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A new morning had arrived and Bell was escorting Takemikazuchi to the other area of the garden. Cassandra stood there nervously waiting for the two as Bell had ordered her there.

Her hands fidgeted with her blue dress as she looked around. Everyone else was training with Ryu while she was singled out.

Cassandra knew Bell meant well but she didn't like being singled out. It made her anxious that she was in trouble. She knew she wasn't but Apollo and Hyakinthos left their scars on her psyche.

However, once she saw Bell walking over to her with a smile, her nervousness went away. She had to keep reminding herself that Bell was kind.

"Well this is Cassandra, she's our resident healer and we're glad to have her," Bell said, introducing Take to the girl.

Cassandra did a quick bow, her body trembling slightly in nervousness. "It is an honor to meet you Lord Takemikazuchi." She greeted.

Take just raised his hand. "Please there is no need for bowing or formalities. We're here to teach you how to fight."

Cassandra gulped and raised her head. "I-I see, please teach me everything you can!"

Take just chuckled again. "Easy now, why don't we start with the basics before everything else? First, let me show you a demonstration of what I intend to teach you. Bell if you would?"

Take gestured to the spot across from him and in front of Cassandra. Bell took his spot and Take got into his stance.

His legs were wide and bent with his arms raised. He gestured for Bell to attack him and the boy did so.

Bell reared his fist back and threw a punch. His stance was much more compact than Take's. The god waited until Bell's fist was a few inches from his face.

Before grabbing his arm and yanking him forward. Bell lost his balance and Take took the opportunity to throw Bell over his shoulder.

The next thing the boy knew he flew through the air and landed on the ground. The air exited his lungs as he did so.

"Just like Grandpa used to do." Bell joked.

Cassandra watched in awe and a little horror at how easily the god had beaten Bell. The boy wasn't weak by any means being a level three and all.

But a god with his arcanum sealed had easily tossed him aside like nothing. Just how strong was Take?

"As you can see I used Bell's own momentum against him which caused him to lose his footing giving me the upper hand. That is what I intend to teach you so that even if you're against someone stronger than you, you'll still stand a fighting chance."

Bell had already pushed himself up and took his place next to Take. "He'll be a good teacher for you Cassandra. Sorry for not taking into account unarmed combat earlier."

The boy nervously rubbed the back of his head because he felt like an idiot. He's teaching her how to fight but forget the simple fact that she could be disarmed.

"O-oh it's ok, you have a lot of other people to worry about than just me." Cassandra nervously replied, her eyes darting back and forth between Bell and Take.

The war god just looked between the two of them. "Hmm, she doesn't seem as shy around him."
Take mused.

The war god then clapped his hands together. "Alright Cassandra, I'll teach you the basics first, and after that, you'll be Bell's for a while. Bell you are of course welcome to join us."

"Oh uh thanks, but my Grandpa taught me my own fighting style and I don't know how yours will interact with his. If we weren't about to go on a very dangerous raid I'd say sure. But with it drawing closer I don't want to mess up what I already have."

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