Dangerous - Paul (Twilight) Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen - Riley


"Move." I simply stated, staring him directly in the eye. I hate him and nothing's changing my mind. I hate him and that bland whore who can't make up her mind.

"No. I want to apologize. Sorry for what I said." Jacob's voice was sincere. It's a little late, buck shot. I can't believe he thinks I'll just let him off the hook like that! I'm not that nice anymore!

"Aw. I wish I gave a damn, why don't you go hop into that magical time machine of yours and take it back? Oh yeah, you can't. Now move before I make you." I snarled harshly. I'm such a bitch!

His face was drained of color. "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm kidding. You can't say those things and think I'll let it fly. You're a prick and to put it shortly, I hate you. Think before you act, douche lord." I growled and shoved my shoulder on his as I left down the hall.

He didn't dare follow me, not after those words. They were meant to stomp on his heart, make him feel the pain I did when they sent me away. You know how some old man came up with the saying 'Only time can mend a broken heart.'? Yeah, it's bull shit.

It's called you suck it up and carry on with your life. I snapped back into reality and checked the clock on my phone, which read midnight. I guess I could call Danielle and Tony, I'm pretty sure they're still awake.

I pulled the phone up to my ear while I was making my way through the thick forest that I probably have memorized by now. "Hullo?" Tony answered in a crappy British accent.

I forced a laugh and replied. "Hey, Tony. Are you with Danielle?" I asked quietly.

The phone cluttered on the other line and soon I was spilling my guts to my best friend, well despite the fact I couldn't go into detail since she was human. Poor chick. Anyway, I blubbered about Paul and Jake and I made Victoria sound like a total hoe after Jake. That was for my own personal benefit!

"Oh, Tyler! I'm so sorry! Can I drive out there with Tony and Austin? That'll cheer you up!" She suggested, wiggling her eyebrows, I'm sure.

"Shut up about him! So he asked me out and practically stalked me last year, that doesn't give you rights to bring him here! Bring Simon, he's awesome." I concluded, referring to my other best guy friend. I never called him 'cause he's kinda a lunatic.

"Fine, but I don't want his issues get in the way." She cheerily laughed. Whatever the situation, shell always be happy. I'm glad I'm such a downer or else this relationship would be unicorn crap. That's equal to rainbows, and I don't do rainbows or sparkles. And that's why I hate those snow men.

"Don't worry, he's my personal hoe. Nothing's going to happen, unless he jumps off a cliff." That was a joke, Simon's such a weirdo, if I told him to do it, he'd do it. Mostly because he's my third best friend.

"Let's hope not. You owe me for being in the car with him for that long! Oh, and before I forget, my dad caught wind of Chuck. He's looking for you. He left yesterday, be on the DL." She informed me.

My features went pail as snow. "Tell me you're kidding! This is the worst possible time. Jake's going to kill me. He was being such a dick. This isn't going to help." I cried. I could now see Victoria's house in the distance.

Great. Just great.

Before Danielle could even think about replying, I snapped the phone shut as I felt the presence of Riley. His scent was enough to drive me to drink. "Associating with humans, I see? That's not good, dear Tyler." He hissed tauntingly.

I huffed my breath loudly. "It's not something you need to stick your nose in, got it flea?" I growled. Riley walked out of the thicket of trees into my line of vision.

"Feisty, are we? No need for attitude. Say another word and you'll regret it. You're not needed here, anyway. There's no one to save you now. Not even Victoria." He snapped in an undertone.

His fact was true. "Kill me, then. I've got nothing to lose." I bit back, taking a step forward fearlessly. I walked more confidently than I felt, I can tell you that.

"What?" He asked, shocked.

I scoffed at him. "Pathetic. Can't you hear? I obviously said to kill me if you have the nuts to. I. Dare. You."

A smirk crossed his features. "With pleasure."

That's the last thing I remember. It went black as fast as you can snap your fingers. All I was left with was searing pain.

That bitch.


Dangerous [Paul LaHote] [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now