kewis x teen reader

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You knew things were going to be different, you could tell. The atmosphere in the house totally changed once sam had done her acl. You also knew that the thing sam needed the most at the moment was kristie, and you did your best to stay out the way and give them space. It was easy considering that most the times you tried to talk to them they would accidentally snap or ignore you. But that's okay, you understood, but it didn't stop you from overthinking. Sam and Kristie adopted you when you were 13, your 17 now, having lived those 13 years being neglected from your biological family you knew what it was like.

Now you spent most of your spare time buried in schoolwork and playing soccer. They didn't know though, you couldn't bring yourself to talk about playing soccer in front of sam at the moment. You knew it was unhealthy, waking up before sunrise to practice then going to school just to finish and walk straight back to the field to practice again until it was dark. It's not like they noticed anyway.

You woke up early in the morning, quickly changing into a comfy outfit and packing your bag for your big game today. Walking into the kitchen you were suprised to see both kristie and sam sitting at the dining table eating breakfast this early.

"oh uh morning" you mumbled as you started making yourself a coffee to wake you up.

"You're up early" Sam says as she sends a confused look your way.

"What's with the bag?" Kristie speaks up.

"er just meeting with some friends" you say nervously, continuing to quickly down your coffee, oblivious to the confused looks they were giving you.

"why are you both up this early?" you say casually, trying to get the attention off you.

"Some of the aussie girls are dragging us to a kids soccer game today" sam reply's with an exited smile causing kristie to laugh.

"oh cool cool, um i've got to go, i'll be back for dinner" you say quickly checking your phone before walking out the house.

Sam and Kristie sit in silence for a few moments after you left, only now just catching onto your weird behavior.

"She looks tired" Sam murmured with a sad look.

"She hasn't been home that much aswell" kristie adds.

"i'm worried about her kristie" sam says with tears in her eyes

"We'll talk to her tonight okay?"

The changing room erupted in cheers as you walked in causing you to laugh.

"Captains finally here!" one of your teammates cheered as they jumped on your back nearly causing you both to fall on the ground.

You joked around a bit before changing into your gear and leading the team out on the field to warm up. You were confident your team would win today, as the stadium started to crowd your team made your way back into the change rooms for a pre match talk. unknown to you, that the 'kids soccer game' your parents, alanna, caitlin, mackenzie and steph were watching was yours.

To say they were shocked to see you walking the team out with a captains armband was an understatement.

"You didn't tell us y/n was playing!" steph spoke up shocked.

"i- i didnt know" sam says with a mix of shock and guilt.

"she didn't tell you she was playing today?" caitlin asked confused.

"she never told us that she even played soccer at all" kristie said sadly.

"omg she's the captain aswell" macca says pointing to you with a shocked expression.

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