Dangerous: FINAL

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Dangerous: FINAL


My hands shook violently. In all my years, I've done a lot of bad for this world. But never have I taken a soul.

"Tyler?! Ty, please don't go.. Don't close your eyes.." I could recognize that voice anywhere. It was Paul- the definition of perfection. "Can you hear me?"

The whole being of my body was in intense pain; something I wasn't familiar with. Even if I wanted to move, I couldn't. The fiery ache was burning my bones and my skin might as we have melted off.

"Paul.. I want to take a nap.." I trailed off, my eyes fluttering open just long enough for me to get a good look at my imprint. Even if I felt like shit, the mere sight and sound of his voice can make me feel at peace.

Immediatley, he looked more panicked than before. "No! I mean, don't just yet. We need to get you a blanket first."

At his stupidity, I laughed- though it sounded more like a choke. I could barely breathe, let alone chuckle. Damn him. "I'll be fine without it." And again, I closed my eyes tightly, wishing I could erase my memories. I should never have come here in the first place.

All I've done was stir up some shit and pissed off my brother. It was about time someone got on his ass about Blandy.

"No! Tyler, please don't sleep.. I love you so much. If you sleep, I'll never see you again; open your eyes." Paul's rogue voice filled my ears, sorrow laced his words.

The pain kicked into my shoulder, causing my eyes to immediately snap open despite my protests. My breathing became shallow as I turned my face to Paul. "I can't sleep now, I love you too much..."

He breathed out a heavy sigh then smiled at me, his anxiety disappearing from a simple statement.

"Is he dead?" Still, my voice was cracked and not at all delicate like one of the leeches. In all honestly I care much about them anyway- no thanks to them I'm in this damn situation.

Paul broke our eye contact in a matter of seconds. "Yeah." was all he said.

I reached my hand off the couch and punched him on the shoulder. And of course I regret it, but I have to make a point. "What the hell, Paul? I don't remember anything so please inform me of what I did wrong."

"Tyler, you killed him and Victoria. That's all I know."

"Then why won't you look at me?" I snapped, venom taking over me once again.

He looked up at me, irritation flashing. "Because Jake wants to talk to you and I don't want to say anything yet." Paul paused for a second before kissing me on the cheek. "Jake's waiting- I'll see you later."

I muttered a bye and cuddled up to the blanket. The freaking prick is just gonna leave me hanging! Jacob is probably not the best person to tell me what I did- he pisses me off as is.

The door opened swiftly and closed in mere seconds. I looked over to see my brother shuffling his way over to me, a pained expression on his face. A sigh escaped him. "Tyler, I just want to say I'm sorry for everything I said in the past. I was only angry and clearly not thinking correctly."

Internally, I rolled my eyes. Idiot. But then again, he's my idiot only. Reserved, bitches!

"It's okay, Jake. I know what it's like. You're forgiven; I just want us to go back to normal, ya know?"

He nodded his head in agreement. "Sure, sure, Ty. Thanks for actually giving a damn for once." At this point, he flashed me a toothy grin.

"So, I'm assuming that everything is well with the albino dinosaurs? How did my precious snowflake put up with everything?" I asked, referring to Edward. I'm pretty sure he still regrets coming across my existence.

Jake nodded his head. "Victoria and Riley are dead as are the other new borns they created. Edward did just fine, but couldn't resist the urge of screwing with my head." he cursed something under his breath before continuing. "And they want me to thank you for your undercover work and all that." As he said this, no hint of worry or complexion crossed his face. What the hell is wrong with Paul?

I shrugged and crinkled my eyebrows in confusion. "It's whatever- it was amusing, really. But, Paul said you had to talk to me about something..."

Jake raised a single ebony eyebrow at me. "There's nothing to tell you other than- holy shit!" Then, he proceeded to howl in laughter so much that he was nearly crying. "I'm not telling you what it is exactly but it involves your future." he winked at me playfully before laughing again.

"Why is it so damn funny?!"

"Because Paul can't do it himself yet- but give him time and it'll happen, Ty. Just wait!" he sang, getting up from the chair and finding his way to the kitchen.

Not even a whole minute passed by before the boys trotted through the door with their usual mischief. I smiled to myself as I realized that I could stay here now- I murdered my parole officer!

Seth came and plopped himself beside me, a smirk smothering his face. "So, Ty, how ya feeling? Good enough to get out tonight?"

It took all the strength in me not to slap him straight across the face. "What the hell are you talking about?"

The other guys couldn't contain their laughter. "What is so fucking funny?! Paulllll- what are they talking about?" I questioned, frowning.

"Nothing that you need to worry about." Paul shot his fellow pack members dirty looks that could be considered homicidal in some parts of Washington.

I sighed loudly. "Embry, why are you such a skank?"

Quil snorted and nearly choked on his own spit. "BURN!"

"Not really, you pansy. I'm going out with Paul so don't destroy anything, okay?" I snapped, looking at them all besides Paul. Grabbing his hand and stretching, I groaned. "Shit.."

Paul laughed at me as we walked out the front door. Apparently, he didn't trust anyone to not eavesdrop because we carried the conversation on to Jake's tool shed. I always loved this place because it would piss Jake off when I came in here.

The pair of us sat down on a stray bench.

"Tyler... You know I love you more than anything in existence. I would die and kill for you. Without you, there is no me. I thought I lost you in the battle and I can't afford to lose you. I will die if you leave me; end of story." he smiled at me genuinely, his brown eyes sparkling.

Everything he said I knew was a fact. I know how he feels; I go through it too. It's small to say that I'm in love with him. It's so much more than that..

Gingerly, he cupped my face in his hands, slowly bringing our lips together softly. My body responded eagerly, shocks racing up my every vein.

Unlike any other kiss we'd ever shared, this one was laced with something different than the others. It wasn't eager or rushed whatsoever. Time was on our side.

"I have a question for you." he whispered, his voice hoarse in my ear.

"Be mine forever?"

A silver ring glittered in his hand- just like his eyes in that moment.

Despite the toxic venom I'd spit to him in days past, he still loved me. If that's not Dangerous then I have no idea what the hell is.



THE END! epilogue will follow this sometime soon. I'm REALLY, REALLY sorry for not updating and letting so many of you down- I never intended to do so. Thank you so fucking much for all the love and support that I recieved every step of this book. To everyone who helped, I owe you the world and so much more. Please don't think I'm awful or anything, I just went through a hard time. I'm perfecting my writing, so please stick with me. I love every single one of you and despite my lack of passion for this story lately, it makes me a bit sad that this is over. It was my first story and it's come a long way. Thanks so much again, much love.

Jamie xx

PS- i'm writing a sequel that doesn't have much to do with tyler, but she'll be in it soon enough! it's Howl and it's on my profile, if you would like to read it. thank you so much again, i love you. my twitter is @isliampjewish if you want to talk x

Dangerous [Paul LaHote] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now