Teen Reader x Arsenal (Found family)

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when you agreed on going out to dinner with the arsenal girls the last thing you expected was your big secret to be exposed

You stood infront of your mirror getting ready, wearing a pair of denim jeans and a cute cropped shirt as you put on light make up. You hear the door knock as you rush to grab your things and open it.

"well don't you look cute" beth squeals as she wraps you up into a hug.

"thanks beffy" you say with a laugh as you let go to hug viv"

"you ready to go kid" she says as you shut and lock your door.


The drive only took around 10 minutes and before you knew it you arrived at a busy restaurant. Walking inside you instantly spotted the reserved table with your teammates. Once they see you they all start catcalling and cheering about your arrival.

"The kids here!" you hear katie yell as you give a little spin and a bow making them erupt in laughter.

"Well don't you scrub up nice" steph says as you take a seat between her and alessia.

"looking cute tonight y/n" alessia says as she gives you a side hug.

"thanks lessi" you smile back, opening the menu.

A drink was placed infront of you by leah who gave you a pointed look.

"it's soda" she says sternly, making you roll your eyes playfully. The rest of the team laugh as you were still under the age limit to drink.

"have you guys ordered?" you ask, skimming through the menu before putting it down.

"Not yet, what are you thinking of getting?" caitlin asks you from where she sat next to katie.

"Probably a salad" you reply with a shrug, earning a few concerned glances from the girls. Before they could ask any questions the waiter had come to the table taking orders.

"You been keeping up with your schoolwork y/n?" viv asks you after the waiter had left.

"yeah, just focusing on one project at the moment" you say hesitantly.

"Yeah your english right?" katie asks with a smile.

"er yeah something like that" you murmer.

It wasn't exactly english you were focusing on, it was music. From a young age it was something you had grown up loving. Learning to play any instruments you could get your hands on and writing songs about whatever. You kept to yourself about it, not wanting any attention to be drawn towards you. But when the opportunity to form a band came up when you met a few boys at your school you knew you had to take it. It was like a secret side hustle at this point. You played lead guitar and vocals while your friends Jacob, Alex and harry played drums, acoustic guitar and keyboard. You always told the girls you were going to friends houses to study but instead you were writing songs and having band practices.

You were interrupted by your thoughts as your food was brought out. Slowly eating your salad you felt your teammates eyes on you You listened to the band playing in the background, not registering when the next band was called on stage as you tuned in to the conversations around you.

"er, hi sorry" you heard a familiar male voice say, causing you to spit out your drink and look up. The girls give you a look of amusement as you cough and wipe your mouth.

"like something you see" steph whispers into your ear playfully. You hit her shoulder softly, sending her a quick glare before looking back up to the boy.

"what can we do for you? Do you want a photo?" Katie asks nicely but a tad bit confused.

"um no sorry, i just need to speak to y/n" he reply's kindly, sending you a quick look. The girls are suddenly surprised before they look at your alarmed expression.

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