Chapter 17

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Indila found herself facing an exciting opportunity, something she had dreamt of for some time. Her face lit up with joy at the thought, yet there was a subtle nervousness in her eyes. The thrill of the potential adventure was evident, but so was a touch of uncertainty. It was a blend of happiness and trepidation, creating an intriguing mix of emotions as she contemplated the journey ahead. Coryo kissed her passionately through the empty palace hallways, as if he hungered for her body, while everyone else was at the party, the palace was empty.

They reached their bedroom, and he helped her unbutton the dress. Taking a moment, he gazed at her back, passing his hand over it in a caring gesture. He had removed the blazer and unbuttoned the top of his shirt, revealing some of his skin. He's so hot, Indila couldn't help but think.

"I'll take a shower," Indila announced. "Okay, I'll take one too, but you can go first," he replied. As Indila felt the water running over her body, a sense of panic washed over her. She combed her hair, applied some perfume, and dressed in her white sleeping dress—the only white piece in her wardrobe.

After she opened the bathroom door, Coryo closed his eyes and headed towards the bathroom. "I don't want to see you before it's time," he stated. Fair enough. It took a few more minutes until he reappeared with wet curls, wearing the same pants from the other day. Indila lay on their bed, and he smiled subtly. She felt a spark running through her entire body, causing a tremor. Coryo got close and noticed her emotions.

He kissed her forehead. "I'll be gentle, I promise," Coryo whispered. Indila loved the way he perceived her as pure and innocent. That moment gave her the hint of bravery she needed to make this night unforgettable. "You don't have to," she replied, noticing it turned him on.

"Let's make a bet, then, Mrs. Snow," he grinned with a suggestive look in his eyes. "You lose if you give in first." Their mouths and then their bodies found each other as if they were always meant to fit.

Indila lost it. Many times. Maybe it was how he makes her sleeping dress slides by her body to the ground, the caring way he licks her body, or the way he kisses her sex, the way he immobilizes her to some moments, how he seem to know how to touch her in all the right places and how he moaned softly to her ear when he got there, maybe something about guys her age don't know how to touch her or even that she was so deeply in love with Coriolanus Snow. But she lost it, it was a fact. She knew they had chemistry, but what happened was truly something else. Coriolanus gave her sensations she didn't even know her body was capable of sense.

Coryo embraced her in a cuddle. "I'm so happy to be your husband; I love you so much," he whispered sweetly. "I love you too. I can barely wait to see you again tomorrow; I hope I'll dream about you." Indila was certain she would dream about that one night for the rest of her life.

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