2 - The fight

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All characters are owned by rick Riordan except for the ones i make


Astraea was really confused, like what the hell was happening here?.

One moment they were talking about how percy found her and the next moment they took out their swords.

She saw her teachers appear into the hallway.

This time something felt off about them , like they were not human at all.

Wait , where did she get that weird theory from?.

She saw percy taking out this pen and then the next moment, it has been transformed to a sword.

"Umm , is it just me or are y'all going to attack my teachers" ,she asked them confused.

"Exactly astraea, tell me why the mightiest Perseus Jackson decided to come here" ,her librarian hissed.

"To make you pixie dust of course" ,percy was joking but you could feel the aura radiating from him.

With that one word chaos broke out.

Everyone were fighting expect grover , who infact was standing and he had goat legs?

"I'm definitely hallucinating" , astraea told herself.

"Let's get you out of here" ,grover smiled at her motioning her to move.

In the midst of fighting and astraea trying to escape, someone threw a dagger at her.

She knew it was accidental , before she thought it would hit her , one of her teachers jumped in front of her taking the blow.

Her teacher burst into dust.

Every one of her teachers stopped fighting back , it was as if they were waiting for percy and Annabeth and everyone else to kill them.

"It was nice meeting you astraea" ,her librarian said to her before percy stabbed her.

"Nothing can get more crazier than the fact that you turned my teachers into literal pixie dust" , astraea said disbelievingly.

"Okay so this might be weird for you to process" , Annabeth told her like she was explaining to a child, very gentle and patient.

"Alright tell me , I hate waiting" , astraea replied fastly.

"You're a demigod" ,it was percy who had spoken this time.

"Oh" , astraea said , clearly lost for words.

"Like the ones in Greek mythology, offsprings of the god/ goddess and their mortal lovers?" , Astraea asked Annabeth slowly.

"Exactly like that" , Annabeth replied.

That was exactly what she was dreading for , astraea paled , thinking that all this time these monsters would have killed her.

She quickly steadied her face and smiled at them.

"So what now?" , She asked them.

Everyone looked at her in disbelief.

"You are a demigod!" ,The emo kid called Nico told her slowly.

"I get it , i really do and it actually explains a lot of things" , astraea told them calmly.

"You're reacted far better than percy, he wouldn't even believe it , let's not talk about Nico , dude was so spooked" , grover chuckled making a bleating sound.

"I'm not forgetting the fact that you have goat legs" , astraea pointed out.

"I'm a satyr" ,grover grinned pulling out his hat which exposed horns.

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