Alexia x Reader (platonic)

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(not proof read btw, apologies for the minor mistakes)

You knew alexia blamed herself for the loss of the game, only just missing the goal which could've equalized the score. You could tell she was in a bad mood but you didn't think she would take all her anger out on you.

You've been living with alexia ever since you joined barca at 15, being 18 now. Alexia took you under her wing as soon as she met you, filling the mother role better than your biological mother ever could. Your parents kicked you out when you told them you were pursing soccer as your career, they didn't agree that it was a sport for girls which led to you couch surfing for a few months. Until you joined the barca senior team.

Alexia walked into your shared home in a fit of rage, slamming the front door behind her carelessly. You trailed behind slowly carrying both of your bags, you hesitated entering the house. You slowly opened the door and took your shoes off, placing both of your bags neatly  by the door as you took a deep breath. Walking towards the living room where alexia was sitting on the couch, a scowl on her face as she stared at the tv.

"Ale are you okay?" you ask hesitantly from the door way, she shoots you a glare before answering.

"Do i look okay to you y/n?" she asks angrily

"erm no, w-what's wrong" you say quietly. You knew she was angry because of the game, why she was angry at you is what your confused about.

"what's wrong? We fucking lost the game y/n. I lost us the game. If i didn't have a distraction with me 24/7 i might've actually had a chance at scoring. Your affecting my career y/n" she ranted angrily without looking at you.

You stood there heartbroken, taking every word of hers. All though you didn't let any tears fall, not wanting her to know that her words affected you as much as they really did.

"o-oh okay, i'll um give you some space if that's what you want" you say quietly as you grab your bag and shoes from the door and walk to your room.

Alexia sighs and rests her face in her hands, already feeling guilty about what she's said to you. She was about to get up and follow you to apologize but decided she needed more time to cool down so she doesn't snap again.

Meanwhile you were already packing your bags, chucking them out the window quietly as you wait for your uber to arrive.

Truth is you had bought your first house around a month ago, alexia didn't know though. You had planned to move most of your stuff into your new house without her noticing, before telling her, so that's what you did. With your room at alexia's pretty much now empty except for the furniture, you jumped out the window quietly and made your way to your new home.

Your house wasn't much but it was enough for you. It wasn't far from both the training grounds and alexia's house so you knew it was perfect. It had a garage and everything so that's where your car had been living since you got it. You bought a car at the same time you bought the house, without alexia's knowledge as you got your own license recently.

Finally arriving you thanked the uber and unlocked your house, already feeling at peace. You took your shoes off and left them by the door, making your way to your already decorated room and getting ready to have a shower and go to bed.

By the time you had fallen asleep Alexia had built up the courage to finally apologize to you.
But when she opened your bedroom door you weren't there and neither was your stuff.

"y-y/n?" Alexia's heart dropped as she pulled out her phone and dialed your number only for it to decline.

"no no no" alexia mumbled as she tried to call you again on the verge of tears, only for the call to decline once again.

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