4 - The vision

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All characters are owned by rick Riordan except for the ones i make


She was standing on top of a hill,and all of a sudden a black hole appeared under her.

She was falling

She was inside a dark place , she saw a huge army of monsters.

In front of them was something, she wasn't able to see what it was because of the darkness surrounding it.

It was speaking to the monsters.

"Our goddess will rise , she will give us the power and freedom we need."

All the monsters turned to her as if they sensed her presence.

All of a sudden everyone kneeled, saying "All hail the creator".

The scene shifted

She was standing in middle of a battle.

She saw percy fighting monsters, a group of laistrygonian giants were surrounding him.

He was fighting for his life, one of them threw a spear at him , percy ducked , but before that someone stabbed him with a sword from behind.

All she saw was percy falling down.

Her eyes shot open , she was sweating a lot

Her head felt like it had been splitted in half.

She looked around , she was lying on a bed.

Someone was listening to music in front of her.

When he finnally turned around he saw that she was awake.

"Oh , sorry i block out my surroundings when im listening to music"

"It's alright,i liked the silence while it was there", i shrugged.

That's all she got to say before she blacked out again.

This time , it felt like she was watching a memory, she saw herself on the ground and the guy before healing her.

Then suddenly she saw a girl step forward, her eyes turned green and mist surrounded her.

She spoke in a ancient raspy voice.

"Seven half bloods shall be reunited,

The earth and her son awakens their heart,

The cursed creator bound to be waken,

To Disaster or life , the world fallen,

The one to give her home , will get a home,

The creators wrath , defines the war,

To Titans or her , the world goes,

To fail or win , the war long goes."

And the girl fainted

The scene shifted, she saw young percy arriving at camp half blood,all of a sudden memories of years exposed themselves before her.

She saw percy's war with Kronos.

She saw the Romans , the war between gaia , she then saw argo II , then saw a boy flying in a metal dragon.

She opened her eyes and saw herself being surrounded by a couple of people.

The boy from before came rushing to her side.

"Oh gods , you scared me"

"I'm sorry i didn't know I was going to faint again" , astraea apologized feeling embarrassed.

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