Dangerous - Paul (Twilight) Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen - Not Dead, You Prick.


"Is she dead?" A somber voice whispered in the distance. All the sounds around me were muffled, like on a crappy radio that you listen to baseball on. That reminds me. Goah, I hate the Cardinals.

"She looks like hell." Another one said. I recognized this one as Quill, that idiot couldn't be serious unless it involved Claire.

"Dude!" A thwacking noise rang through the air. Finally someone slaps him and I can't even see it! Barely hear it, if honest. "Who cares what she looks like? Paul's going to have our ass, and Jake won't be far behind." Said Embry. So, that's what happened. Embry and Quill saved me.

But what's wrong with my body?

"Oh, really? I never thought that! Who's idea was it anyway to make us go on patrol? And plus where the hell is Sam when you need him? The only thing he's good for is nagging in my humble opinion." Quill sarcastically remarked, huffing at the end in frustration.

"Call Jake before I kill you without witnesses." Embry growled. I swear, those two are a bunch of chicks! They really should be married, I tell you. Nothing's worse than their bickering. You'd think you're hearing Hermione and Ron! And they aren't even real!

Suddenly, my body jolted awake to all my senses and I could see those imbeciles having a glaring match in front of me. "What are you bimbos arguing about now? You'll give me an even bigger head ache if you don't shut up!" I scowled. They were enough to get me high off mushrooms.

"Tyler?! I thought you were dead!" Quill cheered, jumping off the ground in about ten feet. His glasses nearly fell off his nose as he jumped like a small baby on Christmas day waiting for Santa.

Well, kids. It's time for a reality check. Santa died from his diet of elves and shitty cookies. I hope that felt like a slap to the face to you.

"I'm not dead you prick. What are you talking about, anyway? All I remember is Riley being a jerk then nothing. Care to explain?" I snapped narrowing my eyes at the pair of them.

Embry rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Ehh. You see, we don't even know. All we see is you were bitten by a vampire, but another leech sucked the venom out. I think you're fine..."

"Thanks so much, dipstick, for telling me things I already know!" I griped at him. He sent a glare my way as I hopped out of the bed. What do you know, being nearly killed really can make one bitchy.

"Where do you think you're going?" Embry cried. He's being such a baby. It's not like he'll be beheaded. This isn't England, or the Volturi. They sound like a bunch of stuck-up ass wipes if you ask me.

Felix is the only one who really interested me. I hate Jane, she just sounds like someone I'd hate. Alec sounds cool. The whole 'silent but deadly' thing is beast, considering it's not used to describe Jake's farts.

"Victoria's. Riley will be getting some severe punishment." My lips curled up in a viscious action before I sped out the door. Where am I?! I back tracked a little and went back to the small hut where the boys were. "Where am I?" I asked with a quirky smile.

"My house." Embry asked.

"Still don't know, but thanks for everything! Oh, and when my bro gets here, tell him to piss off." I shrugged, then strutted off to go get some revenge.

Watch out, Riley. Tyler Black's pissed and coming for you.


Hey guys! If you've read my page, you'd know how I'm making a contest for someone to write the next chapter of this book! If you haven't already noticed, I have absolutely no plot for this story what-so-ever. PM me the chapter and of you want more details! If I don't have anyone enter within five days, I'll write it myself.

Thanks! Jamie :))

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