New York - One Hundred Horns

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Before we start this chapter I wanted to share my old sketches and designs for characters in this part of the monster fic:

Before we start this chapter I wanted to share my old sketches and designs for characters in this part of the monster fic:

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^from left to right: Uncanny Valley, Magestia, Eagle, and Neptune

^from left to right: Uncanny Valley, Magestia, Eagle, and Neptune

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^Doorman, Victory, and Knightowl

Lastly, Sandboy both in his child form and adult form

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Lastly, Sandboy both in his child form and adult form. I LOVE HIM OKAY FIGHT ME

Alright now we begin.

Nino Lahiffe had been "interning" at Master Fu's sanctuary for three weeks now. At least, he told his family it was an internship. They were so happy for him, exclaiming and gushing about how this would help shape his future and career. This supposed "internship" was for "computer programming" because that sounded time consuming and important. Unfortunately, what was really going on was actually more likely to destroy Nino's future. He was training up to be the imminent next guardian. He wasn't going to have time to pursue much of his big dreams. He didn't think he was going big places anyways, and considered this a good selfless act for the better of the world.

"Would you like some tea?" Master Fu asked Nino as he greeted him in the garden. Nino shook his head no so Master Fu joined him and the other kwamis, without the tea.

"The kwamis are worried about Trixx," Nino confessed.

"Ah, well, worry doesn't get us very far, does it?" Master Fu said, taking a seat in a white lawn chair next to Nino. "I am afraid we are in a complicated position."

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