A total mess

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Kiara's POV

It had been two weeks since that ordeal with Blake. I couldn't stop thinking about how she pulled me back and thank god that it was dark that time because I didn't want her to see me crying.

[bell rings]

"The lecture is dismissed."Professor James exclaimed. I packed my bags and on my way out Professor handed me my test back and I saw I had a A+.

"Congratulations keep it up and I will see you on Monday." He said then he left. I made sure no one was there then I squeal and got out,it was cloudy outside but Lexa was supposed to drop me off at the dorm room.


My phone vibrated in my pocket I checked and I saw a message from Lexa.

L: I won't be able to pick you up, but I asked someone to pick you up.

K: That is ok how far are they from the college?

L: Like five minutes away.

Suddenly a familiar Aston Martin was at the entrance of the college.

Of course Lexa would send her cousin to pick me up. Now this is going to be awkward.

"No thanks ." I exclaimed.

"Come on pequeña reina, you would rather walk in the rain then for me to drive you?" She asked from the now rolled down window.

"Sorry I don't talk to strangers."and on cue lighting flash from the sky.

"You are the most stubborn person I've ever met."

"Takes two to know one." I said crossing my arms and I started walking away from her car. At this point it had started raining. I heard her mumbling something to herself and then heard a door slam.

"Why the fuck do you have to be so prideful just get in the damn car." I stopped and now there was only one feet between us.

"If I go with you are you going to keep quiet?" I asked her.

"Come on pequeña reina!" She seemed pissed off.

"Then I won't go with you." I was about to start walking but that's when she spoke again.

"Ok fine." I followed her to the car after she said that.


She did not look happy when she was driving but I didn't care because we never we liked each other and that wasn't going to start today.
Suddenly Blake's phone began to ring she gave me the death glare then she answered the call.

"What's up man?" She asked the person from the other line.

"Blake you have to come right now!" the person on the other line said in a panicking voice.

"Wait what's wrong?" I looked at Blake who's expression changed from angry to concern.

"Come now it's Carlos he-"the line then cut. She cursed then looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her expect her to not answer me but surprisingly she did.

"There is something wrong with my friend." She then changed gear and then made a u-turn.
"I won't be able to drop you off at the dorm where must I drop you off."

"It's ok you take me where you are going." I think if she wasn't this distracted she would have just said no. She didn't even look at me she just stepped on the gas pedal and the next thing I knew it the car was practically flying.

Blake's POV

We arrived at the garage and it was a total mess, I saw David one of the guys in my crew.

"Stay in the car." I commented Kiara before I got out.

"David what the hell happened?Where is Carlos?" I questioned him.

"He's- he is-" he kept stuttering and I got inpatient.

"David what happened goddamn it!" I roared he looked startled but he still couldn't answer.

"He is in shock." I heard Jack say that.

"Jack what happened?" I asked now despite for answers.

"Carlos happened." He said getting a bottle of beer.

"What about him and where is Frank?" I noticed that one my crew members were missing.

Everyone looked down including Jack, I could tell something was wrong.


"Frank was on watch and Carlos and his crew..." his voice broke and he couldn't continue his sentence but I understood what happened but I couldn't believe it.

"Where is Carlos?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"It's no use we are still out numbered." Jack said I could hear that there was no hope in his voice.

"We could always find a new crew member."

"Where are we going to find a crew member as good as Frank?" He asked taking a sip of his drink. Suddenly we heard a voice speak behind us.

"I could do it." I turned around and I saw it was Kiara.

"No way!" I exclaimed.

"Aren't you that girl who race Carlos and won?" Jack asked her.


"And also the same girl that almost got killed." I cut her off before she say anything, I pulled her aside so I could talk to her.

"Are you mad? I told you to stay in the car." I hissed at her.

"I know and what's wrong with me wanting to join?" She asked me crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows.

"What's wrong, huh hello your father is a cop and your mother is a lawyer I don't think drag race is for you." I exclaimed.

"Who told you that?" She snapped when I said that.

"Who else? And besides you are my cousin's friend and the last time I let one of her friends join she was pissed."

"You mean to tell me Jessica is one of your crew members?" She asked looking at me in shock.

"Come on Ant, even an idiot would have found out that oh I forgot you are that dumber than idiot." the other crew members were probably looking at us like we were aliens because we trying to whisper but I don't think that was working.

"Blake I know you don't like me-"

"Yeah no shit." I cut her off but she continued speaking.

"But come on you saw me in that race let me join Blake." She demanded holding on to my shirt. I pinched the bridge of my nose and then responded.

"Fine I will think about it." She smiled after I said that.
"But that doesn't mean it's a yes." I stated.

"Got it."

"Now get can you stop gripping my shirt ." She quickly removed her hands off my shirt her face beet red.


"Just get your ass in the car." I said and she did so.

This girl is really brave to demand something from me.We really needed someone to fill in Frank's position and I don't want to risk Lex's friend life.

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