KyraCC x Arsenal reader (Tired)

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you knew going to training without having slept the whole night was a bad idea.

The bright sun blared into your bedroom through the crack of the curtains as your alarm finally blared. You groaned before turning it off and sitting up in your bed, rubbing your hands over the dark eye bags that had built up the past few days. Getting out of bed you quickly make your way to your bathroom, hoping a hot shower will make you feel more awake than what you are now. You didn't purposely stay awake all last night. Being 19 and doing online school whilst living by yourself was a big responsibility, and the fact that your older teammates would scold you if you failed to keep up with the school work scared you a bit. So to make sure that didn't happen, you were up all night finishing assignments and doing schoolwork that you failed to realize you had only 4 hours before training that afternoon. Pulling another all-nighter for the second night in a row wasn't your intention but you had to do what you had to do keep up.

Getting out of the shower you catch a glance of yourself in the mirror. You pause for a moment, only just now realizing how drained you really look. The dark rings under your eyes were clearly noticeable along with the exhausted expression on your face. Sighing quietly, you quickly start applying makeup, once you looked semi decent you quickly changed into your training kit. The makeup did a good job at covering your eyes bags as you weren't questioned when you walk into the changerooms.

"Aye the baby's here!" Katie cheers as you walk in, a genuine smile forms on your face as she pats you on your head. Before you know it many of your teammates were surrounding you, giving you head taps and shoulder squeezes.

When you first joined arsenal Leah was the first one to notice your discomfort for physical touch, which lead to her informing the whole team. It wasn't that you didn't like physical touch, it was the opposite really. It was something you craved, but were to awkward to initiate, now that your team thought you didn't like it. Growing up with shitty parents up until you were 16 had a large impact on you, not once did you get a comforting hug from your mum, nor a pat on the back from your dad whenever you achieved something great. But you chose to keep all that a secret. You were coping fine by yourself, you think.

"How have you been kid?" Steph asks as you finally make it to your cubby beside her.

"yeah i'm aright, how are you steffy" you say back kindly, your voice betraying you as you said it more flat then what you intended. Steph gave you a concerned look before replying.

"i'm good, are you sure your alright? You sound different" she asks almost protectively.

"oh, er, yeah no i'm fine, just a bit tired" you reply back quickly, giving her an unsure smile.

"what time did you go to sleep last night?" she asks with a questioning look. Before you had time to come up with a lie you were all called out to start training. Sighing in relief you quickly avoid steffys question and rush into the pitch.

You were able to keep up the whole training, only making a few minor mistakes. To say you felt exhausted was an understatement as you struggled to even keep your eyes open on the way back to the changerooms. You failed to notice the looks sent your way from your teammates as they all quietly talked with eachother.

"You're right, she does look exhausted" Leah spoke quietly towards steph as they stood with Katie, caitlin, Alessia, kyra and Beth on the opposite side of the room. They watched as you slowly made your way towards the showers, still not noticing your teammates concerned stares.

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