Dangerous - Paul LaHote (Twilight) Chapter Ninteen

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Chapter Nineteen: Together Again


I pursed my lips in deep thought. The sun had risen and now I was lying at the trunk of a tree, just thinking. The one thing that I didn't want to think about, kept coming into my brain forcefully.


That bastard of an imprint I have. I mean, they say opposites attract! What about exact matches? Lord, people need to get it together now-a-days.

A sigh escaped my lips as I sat up. I don't really have much of a choice now. I have to work things out with Jake and Paul. And just for the hell of it, I'll give Blandy something to really worry about.

I ran at full speed to my home, hoping no one was there. It's around nine AM and I don't need Jake's speech today. I have to get revenge on Riley.

Tip-toeing as lightly as I could, I slid into the kitchen, trying to find something worth my time. Unfortunately for me, I'm super loud in the kitchen and I swear every time I make cereal, it gets worse. With my extended hearing, I heard foot steps on the stairs and I figured it was Jake. Normally, teenagers only wake up after noon. Screw him.

"Jake?" I questioned, hoping to get no reply but just the fridge purring.

To no avail, Jacob's huge frame lumbered towards me with a confused look on his face. "What the hell are you doing here? You just walked out earlier." He thundered, his face morphing into a soft scowl. A scowl he didn't really mean. If he really meant it, he'd be shaking like an Eskimo now.

"I did. I'm here to fix things before everything gets a lil' too chaotic, you know." I explained with a cheesy grin. Jacob didn't so much as blink. Just blankly scowl at me. An identical look to Bella's.

"Fine, I didn't want a reply anyway." I cut the silence snappishly. "Where's Paul?" I tried again.

"Your room-" I didn't let him blabbed anymore, because honestly, I don't give a damn. I just had an urge to see my own personal, certified prick. Or, more formally known as, Paul LaHote.

I ran up the stairs, my heart beating faster and faster each step. Why do I always feel like this? Why do I love him, when we fight so much? It just doesn't make sense.

Throwing the door open was a rash decision, but I didn't have time for much else. "Paul?" I called out. My tone was urgent; needy. Damn, I never knew I could sound like that.

"Tyler?" Silence filled the air. I stood in the threshold gawking at my ex. No matter, he was flawless as ever. His appearance was nothing compared to anyone else I'd ever seen. To be honest, I felt like it was the first time I'd ever seen him in my life.

His brown orbs were staring at me in shock, and relief. It as if we had a silent agreement. I thrust myself into his arms, in a jaunty way. "I missed you." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible to me. The scent of pine-needles and a slight tinge of cologne hit my nose in an instant.

"You have no idea how much." I continued, though I don't even know why. If it was up to me, I wouldn't imprint at all. Just staying a 'slut' would be a-okay with moi.

"Tyler..." Paul whispered almost silently. "I-I love you." Then, his lips crashed against mine.


*Meanwhile Downstairs*

*Third Person*

"Knock-knock." The sound of knuckles cracking against the old, weathered door of the Black's residence echoed through the living room and kitchen.

Jacob Black rolled his eyes in annoyance. 'First Tyler, now this? Why can't I catch a break?' His thoughts were agitated as well.

The poor boy regretted his poisonous words that seemingly snapped his younger sister in half. He wish he could take it back or that she would at least forgive him. Deep down, though, he knew she would never truly forgive him.

Abandoning the cereal box on the counter, Jake padded over to the front door in a lazy manner. He couldn't care less who was there. Obviously, they were a human, or else he would have caught their scent.

Swinging open the door open he came face-to-face with a slightly balding, short man. Determination was etched on his face as well as pure hatred. "Can I help you?" Jake asked the odd looking man.

"I'm looking for Tyler Black. I have a warrant for her arrest." The man's haggard voice spoke in the silence of the moment.

The former's eyes grew in shock. Never had Jacob thought his sister was a real bad ass with the law. Can't say he never saw it coming.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Tyler's voice screamed in a shrill, alarmed voice. Her face was an unnatural shade of caramel.

"You know exactly why I'm here. Get it over with; give up." The man had a sly smirk on his face, making Tyler even more upset.

"Ty? Who is this?"

"I'm Chuck, her parole officer."


- I UPDATED! I'm so sorry if my writing sucks or you don't like it. I obey have around five or seven chapters left, then I'm done. :) I just hate this story sometimes! :P thanks for all your comments and such. It's all that keeps me going on this story. :)

J xoxo

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