Dangerous - Paul (Twilight) Five

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Dangerous - Paul

Chapter Five-

Songs: Disturbia - Rihanna

Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars


       "O-Oh. Nice to meet you." Bella stuttered. I was laughing internally, because the look on her face was priceless! Jake obviousy forgot to mention me, or Rachel or anyone else for all I know! I thought I was his favorite! Well, as of now I'm probably walking the type rope into a pool of sword fish. Go me!

       "Yeah, ditto. So what're you even doing here? You're not in the pack, right? You don't look like you're in the pack. No offense, " I teased, I had that look on my face that said 'you don't belong' was stitched on my face. It honestly could've been stamped on there with red ink it was so obvious.

        "Um, Jake invited me. How come he never mentioned he had a younger sister?" She questioned herself, looking nervous and confused. Amusing. This girl was a little shorter than me, had chocolate brown eyes, and thick, middle parted brown hair. It was rather long, and in my opinion, needed a trim. But hey! Just an opinion!

       I know I sound cruel, but in all reality, you would've done the same thing to ol' leech lover, as Embry would probably say. Wow. That's creepy! I barely even know the kid!

      "I'm not really worth mentioning. Jake only likes to bring me up if he has to, I guess. Let's just say I wouldn't get on my bad side, precious Bella." I mocked, my voice dangerously low. Beside the tone, my face had a giant smirk etched on it, I'm sure. But, in all reality, that was the look on my face all the time. So, let's go with I had a bigger smirk on my face. There.

       "Back off, Tyler. She doesn't need you harassing her. It's none of your business anyway, " Jacob hissed from beside Bella, which scared the Hell outta me! Who just randomly does that anyway?! What is he? A kung-Fu master? No! That's me, he's a wolf! You only get one in your life time!

       "Whatever, it isn't like it's your business about me and Paul. Just saying, you're such a hypocrite. Don't let me ruin this little party." I shot back. He rolled his eyes, huffed, and him and Bella left. Loserrrr!

       "Tyler, please. You know it's hard for him to accept the whole imprint, please be nice." My father pleaded with me. I guess he had just rolled up to me while I was talking to Jake, because I hadn't heard him. He was rather quiet since I arrived.

       "I know. I just don't understand why he has to be in my face and constantly irristing me about it. I havent even been here for twenty four hours and we're apparently fighting like leeches and wolves! Like that Bella chick, it freaked me out and I honestly don't like her, but I'm not going to say anything. It's none of my business, Dad. It's none of his business what I do, either." I huffed. By the end of that rant, I was out of breath, enjoying any wisp of fresh air my lungs could salvage.

       "Still. You know he's just looking out for you, and since Paul's his friend, it's strange for him to think like that. So, for my own sake, just apologize. Got it, Ty?" He reasoned in a stern voice.

       I glumly nodded my head, glaring at him and Bella's retreating figures in the distant night sky. Dad wheeled himself into the kitchen, and all the other party-goers had either left for home, or were in the woods, being all ninja-wolf. I laughed aloud, realizing that I was alone by the fire. Isolated in my own thoughts.

       I didn't have much to think about. Well, accept for how my old friends were doing back in Cali. I bet bored with out me there. Because, if I do say so myself, I'm the life of the party!     

       "She asked for one more dance and I said yeah, how the hell am I supposed to leave?

        Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Ye-"

       "Talk to me." I demanded as I picked up my phone from my jeans pocket. I loved Usher's voice and was tempted to dance to the ringtone, but I had to answer the call... Yup that would be the wiser choice...

       "Dude! Where the hell are you?! I went to your house and they said you weren't there! You weren't in class either! Tony & I are flipping out!" Danielle screeched on the other line, making my head spin.

       "Woah, Woah! Chill, guys. I'm in La Push with my brother and Dad. I got in a fight and won't be back for a while... Sorry for not calling you, I forgot. Tell Tony I said hey." I explained to her. She was still panicking, just by knowing her I know she is.

       Danielle Golde had blonde hair and brown eyes, they kinda looked like little almonds if you were up close. She was really tan and had a bubbly personality, which was the polar opposite of me. I was too brutally blunt to pass for her! Tony Brooks had shaggy dirty blonde hair and grey eyes, which some chicks found super cute, but Tony was already dating Sam, and trust me, it would get ugly when those girls approached him! But still hilarious!

      She let out a deep sigh and I heard her talk to Tony in the distance, "No excuse, missy! I told you not to! Does Chuck know? How did you even leave without anyone seeing or noticing?" She asked, referring to my parole officer. Yup, lovies, I went to juvy! Don't judge! It's America! And I just happened to be not so slick one time! Goahh!

       I shrugged my shoulders worriedly, "I bet so, I fled when Barns was nagging me. I ran home, packed my stuff, and left for the airport and here I am. Sorry for not telling, I've been busy." I said. I really hope Chuck doesn't try and track me down, I'll go to jail! Not good, man! Not at all! I can't leave Paul.

       I was panicking a little, when I heard the phone shuffle and Tony was talking now. "It'll be okay, Ty. Just lay low and just tell your dad and brother about the situation, you should know that Danny happens to be the worst person in all the world to come to to help calm down. That's my job!" He joked, I could image him grinning with Danielle by his side, reading some random gossip magazine. Classic Danielle, I wish I was there to make fun of all the articles and of her for actually believeing the pitiful scum they call news.

       I immediately felt better and I smiled, too. "Thanks, Tony. You're awesome!" I chanted. I heard him laugh. The sound was comforting, to know they were okay and not mad that I just up and left in the middle of the day, no warnings what so ever. I love them for a reason!

       "We'll call you later, see ya later, Tyler." Then they hung up. And I was back on my own, just staring at the moon, wondering were all the boys went in the woods, what they were doing. I hope I'm a wolf, I want to be a part of the pack. It should make Dad proud, out of all the things I've done wrong, I'm going to try and fix it. But, knowing myself, I wouldn't count on anything to soon.

       I clapped my phone closed and walked back into the house. "Back, " I called as I stomped up the stairs into my room. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Jake and Bella sitting on the couch, just chilling and talking. I resisted the urge to flip them the bird, via middle finger. I contiued the journey up the stairs into the hall and just as I swung open my door when I heard,

       "Hello, Tyler Black. I'll be watching you." A raspy, dark voice whispered in my ear when I walked in the room. I saw a pair of blood red eyes staring at me. Not even thinking of blinking, just staring, making me do a double-take. "Beware..." it hollowly growled, then it was gone. The eyes disappeared into the shadows of the night.

       "Holy Shit! JAKE! WHO DIED WHILE I WAS GONE!"


A/N: sooo... CLIFFHANGER! Lol I love ending it on some odd note! :D message, comment, vote, and fan! I want some more views and fans before this one gets too in depth! I barely hear from anyone but two people! So... The point being, GIVE ME FEEDBACK!

Thank ya,

- Jamie <3

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