trying again

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Is there not in this world a quick guide on how to live life?
Will it only ever be about a cluster of fake laughs and awkwardness?
Always going from one undesirable situation to another
Each time having to remind yourself why you're an emotional liar
Why you want to get lost in a forest you already know your way out of?
Or is it because the exit changes appearances each time?
Again on unsorted feelings of failure and falling behind from a ride you're too immature to take
Being beaten so much and so hard by a visionless emptiness I thought my left arm was useless
When really I only want recognition from me
Or when I work hard and it ends up being for naught
Like all the times I went through such a loud mental crisis everyone thought I was just silent
Or is it that I'm never noticeable?
When I realize it's from my Lord's mercy I got to experience the thrill of succeeding in trying then crying from failing
Why because I can only blame myself when all I did was ask and all He did was give
May my Lord not make me an ingrate...

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