5- Capture the flag

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All characters are owned by rick Riordan except for the ones i make

•| Percy|•

Hey , let's say , astraea is fun.

But I still had that gut feeling that I knew her from somewhere.

Like the moment I saw her standing with Annabeth I felt like I have seen her before.

Well , she did give me a scare when she started crying.

But overall i have this new protective feeling about her.

Like she's my little sister who i have to take care of.

So after i gave astraea a quick tour of the camp, which made us start a water fight, which i obviously won , i started showing her the cabins.

I showed her cabin 11 , and gave her a quick note about Travis & conner.

I waved her goodbye and went to find my beautiful girlfriend.

I saw that she was talking with Hazel and Piper.

"Hello wise girl" ,I hugged her from behind.

"You finished talking with her?"

"Yes , i also gave her a quick tour of the camp and cabin 11".

"Good , your finally being responsible" , Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Ugh you guys are so sweet together that it's hurting my eyes" ,Piper groaned.

"I know right , you both have too much PDA" ,hazel agreed.

"I'm getting out of here before you both start kissing" ,Piper yelled before running off to find Jason.

"You git, don't leave me behind" , Hazel shouted to Piper before joining her.

Next to me Annabeth started chuckling .

Soon I also started laughing.

After  our laughter stopped the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

We both were thinking about the new prophecy.

"So another prophecy again huh?",I said heavily.

"Well this one is clearly not talking about much death , but still yes we  have to be part of another prophecy" , replied Annabeth. I could see that she was not taking this well , I mean all of us were not.

All we ever wanted was to have a normal life , but when you are a demigod that doesn't happen.

After the war with Gaia we lost all hope thinking that Leo died.

It only regained a little when Leo came back on festus with calypso.

Even after Leo was back , the camp was healing slowly.

The war with Gaia made us lose a lot even if we won against her.

And now this prophecy, if the campers know about it I'm sure they'll all be gloomy and sad.

"Percy? , Back to earth" , Annabeth called out.

I didn't realise I was zoning out.

"I'm sorry, I have been very much distracted recently".

"It's alright, you were about to tell me  what you spoke with astraea" , Annabeth raised a brow.

"It's not that type of talk" ,i rolled my eyes playfully before filling Annabeth with everything we talked.

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