Matildas reader x Arsenal (zoo trauma)

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(This is kinda agnsty i guess, lowkey a plot twist and kinda unrealistic but oh well)
(we're just going to pretend the whole arsenal team went to australia okay)

Safe to say you were very nervous when you were told you and your teammates were visiting melbourne zoo once you landed in Australia.

The whole bus ride you sat close to the front. Which caused some confused glances your way as normally you would sit at the back, causing trouble and singing horribly. What really had your teammates concerned was the way you started acting once you landed in melbourne. The whole bus ride you sat by yourself, trying to distract yourself by listening to music but it wouldn't stop your leg from continuously shaking.

"You alright kid?" Steph asks once you all step off the bus, walking towards the zoo entrance.

"yeah, just feels weird being back, i haven't been to this zoo in a while" you say nervously, Steph looked at you curiously.

"you used to come here often?" caitlin buts in, overhearing the conversation from where she walked behind you with katie.

"you could say that" you murmured as you were lead towards a zoo keeper you knew all to well.

Hiding behind the back of the group you listened as they introduced themselves and explained what sections of the zoo they were going to take you all to and what animals there were.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that you y/n" The zoo keeper, Doug called out, noticing you at the back of the group. Slowly you walked through the group of girls and towards the front, earning a few confused glances from them.

"Hey Duggy" you say with a bright smile as you tuck your self under his arm. He hugs you back tightly with a laugh.

"Running back for your old job or what?" he asks teasingly, ruffling your hair. You hit his hand away with a huff.

"you wish" you poke him in the guts gently, causing him to wince with a smile. The girls around you stood there stunned, watching the interaction play out with confused looks.

Before you joined arsenal, when you were living in melbourne, you worked here at melbourne zoo. At first you just helped clean up enclosures part time, but overtime the people you worked with noticed how good you were with the animals and visitors which lead to you being one of their top zoo keepers. You had worked with Doug most of your time here, him only being 2 years older than you, you started looking up to him as an older brother.

"You used to work here y/n?" Leah asks curiously, eyeing of Doug with an overprotective glance. You nod at her with a small smile before Doug catches your attention again.

"you know, i think Alex missed you" Doug nudges your shoulder playfully causing you to gasp.

"omg he's still here?!" you nearly shout, now jumping with excitement as you grab onto Doug's arm.

"who's Alex?" Kyra asks with a small smile, your sudden excitement making your teammates look at you with a fond expression.

"y/ns best friend, we'll go see him first" Doug says as he starts leading the group towards a large enclosure, with you practically dragging him as you start to skip.

"Your bestfriends a lion?!" Beth shrieks as you all stand in front of an open enclosure.

"Yeah! isn't he cute" you beam as you lean onto the rail, looking lower towards the ground.

"cute?! more like deadly" Katie almost yells, you side eye her quickly before looking towards doug with a hopeful expression.

"Go on kid" he says with a smile, nodding towards the lion that layed lazily on a rock in the sun.

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