Barca x reader pt2

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safe to say your teammates did not in fact 'save your innocence'.

You had turned your location off before the team meeting, remembering that it was on and not feeling like letting them track you down every minute of the day. You made it to jacobs house quickly and managed to loose your teammates before they had the chance to follow you. You accidentally bumped into Jacob one afternoon at a cafe you visit regularly, from then on you both had started texting and hanging out a lot which eventually turned into a friends with benefits situation. It was more like a fuck buddy situation as you would sleep with each other but no feelings were attached, you treated each other like bestfriends.

"oh jacobbbbb" you yell as you enter his house, flinging your cardigan onto the coat rack and walking towards the living room.

"Hey bitch" he reply's sitting down as you jump onto the couch nearly landing on him.

"you should've seen the teams faces when i walked in today" you say as you make yourself comfortable by snuggling into his side.

"i can imagine, you had quite the glow up" he says with a teasing smile, reaching to push a hand through his fluffy brunette hair.

"oh and i also answered your call infront of them and they gave me a talk after. They told me i wasn't aloud to go to a party with a boy or go to his house after" you say looking up to him with a small smile and a mischievous glint in your eye. He starts laughing before asking you a question.

"yeah right, what did you tell them after that" hey says as he puts an arm around you.

"i agreed with them, and then told them i would go to your house now instead" you say in a serious voice causing him to crack up laughing.

"they got really overprotective aswell, i made sure my location was off and drove off when they tried to follow me" yous say

"omg y/n, there going to murder me" he says with fake annoyance.

"yeah probably" you say casually as you stand up

"this is where your supposed to tell me that everything will be okay and i'll be fine" he says worried.

"yeah but i can't guarantee that" you say patting his head, smiling at his horrified expression.

"now hurry up, i want mcdonald's" you complain, already walking out the door and towards his car.

Once you both got your mcdonald's you decided to drive around for a bit and blast music until the sun started setting. You make your first post on instagram since break, checking for approval from jacob before posting. You both decide to call it a night as you drop him back home, giving him a hug goodbye and starting your journey home, not knowing what was waiting for you at your house.



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