Dangerous - Paul (Twilight)

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Chapter Fourteen - Explaining To Do.

Songs: Hot Mess - Cobra Starship

Can't Stand It - Never Shout Never


Is Victoria that bat shit? Well, she thinks I'm turning on my imprint, so she probably is insane asylum material. Meh. I hope Edward-o is a thorough mind reader 'cause I'm not in the mood to deal with explaining the whole novel of what I'm doing.

Jake'll probably be pissed because I didn't tell him I'm a wolf, but I couldn't help it! She pissed me off and Paul is such a douche that I just reached my boiling point. I'm still getting revenge on him!

He'll enjoy my newest scheme.

*Insert evil smirk*

I laughed a little, throwing my head back a tad, showing my evil side. You have no clue how fun it is! Except after about three times, you gotta start poppin' those Ibuprofen. And drink some water since that laugh doesn't come easy, now does it?

I huffed my breath, walking straight to the tick's house. I could literally smell them from the middle of the forest! Have they ever heard of cologne or a tic-tac? Lord help my nostrils!

I spent a good hour or two with Victoria and Riley, I can't decide who's more of an idiot. As of now, I'll bet Riley because he thinks he's her mate. As if! James is dead as a door nail from her explanation! But, I do give that spirit some credit for trying to kill Bella the Bland. She's so boring that I want to punch the hell out of her!

Well, back to my training. I killed two newborns, they were losers anyway. One of them was asking for it, too! He questioned why I stunk so I tackled him to the ground and snapped his frigid, stoned neck like a twig. Like I said, asking for it.

My feet approached the house with windows everywhere, like they needed people looking at their sparkling selves, and I knocked on the door to see a cheeky Alice. I guess no one bothered to tell her I'm on the dark side, too.

"Hello, Tyler. Edward and Jacob are waiting for you." She mused, grabbing my arm and leading me into their colossal kitchen. I find this part of their house to be rather unnecessary. Besides Bella, who should jump off a cliff ;), no one eats. What a bunch of tight wads! I bet even Steven Tyler doesn't have this much shiz! And that man is a gold mine!

He could fit a baby hippo in his mouth, too. Have you seen those chompers?! Ridiculous.

Jacob met me with a half scowl and Edward looked like he wanted to rip my head off. So, I guess nothing out of the ordinary. "Wassup, bud?" I smirked, sliding into the booth beside Jake so I was looking at my favorite vampire. "Why the long face, Frosty? If you're not careful, that oh so handsome face'll stick like that."

Jake snorted in laughter, earning a hard look from Edward. His face went straight again and he put on his 'confrontation face,' and turned to me.

I rolled my eyes and before he could even open his mouth to blab, I cut him off with a full length explanation of what I'm doing and what I will be doing. "You're a double agent, basically?" Jake asked me with a raised eyebrow. His face let me know that he didn't believe me in the least.

"Yeah. No matter how much I hate the human girl, I won't let her die. Every time I meet with Victoria and Riley, I'll report back here and tell you what I've got. Scout's honor." I never made in girl scouts, I was kicked out when I was nine for biting the troop mom. She was a beotch! No matter, I'm serious.

"How do I know you won't turn against us?" Edward was quick to ask. Ugh, him and his gay romance with Blandy! I swear if he wasn't with her, I'd think he was a rainbow flag on Bourbon Street.

"How do I know you won't kill me, hmm? This isn't going to be easy and you being such a priss won't help, okay? Deal with what I say or read my thoughts." I spat.

"Are you a wolf?" Jacob asked perkily.

I grinned widely. "Yup. It's all thanks to Paul. Speaking of that slutfish, where is he? Still sulking about me showing him who's boss?" I growled the last sentence.

Now it was Edward's turn to chuckle at my choice of words. "Really? Damn, you guys's relationship is a crazy bomb ready to go off, isn't it? And he's still crashed at the house. When I left he was with Quil and Embry on the couch," Jake said, shrugging.

"Did you just get back from training?" Edward interjected, killing a perfectly good conversation. I glared at him with all the anger I could muster. As of tonight, that's a Scooby-Doo load.

"Yes. They want her scent and for me to be friends with her, which isn't happening. Don't get your beard in a knot." My reply came. I'm officially bored.

Jake snickered, not even trying to hold it back. "Alright, we'll come up with a plan tomorrow after school. You can leave since I could hear you being bored." Eduardo said. Hehe, I have a new name for the albino spider!

"Good to know. I'm out, and tell Bella I said suck it." I reminded, waltzing out the door without a complaint from either of them.

"Tyler! Bring Demi with you tomorrow!" Alice chimed, a smile on her lips. The plan will be set to action!

"Gotcha." I ran to the forest line and walked the whole way home, which isn't too fat after you cross the old border.

I sauntered into the living room and saw all the boys playing some stupid card game. How I love my idiots! "Yo, Ty! Where ya been?" Embry prodded as he slapped Jared's face.

"What the hell, dude!" I hollered, as Jared just shook with laughter. I rolled my eyes.

"We're playing slap jack and if you're too slow to get it, you get slapped in the face." Quil explained, looking up from his poker game with Brady and Colin. This must be the result of extreme boredom.

"How pleasant. Anyways, I was at the leech's house, Jake'll be home soon. Have any of you seen Paul?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I dunno. C'mon and play poker! I'll go easy on you!" Quil teased, smirking.

I smirked equal to his. "You're so on." I challenged, forgetting about Paul and his drama queen self completely.


Dangerous [Paul LaHote] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now