Chapter 16

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In the coming weeks, Snow found himself making promises to never marry for the third time; he had despised it the first time, and his sentiments hadn't changed. With numerous tasks at hand, he felt exhausted. Despite the era of peace, the country still faced challenges that required his attention, not to mention the trivialities of wedding planning. Tigris designed a white suit for him, and Julliard handled the rest, but Snow insisted on ensuring everything ran seamlessly.

He publicly announced his engagement three weeks before the wedding, marking Indila's first appearance in society. She performed admirably, displaying grace with a constant smile and polite greetings. The Capitol was enamored with her. The invitations were sent, and Livia's parents, unable to attend, sent a gift with a card that reeked of cynicism. Snow thought it was better this way after reading it.

On the eve of the wedding, Indila's eyes sparkled with excitement. They had already moved most of her belongings into his bedroom. When they kissed goodnight, Snow felt a twinge of anxiety. She professed her love for him, a sentiment she expressed daily. Snow lands on top.

The next morning, Snow sent her a bouquet featuring white roses and hibiscus. Accompanying it was his final note, one meant to be special:

"My princess and my dearest, Indila

As I sit down to pen these words on the most special day of our lives, I am filled with overwhelming joy and gratitude. Today is the day we've been dreaming of, the day when our individual journeys converge into one beautiful shared path. From the moment our eyes first met to the countless shared laughter, tears, and triumphs, every step has led us to this moment — our wedding day. As I prepare to stand at the altar and exchange vows with you, I am reminded of the incredible love that has blossomed between us.

You are my heart, my joy, and my greatest adventure. Today is not just about the promises we make before our loved ones, but a celebration of the love that has grown between us. I am so fortunate to be your partner, your confidant, and soon, your spouse. As we embark on this incredible journey together, I want you to know that my love for you knows no bounds. Through every twist and turn, I promise to stand by you with unwavering support, to cherish each moment, and to love you more with every passing day. I am excited beyond words to see you walking down the aisle.

Today, we begin a new chapter, we begin our family, and I couldn't be more thrilled to write it with you. This is the last time that I would feel the need to write you good morning, because after this great night and forever on, we are going to wake up by each other's side. Not in my wildest dreams I could dream or even imagine I would met someone that made me fell like you do. Thank you for being my everything, my love. I am counting down the moments until I can call you my wife.

With all my love,

Coriolanus Snow".

Snow read it again; it was good, and she would love it.

The hours passed by—it was time. He put on his suit, and, of course, the white rose on the lapel. "You look gorgeous. I can't believe you're getting married. I guess I'll never get used to my baby cousin doing adult things." A tear rolled down Tigris's face as she held Crassus, who was very happy to see his father. "Thank you; got the suit from the best," Snow replied. Tigris smiled. "There's just one little detail I want you to change." She picked a red rose from her purse. "Here, let's change the rose." Snow wasn't fond of the idea. "Why? I like them better in white; white is perfection." Tigris grinned. "And red is love. Trust me; when you see your bride, you will understand." Snow surrendered. "Take care of our boy today." "Count on me. I could not have a better task, isn't that right, Crassus? Your auntie loves you so much." Crassus babbled something in response.

It was finished. Nothing more to do; it was time for the ceremony. All the important people of the Capitol were there. It was a sizable crowd, and the ceremony took place in the gardens by the end of the afternoon. Snow looked at everything and felt really satisfied with the rose bushes. He had wanted only roses in the decoration, but Indila insisted on her hibiscus. It couldn't hurt, right?

She walked down the aisle by herself, holding a bouquet of red hibiscus. That's why Tigris insisted on the red rose. Well, it would surely look better in pictures. Indila was stunning, more than on any other occasion they had seen each other; the dress suited her well. Her face was covered with the veil, and Snow took it away to kiss her forehead. She smiled in a way that showed she was truly in ecstasy by the situation. Her lips were red; he liked it when she wore this lipstick.

It was a normal ceremony, with a normal dinner and a normal party. Snow used up all of his social energy. There were a lot of people to greet, a lot of people who wanted to greet him. Indila was flawless; she was a princess, after all. But he kept getting impressed by how well she behaved in these social situations. Indila was truly the best person he could have married. He didn't hate her; on the contrary, he liked her company and admired her. On the other hand, she was easy to manipulate, and Snow knew he would never really fall in love with her, so she would never be able to manipulate him.

It was time for their first dance, and they had the chance to talk for the first time as a married couple. "Good evening, Mrs. Snow," Snow said. Indila smiled shyly and greeted him back. "How are you enjoying your wedding party?" Dancing with her, he felt her heart beating fast and anxious. "Very much, Coriolanus Snow. I loved the flowers and even more the letter. It brought tears of happiness to my eyes." That was his intention. "I'm glad you liked it; it was written with all my love, truly." They kept dancing, with everyone's eyes on them. "You see, I really like the party, but maybe it could use some improvement." Snow was confused. "What kind of improvement?" Indila had a naughty gleam in her eyes. "Maybe it could improve if we lose this crowd." It was a hot suggestion and also a good idea. "Let's finish our dance, and I'm pretty sure most of them are now drunk enough to not even realize we left."

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