pictured ⇧ 'green appeal' by Nancy Van Meter
I want to peel my skin off like an apple and the skilled Persian hand.
Moving round, creating zigzags of my freed flesh, till it mounts into one waxing and waning loop on the wooden table.
All that will remain is the meat—the muscles—that wriggle pitifully and bloodily, like a worm cut in half.
The air will chill every fiber of my tissues, and I will feel alive,
This is what I desire, this is the sound of my heartbeat gone:
no more
I am, I am, I am.
I am dull and numb
like a blade that's been used up.definitions:
wax- become larger or stronger (like the moon showing more of itself)
wane- becoming weaker, less vigorous, or less extensive (like the moon showing less of itself)inspiration (plagiarism)
- the bell jar by Sylvia Plath — specifically her line "I am, I am, I am" in chapter 13 when referring to her (Esther's) heartbeat