Chapter 13

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Indila was freaking out. What did he mean? Was it "my room," as in my bedroom, or "my TV room"? She had been to the TV room with him many times, and every single time, he had referred to it as the "TV room," never just "the room," and certainly never "my room." Why was he saying it now? He had kissed her for the very first time last night; what did that mean? Was he inviting her to sleep there with him? Or just to watch TV? Or maybe watch TV and then sleep? Or...

Indila spent her afternoon with Crassus, having dinner earlier to avoid meeting Coriolanus just yet. After dinner, she found herself sitting in her room, overwhelmed with panic. How silly of her. She had been with boys before; she knew what to do and how to do it. But were they doing that? She couldn't tell. What did he mean? She kept returning to the same question in her head. Someone knocked on the door. It was an Avox who handed her a small piece of paper. Indila thanked the Avox, and they walked away.

Back in her room, she hesitated to open the piece of paper, knowing it came from him. She gathered her courage and unfolded it.

"I missed you so bad during dinner. Come and meet me whenever you're ready."

There was no signature this time, but she knew it was from Coryo, of course. Okay, you can do it, she reassured herself. That evening, Indila took the longest bath of her life, ensuring she washed every single part of her body. She combed her hair and decided to leave it wet, applied some perfume, and moisturized her skin, especially her legs. It's going to be okay, she kept telling herself. No makeup and no ribbon in her hair; she wanted to look natural. What were you supposed to wear to spend a night in your fiancé's bedroom? A big question, and she didn't know the answer. She settled on white lace underwear and an oversized T-shirt. Just that; the T-shirt was long enough to reach the middle of her thighs. She didn't want to appear as though she had thought too much about it, even though she really had.

Indila cautiously opened her bedroom door and peered down the hallway in both directions, making sure nobody would see her in that state. The hallway was clear. Coriolanus' bedroom was nearby, just a few doors to the left. She had observed him entering there on several occasions, and it was undoubtedly the fanciest door in the palace. Moving quietly on her toes, she navigated the hallway, praying no one would appear at that moment. Finally reaching Coryo's door, she took a deep breath before knocking. "The door is not locked; you can enter," he called from inside. Indila opened the door to find Coriolanus on the other side of the room, shirtless and wearing lightweight pants. Drying his hair with a towel, he noticed her presence, left the towel behind, and approached the door to greet her with a kiss and a warm hug.

Indila felt the silkiness of his skin; he was stronger than he appeared when dressed. "Good evening, my princess," he greeted. Indila, still somewhat dazed, responded, and he noticed her discomfort. "Do you want me to put something on? I have a shirt here somewhere..." He began searching for a shirt. "No, that's okay; stay the way you feel most comfortable," she replied. He smiled, "So, if you don't mind, I'm staying like this. Sometimes I feel stuck inside shirts all day long; they are tight around my neck." Indila was starting to feel at ease again. "That's okay, top on me, bottoms on you," he laughed. "Please, make yourself at home. How do you like your new room in a few weeks?"

His bedroom seamlessly blended classic and modern elements, radiating timeless luxury and sophistication. The space harmonized opulent traditional furnishings with sleek, contemporary design. Rich fabrics, ornate details, and refined finishes conveyed a sense of classic elegance, while cutting-edge technology and minimalist accents added a modern touch. The overall ambiance was a perfect fusion of the grandeur of the past and the sleek efficiency of the present, creating a uniquely luxurious and comfortable retreat. Of course, vases filled with white roses adorned the room.

There was a massive bed, the largest Indila had ever seen. She imagined herself, along with Crassus and Coryo, lying on that bed—it was a pleasant thought. "You really have excellent taste, Mr. President. But I still prefer my room," she remarked. He didn't seem disappointed; rather, he appeared proud. "Well, we can incorporate some of its touches when you move in." Indila loved how he made her feel a part of his life in every detail.

Coryo lay down on his bed, and Indila followed suit. The bed was soft and comfortable; he called her closer and embraced her for a cuddle. It felt really good, and she could sense a spark running all over her body, invoking desire. "You know what I was thinking?" he asked and continued, "You said you had a bad dream and got scared. If you want to, you could sleep here with me tonight. I swear to try not to wake you up when I get up." She responded with a smile. Indila felt a bit concerned, "I don't know; people will talk." Coryo interrupted her, "I don't care what people will think. We are almost married now, and I would never do anything to dishonor you. We both know that in our hearts. I just want you to sleep well and have a pleasant night." Indila was a little disappointed that he mentioned doing nothing to "dishonor" her, but it was genuinely sweet of him to want to spend the night with her for that reason.

"Okay, I'm staying, though," Indila declared. Coryo responded with a broad smile as he playfully restrained her, saying, "Yay, so now you are all mine." Despite her attempts to break free, he proved too strong, and they both laughed before sharing a kiss. He kissed her neck, her lips, her cheek—gestures of love and care she hadn't anticipated from their first meeting.

Instead of watching TV or reading books, they spent their time talking and making out. Indila found great satisfaction in this last part. She was pleasantly surprised by Coryo's tenderness and caring nature. She had known he enjoyed teasing her, but now he had discovered a new method, passing his hand all over her body, licking behind her ears, and biting her lips with care when their lips were parting. Although he had assured her that he wouldn't go beyond these actions, she felt a warmth and desire building within her.

That night, as Coryo held her close, Indila found herself even happier than the previous night. It was a simple yet profound happiness—knowing he was there, being caring, sweet, and affectionate. There was no way the woman in her nightmare was telling the truth. Everything felt peaceful, and she could envision a future with a beautiful family where she would feel loved and cared for forever.

"I love you, Coryo," she whispered as she drifted off to sleep. She only caught a faint "me too" before she closed her eyes.

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