Barca x reader

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'when are you going to grow up' was on of the main things that was said to you during your time so far at Barca. Being 17 and the youngest on the team and the most cheekiest, pulling pranks regularly causing the rest of the team to get fairly annoyed. Although they couldn't get that annoyed with you, being viewed as the team baby it was safe to say they all had a soft spot for you. It wasn't just the fact that you still had braces or that you wore glasses most of the time, making you look like a child, it was your personality that they considered you a child for. Everyday you would come to training bubbling with excitement and muck around and make jokes with the girls, always having a smile on your face. Even though you were nearly an adult, that's not how your teammates treated you, always telling you to grow up after pulling a harmless prank or if you were to complain about something.

You remember the day at training where you really thought about what they said, after getting a scolding for tying mapi's shoelaces together for the 5th time that week, causing her to fall over every time. Alexia talked to you sternly, a pouting mapi standing behind her along with the rest of the team leaving you sitting boredly in your cubby.

"2 laps, now." she says coldly making the girls behind her laugh.

"w-what no, that's child abuse!" you say as you spring to your feet.

"now." she says again, you groan loudly before slowly walking out the change rooms alone. You quickly turn around and head back towards the changerooms after forgetting your water bottle, that's when you started overthinking.

"i can't wait for her to grow up" Mapi says teasingly with a laugh.

"aren't teenagers supposed to start maturing when there younger than 17?" lucy says jokingly causing the whole team to start laughing, they start talking again in spanish which you still can't understand. Not being taught or practicing over your time with the team.

You stood just outside the door, overhearing what they had all said. You knew you acted like a child most the time, but that was just you having fun. That's when you decided you needed to change, if the team thought of you as a child then you needed to start acting your age. You all had a few week break coming up, not to mention your 18th birthday happened to be mid way through, making you an official adult.

You thought about it more as you ran your laps, not realizing the team was only just walking out onto the pitch. With your mind working in overdrive you came up with a plan to change the way you acted and hopefully be as grown up as they expect you to be. You missed the confused glances being sent your way as you started running a third lap without realizing.

"y/n!" someone calls out, you don't register the yelling until your close to finishing the lap.

"i said two laps pequeña!" alexia's voice breaks you out of your trance as you start slowing down.

"oh uh sorry!" you call out with a fake smile, making your way to find a water bottle.

The rest of training consists of you running circles around the team, making the most of annoying them with your childish behavior until you completely change over break.

Once training ends you all walk back towards the changerooms, you break out into a run once you spot mapi.

"Mapi!" you yell as you jump onto her back causing her to slightly stumble but still catch you with a smile.

"i'm going to miss you" you say as you cling onto her back like a koala.

"it's only a few weeks pequeña" she says with a laugh as she drops you off at your cubby, causing you to cross your arms and pout.

"Ingrid and i can come over during break if it makes you feel any better" she says with a teasing smile.

"hmmm no. i wont miss you to the point you come to my house invited" you say with a smirk causing her to gasp. The couple usually showing up to your house unannounced as you live by yourself, obviously not entirely convinced that you can manage taking care of of yourself well enough.

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