Chapter 19

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Indila loved her married life. There wasn't much to do, but she spent time with Crassus and indulged in her hobbies, such as reading. Panem's people weren't known for their writing skills, but she was getting used to it. She also had the responsibility of checking if everything looked okay at the palace, which was easy since Julliard did the hard work. She also should stand by her husband during official announcements, although that hadn't happened yet. It was a comfortable life.

When Coryo wasn't working, he spent all his time with her. They enjoyed some family time with Crassus. He was walking now, so cute that Indila wondered if he would ever call her mom. She didn't want to take a place that wasn't meant for her, but she knew the pain of having no mother. There was also time for her and Coryo as a couple. He was sweet, respectful, and constantly worried about her. She loved falling asleep by his side every night.

Today was the announcement of the 21st Hunger Games. Indila didn't fully understand these games; Coryo explained it was some kind of war tradition. She didn't pay much attention, something about a reaping and someone gaining honor for their district. She disliked most of Panem's traditions until now, but she had to be there.

Indila chose a dress from Tigris, who had given her some and Indila promised to wear them on such occasions. It couldn't be bad when the first lady was frequently seen wearing your creations. Indila liked Tigris' style; the clothes she made were classic. She also liked Tigris, even though she hadn't seen her since the wedding. Maybe she could pay her a visit tomorrow.

"You look stunning, as always," Indila didn't notice Coryo entering. "Thank you, so do you. You're so handsome," he smiled. "I have to try to look better so people won't comment that you are too much for me." He was silly. "It's time, princess, shall we?" Indila felt safe around him. "I love you so." She grabbed his arm, and they walked to the balcony. Many people were there to watch the announcement, along with cameras, flashes, and microphones. It seemed like a significant occasion. Coryo took a step forward, and the people gave a big applause; his people loved him, that was a fact. As the crowd hushed, he began his speech.

"Good evening, esteemed citizens and workers of Panem.

Before we proceed with the announcement, I would like to remind you of the Treaty of the Treason.

'In penance for their uprising, each district shall offer up a male a female between the ages of 12 and 18 at a public reaping. These tributes shall be delivered to the custody of The Capitol. And then transferred to a public arena where they will fight to the death, until a lone victor remains. Henceforth and forevermore this pageant shall be known as The Hunger Games'.

Having said that, I, Coriolanus Snow, the president of this nation, announce that the 21st edition of the Hunger Games has begun. The reaping is taking place in three days. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

Indila stood there, frozen. It couldn't be. What did that mean? Children forced into an arena to fight to the death? Coryo would never allow this, but he himself had just announced it. Even worse, people were meant to watch this as a spectacle. He had claimed they were celebrating peace, but it seemed like nothing more than punishment for the districts.

Thoughts of Crassus filled Indila's mind. Coryo loved him; could he not comprehend the pain this would inflict on families? With a son who almost died during birth, he knew the agony other parents would feel. It couldn't be real, but it was. She gazed at the back of his head, his curls, while he received applause. Disgust and betrayal overwhelmed her.

In shock, she headed to the hallway. Coryo noticed her departure, rushing after her, the doors closed. "Hey babe, it wasn't that bad, was it?" he said. Indila, serious, asked, "Are you sending 24 children to kill each other?" Coryo stood equally serious. "Sweetheart, this is not the best place for us to talk about it." Furious, she demanded, "Just answer my question, please, say I'm crazy." Peacekeepers passed by, most guarding the balcony. Coriolanus, without a caring tone, replied, "They are not just children; they are from the districts. It's necessary to maintain order and to remind us who we are, so if you want the answer, it's yes."

Indila's world crumbled. Not even her grandfather had done such a thing. Before she could comprehend why, she punched Coriolanus' chin. He laughed ironically, surprised. A peacekeeper dragged her down, but Coriolanus himself punched the peacekeeper in the face. "Cut his tongue," he ordered another peacekeeper. "Don't any of you dare to touch her, you touch her you die, am I clear?" Cut his tongue? It was her fault; this poor boy was losing his life because of her.

A single tear rolled down Indila's face. She tried to move, but in vain. Someone lifted her from the ground. "As I said, babe, we are not talking about it here." Coriolanus carried her through the hallways. She kicked and struggled, but he was much stronger. They reached their bedroom, where he laid her on the bed and locked the door.

"Never, ever, humiliate me in this way again," he said with a rage-filled tone, "not after all I did for you." Indila, weakened, could still cry. Moments ago, he said she was stunning and expressed pride in showcasing her to the world, and now he was yelling at her after announcing the deaths of children. She hoped it was another nightmare, but this time, she never woke up.

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