3 - The prophecy

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All characters are owned by rick Riordan except for the ones i make

•|Annabeth |•

I never thought my day would start with percy barging into my cabin and waking me up.

All he said was ,"we're gonna bring a demigod from school".

Looks like grover sensed that there was a demigod in a school.

But she was a year older than Nico, demigods rarely survived that long without any monster attack.

So Chiron told grover to bring thaila , Nico , percy and me to him .

I quickly got ready and went with percy to the lake.

Most of the demigods were not here , and i could see thaila and Nico standing with grover.

We greeted eachother and waited for Chiron to arrive.

When he finnally arrived I knew something was off.

Spending years with Chiron made me understand his thoughts.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

" I don't know Annabeth, this demigod feels off to me" Chiron replied truthfully.

"Why do you think so?" ,it was Nico who spoke this time.

"She's a year older than you di angelo".

"Her aura is also very strong" , Chiron added."Even more stronger than yours percy".

"Does that mean she's a forbidden kid?" ,Percy exchanged glances with Annabeth.

"I don't know, that is why you five should go and check it out" , Chiron told them before walking away.

Checking to see if Chiron was earshot , I said "Something is bothering Chiron".

"I can see it , he is not telling us something" ,thaila said.

"We should  leave , the more quickly we reach there the more fast we can get out of there before loosing someone" ,percy said and everyone knew he was talking about the time they went to rescue Nico and Bianca.

"Fine , everyone hold my hands we're gonna shadow travel" ,the son of Hades said before extending his hand.

They all joined hands and the next moment found themselves near a basketball court.

They entered inside the school and found out that it was big.

"So everyone split up , and try to find the demigod, if you don't find her then come back to this hall and wait for everyone else to reach", I told them.

Everyone scattered to different directions before going , percy pulled me into a hug.

"Don't leave me like last time" ,he whispered into my ears.

"I won't seaweed brain , I'll be in this floor only" ,I told him softly.

"Fine , I know my wise girl will never leave me" ,percy said to her before kissing her.

"I love it when you're face is like a cherry" ,percy said while grinning at her.

"Oh shut up and go before I judo flip you" ,I said fondly before rolling my eyes.

"Fine I'm going" ,percy huffed and ran away to join the others.

I was checking out the gym when i heard a girl walking near me mutter "What is up with these people and sword like thingy's".

Oh Hades , how did she know about us? I turned around and asked her how she knew , it turned out she was a mortal named astraea.

I don't know why but that name was making me uneasy, like I was supposed to know this girl infront of me.

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