pouch and pulled out the ring.

" Kinkajou of the Rainwings, will you marry me"     

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