I choose her

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Here's an edited version of the passage with some minor changes for clarity and flow:

I was parched when we arrived, so Suki went to get me a drink. That's when I saw a familiar curly-haired girl getting into a white Mustang - Blake? "Hey, Lex?" I called out to Lexa. "Mhm," she replied, looking at me. "What's your cousin doing in a street race?" I asked, confusion written all over my face. "Oh, she's just being her usual self. She always does this," Lexa said nonchalantly, like it was no big deal.

Just then, Suki returned with my drink, and I took a sip while watching the two cars line up next to each other. Suddenly, a loud bang went off, and the race began. The other car took off, leaving Blake behind.



I need to focus on this race. I can't let myself get distracted, but seeing that boy next to Kiara is really pissing me off. Wait, why do I even care? She's not even my type. A loud bang broke me out of my thoughts, and I shifted gears, feeling the car surge forward. I took the lead, and as I passed Carlos, I winked at him before putting the pedal to the metal and leaving him in the dust.

"¡Vete a la verga, Carlos!" I shouted out the window, grinning.

("Go to hell, Carlos!")

I crossed the finish line first, and the crowd erupted in cheers. I got out of the car, grinning, and was greeted with congratulations from the crowd. But then Carlos appeared, his face red with anger.

"¡Me ganaste esta vez, Blake! ¡Pero volveré!" he exclaimed. "You won this time, but I'll be back!"

("You beat me this time, Blake! But I'll be back!")

"Come on, don't be a sore loser, Carlos," I replied, taking a shot of vodka from Jack. "I won fair and square. ¡No te preocupes, amigo!"

("Don't worry about it, friend!")

Carlos kept arguing, but I just laughed it off. "You can have a rematch with anyone in my crew," I offered. "But only if I get to ride shotgun and see your face when you lose again. ¡Vamos a ver quién es el mejor!"

("Let's see who's the best!")

The crowd laughed, and Carlos looked even angrier. "I choose her," he said, pointing to Kiara.


Kiara's POV:

I was taken aback when Carlos pointed at me. "I choose her," he said, his grey eyes gleaming with a dangerous intensity. Blake looked at me, her expression serious.

"¿Estás loco, Carlos?" Blake asked. "She's not in our crew."

("Are you crazy, Carlos?")

"¡Ella está en la línea de tu crew!" Carlos retorted. "Is Blake Hernandez backing down on her words?"

("She's in your crew's line!")

I felt a surge of adrenaline and spoke up before Blake could respond. "I'll do it."

The crowd looked at me like I was crazy, and Blake pulled me aside, her eyes flashing with anger. "What are you doing, Kiara? You don't know what you're getting yourself into!"

I stood my ground, despite the danger emanating from Carlos. "I got this," I said, and Blake reluctantly agreed to come with me in the car. I could tell she wasn't happy about it, but I was determined to see this through.

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