Teen reader x Arsenal (Found family) 2

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A few of your teammates ended up staying at yours the night, to make sure you were okay. But when they woke up you were no where to be seen. Alessia was the first to notice as she woke up to the empty space next to her.

"y/n?" alessia called out as she sat up in bed rubbing her eyes, instantly worrying about your disappearance. Her of all people knew that you weren't an early bird, opting to sleep in for as long as you could instead of getting up early.

Getting out of bed alessia walked into the living room where Leah, Steph, Kyra, Caitlin and Katie were sitting on the couch talking quietly.

"Where's y/n?" Alessia asked confused, not seeing you with the group. Alessia was met with confused and concerned looks.

"She's not still in bed?" katie asks confused, alessia shook her head before noticing a large note on the fridge.

Walking over she took the note softly, reading it out loud to the group.

"I couldn't sleep that well so i went for a run, i have a few things to do so i'll meet you guys at training. Feel free to stay at mine for as long as you want xxx
(P.S- don't drink all my coffee please and thankyou)
- Y/n L/n ❤️"

A few of the girls sigh sadly at the fact that you couldn't sleep and that you were overworking yourself with a run before training. Alessia stares at the note for a few seconds before placing it on the counter.

"Did anyone hear her leave?" Leah speaks up, getting a few no's from the girls.

"Well we mays well get ready and meet her at training then" caitlin speaks up.

After waking up at 4 in the morning and deciding to go for a run you stop at Alex's house, where harry and jacob happen to be. Before you knew it you were all in the garage working on a song you had written called 'Run away' (p!nk). The song represented your backstory and somewhat your old home life when you were living with your parents.

Playing and writing music with the boys came freely, you all matched each other perfectly so it wasn't suprising that the song only took an hour or two to finish. Playing it together one last time whilst recording it you nodded your goodbyes and started walking to the training grounds. Arriving earlier than the other girls you set your stuff up in your cubby and made your way onto the pitch.

You don't know how long you were out practicing for but soon enough your teammates make their way onto the pitch, watching as you kick every ball you had set up, perfectly into the net. Alessia smiles to herself proudly before yelling out and waving you over. You look over quickly before running to collect the balls you kicked before you approach the group.

"hey guys" you say a bit out of breath with a smile.

"What time did you leave this morning?" Kyra asks as she slings an arm over your shoulder.

"er around 4" you say unsurely.

"Y/n..." Leah starts with a concerned expression which matched the other girls.

"yeah, yeah i know" you mumble right before your all called to start training.

Training went by quickly, and it's only now you realize that not sleeping and overworking yourself with a run and extra training wasn't the best idea. You walk next to Alessia as you make your way to your cubby, quickly changing out of your training kit and into a pair of trackies and one of Alex's hoodies. Your to zoned out to notice how the girls were in the corner of the change room gathered around the phone. You were so zoned out to the point that it didn't register what sound it was playing.

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