Arsenal x Teen:aussiereader

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It was coming close to christmas and all my arsenal teammates were preparing to go back to their homes for the holiday. during training that's what was talked about the most, what they were doing for christmas, who they were spending it with, when people were flying home. I tried my best to distance myself from the girls while they talked about it, not wanting to be asked what i would be doing for the holiday. I wasn't going to fly back home to australia and spend christmas with my toxic parents who ended up kicking me out at 16. If my teammates found out about this they would freak, being very overprotective seeing as i'm the youngest on the team and living by myself in a different country.

"when are you flying home for christmas kid?"

A Irish accent rings in my ear as an arm slings around my shoulder bringing me into a side hug as i walk towards the locker room. I slightly look up to make eye contact with katie as i try to think of something to say.

"i'm not" i say blandly looking down at the ground as i enter the locker room.

"Your not going back to australia for christmas?" katie says rather loudly, causing a lot of attention towards us especially from the three other aussies in the room.

"nope" i say popping the 'p' as i sit down in my cubby and start taking off my boots.

"your spending the holiday in london with your family? That's sweet" leah's the next one to speak up as she walks over.

"yeah um something like that" you murmured as you quickly took of your training gear and changed into a pair of fresh clothes, not noticing the confused looks between leah, katie and your australian teammates.

Before they could ask you anymore questions your phone began to ring, staring at the australian number you knew all to well you completely froze. everyone in the locker room looked at each other with confused expressions as they noticed your hands shake as you completely power off your phone and toss it into your bag.

"i-er- i have to go, i'll see yous tomorrow" you say quickly, slinging your training bag around your shoulder and speed walk towards the exit.

"you not coming to team bonding tonight?" beth speaks up rather loudly.

"i cant sorry i have a shit tonne of school work i need to finish"

"Oi, language" steph speaks up as she hits you lightly on the back of your head.

"sorry mum" you say sarcastically while rolling your eyes as the rest of the team start laughing.

"anyways bye" you say quickly as you slip out the door and down the hallway.

The locker room stays silent for a few seconds until steph speaks up.

"she's been acting weird today" she says unsurely getting a few quiet agreements.

"yeah she was very quiet during training" leah says looking towards kyra noticing how the young girl was zoned out.

"kyra? you okay?" Kyra snaps out of it quickly and makes eye contact with leah.

"did you see how she reacted when her phone rang? i think something's wrong" she says quietly.

"yeah that was odd, it looked like an Australian number aswell" Katie spoke up.

"i'm sure everything's fine, we'll talk to her about it tomorrow" Viv says calmly as she beckons everyone to get ready.

"yeah okay, anyways, everyone still good to meet at the cafe tonight" beth says excitedly getting lots of agreements from the team.

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