The general from 2

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Indila grappled with the responsibilities of being the first lady, a role that forced her into uncomfortable social situations she loathed. Despite her discomfort, she stood by her husband who kept the details of his political position veiled in secrecy. Their lives were intertwined with numerous social events, a reality Indila despised.

Married almost a year, their relationship was strained. Indila sensed that Coriolanus was keeping secrets, possibly involved with someone else. Nights of his absence became routine, yet they maintained a facade of normalcy when he did return. It was as if they were both participating in a charade, pretending that everything was fine when, in reality, their marriage was far from it.

Today's event unfolded within the confines of their home, a ceremony designed to honor the military for their efforts in discovering, controlling, and, as Indila thought, eliminating a rebel society attempting to escape. As the anticipation hung in the air, Indila couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

"Strange, Spyridon should be here already," he remarked. The name Spyridon was unfamiliar to her. "Who?" she questioned. Coriolanus replied, "Spyridon Plinth, my love. He's an old friend, kind of a cousin. His aunt and uncle were really important to me." In these moments, Indila couldn't shake the awareness of how little she truly knew about Coriolanus. "You never mentioned him," she observed. Coriolanus, displaying impatience, retorted, "Of course I had. He's the general being honored tonight." Oh, right, he really had mentioned.

Indila pondered the hidden facets of Coriolanus's life, realizing there was much about him that remained undisclosed. Despite her husband's impatience, she couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that their relationship held more secrets than she could fathom. "Here he is, finally," Coriolanus announced, but Indila couldn't shake the growing sense of disquiet.

In the bustling room, the air seemed to shift as Spyridon Plinth entered, capturing every gaze in his magnetic presence. Standing at a commanding height, his broad shoulders emphasized strength and capability. His chocolate-brown hair, tousled just enough to add a hint of rebellious charm, framed a face sculpted by the hands of desire.

His deep brown eyes held a mysterious allure, like pools of liquid warmth that drew you in, making it hard to look away. Spyridon's chiseled jawline and well-defined features hinted at both rugged masculinity and refined elegance. The subtle curve of his lips promised a hint of mischief, a daring adventure waiting to unfold.

Clad in a tailored ensemble that accentuated his athletic physique, Spyridon moved with confident grace. Every step exuded self-assuredness, as if he was aware of the effect he had on those around him. Despite his undeniable attractiveness, there was an air of danger, a sense that his affections were elusive and hard to capture.

Yet, beneath the surface of this captivating exterior lurked a reputation—one that spoke of a heart unbound, a womanizer who danced effortlessly between the hearts of admirers. Spyridon Plinth, a living contradiction of desire and caution, a tantalizing enigma that left a trail of infatuation in his wake.

The thought crossed Indila's mind – Spyridon should be no older than Coriolanus himself. It struck her as unusual for someone so young to hold such a high position in the military. The question lingered: was it common for individuals to ascend the ranks rapidly in this country, and just how much trust was placed in the hands of the younger generation?

Observing Spyridon's approach, giving Coriolanus a warm hug, they greeted each other like old friends. Indila, despite her earlier suspicions, found herself contemplating that perhaps Coriolanus had been truthful about his connection with Spyridon. Yet, the curiosity about the dynamics of their relationships and the speed of their careers settling in this society lingered in Indila's thoughts.

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