Dangerous - Paul (Twilight) Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen -

Songs: Smile - Avril Lavigne

Memories - David Guetta & Kid Cudi


I roughly slammed the door to the truck, leaving a dint on it's side. Heh, I hope that's expensive to repair!

My face was blank, I put on my mask as I stormed through the front door, scaring an unsuspecting Embry, Quil, and Jake. They jumped out of their seats in shock when I stomped in and threw my shoes at the wall. "Mother f-" I stopped there and glared at them all intensely.

"What are you idiots looking at? Never seen anyone be angry?" I shook. Literally. Jacob's eyes grew large as his eyebrows shot up.

"I don't want to hear this crap. I have better things to do." I snarled, walking up the stairs to face Victoria and her red eyes.

"Hello, Tyler. Are you ready?" She quizzed, smirking.

I laughed without humor. "Yeah." Then, we were off to meet Riley and the newborns, who I would enjoy training. Cue evil smirk!



Paul trudged into the house, his body was on the edge of shifting and like hell he wanted to. Tyler's viscous words tore at his heart, but he would never openly admit it. Not even mentally.

"Oh, did Polly get his feelings hurt?" Embry Call teased his friend, imitating a baby voice.

Paul looked up at him, a homicidal fire was burning and let me tell you, people, you wouldn't want to be the center of it. Well, that is, unless you have a death wish. A painful one!

"Shut the fuck up. I'm not in the mood." He hissed, plopping down onto the couch and not bothering to meet anyone's gaze.

"Ooh, he barks." Quill chided in mock horror. All the while, through their bickering, Jacob Black was thinking of something bigger than what they were. No one needed to take care of Paul's anger issue, it's over done.

As for Tyler, that was something that would surface later. What he couldn't get out of his mind was why Tyler talked to Victoria 'civilly' as Paul put it on the phone, but why? Why? She hated Bella, but that's no reason to kill her.

First of all, how did she even know about this battle, anyway? He didn't tell her about it and Sam sure didn't, he doesn't trust her as a wolf yet, mostly because she isn't.

"Jake, you should've known this imprint was dangerous." Quill spoke, clearing Jacob's mind. He was startled a little, but recovered quickly.

"I know it's Dangerous. But it's not my issue." He stated clearly, walking out of the living room and up the stairs to Tyler's room.

He swung the door open and he could just smell vampire. Tyler was no where in sight. "I'm going to kill her." Jacob muttered, jumping out of the window and shifting like he never had before.

He ran as fast as he could to the leech's house.



"Shut up, Victoria. I know what I'm doing." I spat, molding my features into a scowl. In my current position, I was fighting a small newborn with big red eyes that were staring at me with intentions to kill. Yeah right.

Turns out, as soon as I got to the camp, I was so mad and there were so many vampires around that I automatically transformed into a white wolf the color of snow. I'd like to see these hoes beat me!

Victoria still thinks I'm on her side, when in the truth, I'm getting information about how they fight and battle strategies. See! I'm not that evil! It would be a bonus if Bella died, though...

"Obviously neither of you do! Faster!" She demanded. Me, being the horrible person I am, went as slow as my body would allow. Told her I know what I'm doing! All that pesky newbie needs to do is take one step closer and I'll snap her neck. Then she won't have to worry about being immortal!

"Tyler! I'm serious!" She snarled, making me let out a laugh. I'm not even in wolf form!

-Shift- I told myself. My clothes shredded and I was my other half. No, I don't mean Paul you donkey butts. My wolf form that I named Fran. I personally think it has a nice ring to it.

The vampire charged at me, thinking that it would be an opportune change to kill me. That bitch was hardly mistaken.

I tackled her to the grass and had my sharp teeth about an inch from her neck when I heard a slow clap. Only one loser I know does that. Riley.

"Get off her, we need as many people as we can get." He snapped with a snarky tone. I easily hopped off the Seattle-girl and ran into the woods to change into the clothes that Victoria had given me. They weren't that goth style that she had, I told her I didn't wanna flash a canoer when I jumped on the territory edges.

I slowly sauntered out to meet blondey and carrot top. "Am I in?"

Riley thought for a moment while Victoria just smirked at the ticks behind me.

"Yes. Under one condition." He smoothly replied. It took all mh will power not to roll my eyes. And that's a lot!

"What do you want?" I asked.

"We want Bella's scent." Victoria finished for him. I laughed.

"Yeah, so? How the hell am I supposed to get it?"

"You'll befriend her."

Oh Jasper Hale to the blonde bitch no!


A/N: did that help your confusion? Haha I'm uploading fast since I won't be here tomorrow! But good news is I've written up to 32 for Jasper Hale! :D

- Jamie :)

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