Chapter 5

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[The streets teeming with drunken pub crawlers.]
Rose: Where are we?
Anna: Shaftesbury Avenue. [They hurry on, glancing over their shoulders at the dark shapes that move within the crowd behind them, strangers bumping by, faces passing in a paranoiac blur: a drunken man, a cackling woman with blood-red lipstick...]
Anna: This way!
[As they take refuge in the shadows, Anna begins to rummage through her tiny beaded purse.]
Anna: We need to change.
"Good idea." Said Lily, looking around.
[Rose looks at her dress. From the purse, Anna extracts -- in quick succession -- one pairs of jeans, T-shirt, and a pair of light overcoats.]
Rose: How the ruddy --
Anna: Undetectable Extension Charm.
[As Anna gives the bag a shake, there is loud echoing of heavy objects, as if something has fallen.]
Anna: That’ll be the books.
Remus, Lily and Barty smile fondly. They are fan of books, too.
[Shabby. Greasy. Empty. The duo slide into a booth.]
Anna: Cappuccino, please. [A gum-chewing waitress stands in front of Anna.]
Waitress: Wicked scar.
"She should cover it up." Said Barty nervously.
[Rose, clueless when it comes to cappuccinos, nods to Anna.]
Rose: What she said.
Rose: (as she exits) So where do we go from here? The Leaky Cauldron?
Anna: Too dangerous. If Voldemort’s
taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe. [The front door squeals and two workmen enter, glance idly
at the duo and step to the counter.]
Rose: My rucksack. With all my things. I left it back at the Burrow -- [Anna is shaking her head. Rose eyes the beaded
Rose: You’re joking.
Anna: I’ve had the essentials packed for days. Just in case.
"Smart girl." Said Regulus.
Rose: By the way -- these jeans? Not my
favorite. Bit tight. [Anna rolls her eyes with small smile.]
Rose: You are still wearing your jacket. It's recognisable.
Anna: No, it's not! Muggles wear it and i'm not taking off this jacket!
"I will give her this jacket when she will be born. She seems to really like it." Said Sirius.
"She likes it, because it was yours." Said Remus.
[Then Anna's eyes shift to the small security mirror near the ceiling, see the two workmen turning.]
Anna: DOWN! [The tile explodes on the wall where Rose’s head had been only seconds before. A rope of green light singes Rose’s hair.]
Anna: Stupefy!
"What's this? How did they find them?!" Yelled Lily.
[The jet of red light hits the biggest Death Eater straight in the face and he crumples instantly.]
Death eater#2: Expulsio! [The table behind Anna explodes and the spell ricochets, shattering the security mirror -- sending shards raining everywhere, then striking the cappuccino machine, which sprays hot
liquid all over the Death Eater.]
"Smart." Said Lily. People look worried.
[He bellows in pain and Rose hits him with stunning spell. As he spasms on the ground, Rose adds another for good measure.]
Rose: Petrificus Totalus! [He goes still. The Waitress steps from the backroom. Sees the duo. The wands. Her gum bubble... pops.]
Rose: Go. [She doesn’t argue.]
"Great! Now muggles have seen it, too!" Said James.
Anna: Lock the door, get the lights.
[Anna throws the bolt and clicks the Deluminator, pitching the cafe into shadow. Anna eyes the unconscious Death Eater.]
Anna: This one’s name is Rowle. He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore.
Rose: This is Dolohov. He killed my uncles. Preweet twins.
"That arsehole!" Said Sirius. Marauders glare at him.
[Rose rolls him over with her foot. Dolohov’s eyes shift in fear from Anna to Rose.]
Rose: So what do we do with you, huh?
Kill us if it was turned round, wouldn’t you? [Rose's face is hard. Anna eyes her uneasily. She notices.]
Rose: Suppose it’s him that did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?
[Anna looks at Dolohov. The moment hangs.]
Anna: I amn't against killing douchebags like them. Merlin knows if i had Bellatrix or Wormtail here i would kill without hesistation, but it’s better we wipe their memories. If we kill them, they’ll know we were here.
"I'm concerned she would kill so easily." Said Lily.
"They are in a war, Lily. You can't stay innocent in war, it's kill or be killed." Said Sirius.
Rose: You’re the boss. [Rose points her wand at Dolohov.]
