7- The departure

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All characters are owned by rick Riordan except for the ones i make


If someone told him how his day was going to turn out , he would have probably never believed them.

The moment he woke up his mind kept giving him warnings.

He thought it was just a feeling and went to school.

For starters at lunch he felt like he changed schools.

Because the  teachers were fricking different.

He had never met them before.It felt like nobody remembered the old ones.

He was starting to think everyone went mad when something bizarre happened.

His mother was in his school and she looked like she was searching for him.

He ran up to his mother ignoring the wierd looks everyone was giving him."Mom what are you doing here".

His mother looked alarmed and glad to see him."we don't have time to talk theo"."I promise i will  explain everything while we drive".

"Drive to where?",he asked her.

Before she could answer someone threw a knife at her.

It missed his mother by inches."Now this is why we should leave",she said to him alarmed.

Before he could respond,his mother was dragging him outside the school.

They both quickly got into the car,and his mother started the engine.

His mother took off very fastly and soon the school began to drift away.

"So are you going to answer me the reason why you're being weird" ,he asked her confused.

"Not until we cross this town",his mother sighed sadly."I know you're curious,but it's for your safety".

He knew she was serious,so he decided to take a nap.

He was having a dream , he was standing in a field and everything looked calm.

He felt happy standing there.

Suddenly someone hugged him from behind"I missed you so much",the person whispered.

He turned around and gazed at a beautiful girl. Somehow his lips tugged into a smile.

He understood that he loved this girl.

"Hello there Princess, finally found time to see me?",the words came from his tongue as if he had said it before.

"Yes my dearest and I have come to take you with me",the girl calmly smiled.

"You know that's not possible" ,he muttered sadly.

"But i found a way",she cupped his hands.

But then something happened.

Before both of them could decipher what was wrong the earth swallowed him.

His lover's despair was what he last heard before he plunged into darkness.

Theo awoke panting.

He tried remembering the dream but the girl's face was fading away.

He slightly shuddered thinking about the dream.

He noticed that they were still driving ,he saw a board outside telling that ' welcome to Manhattan'.

"Mom why are we going to Manhattan?"

His mom looked slightly startled by the question but she replied"That's where the camp is located".

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