8 - The departure (II)

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All characters are owned by rick Riordan except for the ones i make


There is no way we're having another war ,i thought we were over this stuff after dirt face.

To clear my mind , Calypso asked me to walk with her,it was still unbelievable that she was together with me.

I didn't know how bad boy supreme the one and only Leo Mcshizzle valdez ended up together with the beautiful calypso.

"Leo?,back to earth" , calypso poked me playfully.

"Sorry mi amor ,i got a little distracted"

"So you're going for another quest huh", calypso sighed sadly.

"I won't die this time i promise" ,i chuckled loudly trying to change her sadness.

"Sorry I forgot that death doesn't apply to you" ,Calypso rolled her eyes playfully.

"So what do you think of astraea?".I asked her trying to change the subject.

"It feels like I know her but at the same time I don't,its like I forgot how I knew her", Calypso said thoughtfully.

"When I was born I used to hear the titans talking about a forgotten goddess"

"A forgotten goddess?"

"Yes , i think she was also called astraea"

"Weird coincidence huh?!" ,I chuckled lowly.

"Maybe",she shrugged.

I started thinking about astraea, something about her felt familiar like i knew her.

Wait why is Calypso so quiet suddenly.

*Splash* i was completely drenched in cold water.

I turned around to see Calypso shaking with laughter while holding a bucket.

I got a crazy Idea , "Oh mi amor if I was you i wouldn't just stand and wait for me to come hug you".

The horrified look on her face was worth it.

"YOU CAN'T CATCH ME",she yelled while running.

"Oh sure I can darling" ,i smirked before running off behind her.


"Are you sure we did the right thing?",poseiden asked.

"Brother i know what I did , it was the right thing to do" , Zeus replied.

"But Father i foresee bad things happening ", Apollo argued.

"ENOUGH" , Zeus bellowed." what I did was for the best no one will talk about this anymore".

•| Piper |•

"Drew is being such a brat" ,my sister hailey complained to me.

"Ignore her like we always do ",I chuckled.

It was funny how percy's sister annoyed drew so much

I was busy packing my bag when Jason decided to watch me like a creep.

He was leaning against the door simply watching me.

"Being a creep now huh" , i chuckled at him.

"Maybe", he shrugged playfully.

"You finished packing?"

"It's not like i have a lot to pack my mother is not a beauty queen" , Jason replied.

"Atleast I have fashion ",i retorted rolling my eyes.

"Are you telling me I dont have fashion", said jason with a fake pout placing a hand over his heart.

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