Matildas reader x Arsenal (zoo trauma) 2

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You'd be lying if you said you weren't in a large amount of pain when you woke up.

Opening your eyes groggily you tried to shift your sleeping position until you looked down at the weight on your stomach. Kyra had her arms wrapped around you tightly as she slept peacefully on top of you. Smiling at her slightly you reach for your phone with a wince, checking the time you sigh as it reads 4am.

You knew you weren't going to be able to go back to sleep, so carefully you shifted kyra off of you, trying your best not to wake her. You sit on the edge of the bed groaning quietly, getting up and stumbling towards your bag which was near the other side of the room. Searching for painkillers you dig through your bag, after finally finding them you make your way to the bathroom. Downing the pills you look at yourself in the mirror, only now noticing the scratches across your face. Slowly taking off the hoodie you were wearing you examine your body in the mirror. From your stomach up to your chest and around your shoulders was covered in a large bandage and medical tape.

"stupid 'Shere Khan' mother fucker" you grumble as you lightly trace where the tigers claws had sunk into you.

You flinch suddenly when a scream comes from the bedroom. Discarding your hoodie on the bathroom counter you rush out the door. Your heart breaks at the sight of kyra sat up drenched in sweat, looking around frantically with tears in her eyes. You walk up to her slowly, trying your best not to startle her as it's obvious she just woke up from a pretty bad nightmare.

"Hey kyra, your okay" you say softly causing her to flinch. She launches her shaky form into your arms as you hold her tightly, whispering reassurances in her ear.

"i've got you" you say gently, guiding her back towards the bed, she holds onto you tightly as if you would leave.

"y-y/n it was so bad, i-it got you and i couldn't do anything a-and you didnt-" she sobs out into your arms.

"It was just a nightmare, we're both okay Ky, nothings going to hurt you" you tell her softly, holding her shaky form in your lap.

"Let's run you a bath and put on some comfier clothes okay" you say, gently sitting up as she wraps her legs around you while you stand up.

Ignoring the pain you carry her towards the bathroom, setting her down so she's sitting on the counter. Carefully getting out of her grip you lean over and start running the bath, making sure it's the right temperature before it starts to fill up. You felt kyra's eyes on your body as you stood with your back towards her, you were only wearing a pair of shorts as the bandages did a good enough job at covering the top half of your body. The scrapes and bruises on your arms were more visible in this lighting and kyra's heart broke just thinking about how much pain you were in right now.

"right" you say to your self as you turn the tap off, the bath now being decently full you turn back towards kyra.

"I'll let you have a bath now, i'll wait in the bedroom" you say softly, noticing how she looked at you with a scared expression and shook her head.

"c-can you please stay" she asks desperately, grabbing your hand in hers.

"y-yeah okay" you stutter shyly.

You watch as she tries to take her hoodie off, her hands shaking violently as she struggles. Stepping in front of her you give her a warm smile, helping her lift the hoodie over her head so she stood in front of you only in a T-shirt and shorts.

"Can you please help me" she mumbles quietly, keeping her gaze towards the floor in attempt to hide her flushed cheeks.

"of course ky" you say softly, noticing how embarrassed she was in this situation.

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