Rose: Obliviate. [There is a flash of light.]
"Has she even done that spell before?" Asked Barty.
[The duo move quickly, glancing about, paranoid.]
Anna: How is it they knew we were there?
Rose: I don't know. It can’t be the Trace. It breaks at seventeen. It’s Wizarding law. [Rose stops. Anna turns, look back.]
"They missed her birthday." Sighted James sadly.
Anna: What?
Rose: We didn’t celebrate your birthday, Anna. I -- I’d prepared a cake. I was going to bring it out at the end of the wedding...
Anna: Rose, I appreciate the thought -- honestly. But given that we were almost killed by a couple of Death Eaters a few
minutes ago...
"Why can't she get a break?" Groaned Remus.
Rose: Right. Perspective. We’ve got to get off the streets, get somewhere safe.
Anna: I have an idea.
[A door marked by the number 12. Anna taps her wand on the weathered surface and a series of metallic clicks are heard. The door swings open with a creak.]
[The gas lamps spring to life, illuminating a narrow cobwebbed hallway. The duo glance about, then Anna takes a step forward.]
Mad-eye: (O.S.) Severus Snape?
Anna: Mad-Eye...? [Just then a great rush of cold air sweeps through the hallway and the duo’s tongues curl back in their mouths. Some thing shifts in the shadows at the end of the hall, rising from the carpet -- tall, dust-colored and terrible looking, then rushes toward them. It’s Dumbledore, but a ghostly, worm-eaten Dumbledore, a corpse come to life, with empty eye sockets and sunken face.]
"It's house's defence! They have to get away!" Said Evan.
[It raises its wand and then... explodes in a great cloud of dust, swirling like mist in the corridor, drifting back to the carpet. Rose and Anna share a look. Just then, a floorboard creaks. The duo stiffen. Slowly, Rose draws her wand, peers into the shadows.]
Rose: Homenum revelio. [Nothing. Rose lowers her wand. Explains. She extends her hand, watches the settling dust stream through her fingers.]
Rose: We’re alone.
[The view expands and a small village is revealed, swathed in mist. This has the feel of a pov. The image jumps and...]
[... the POV is moving now, through streets teeming with cloaked figures. The tongue that is spoken here is foreign, Germanic. We turn down an alleyway and the path narrows, the shadows growing more dense. Scratched into a wall is the symbol Xenophilius Lovegood wore around his
neck, but the POV lingers upon it only briefly. A sign comes into view, hanging outside a small shop at the very end of a dark cul de sac: “Gregorovitch, wandmaker.” We close quickly on the shop’s door, catch a glimpse of Voldemort's reflection in the glass.]
"Another dream?" Asked Lily.
[Anna awakens, peering at the cobwebbed chandelier overhead. She sits up, Nearby, the radion hisses softly, distant voices struggling to be heard.]
Anna: (O.S.) Lumos.
[Anna's wand blooms in the darkness as she scales the stairs and reaches the landing. She peers into a bedroom. The drawers have been turned out. The bedsheets stripped. She moves on, painting the wall with wandlight, illuminating an empty portrait of a muddy landscape. She studies it long enough that we’ll remember it, then a floorboard squeaks  like the night before. Anna wheels, points her wand down the dark corridor adjacent.]
[Anna moves down the narrow corridor to its end, to a doorway. She eyes the nameplate: “Sirius.”]
[We watch Anna enter from an unsettlingly low pov. (Kreacher’s). This room, like the others, has been ransacked. Anna lingers by a photograph. In it, four young hogwarts stidents -- James Potter, Sirius Black,
Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin -- stand grinning before the whomping willow.]
Marauders look sadly at picture.
[Anna traces the thin cone of light of het wand across their faces. Books and papers carpet the floor. A woman's face, striking and wise, peers out from a dust jacket. Anna crouches, turns the book over to read its title: A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot. Anna turns it back over, studies the woman's face again. She begins to rise when she notices a crumbled piece of paper embossed at the top with a name: Lily Potter. As Anna begins to read, we hear Lily's voice:]
Letter (LILY): (V.O.) Dear Sirius. Thank you for Anna's birthday present. You’d think she’d been born on a broom. James says she’s got the look of a Seeker, but then James would.
"Ha. Seeker since birth." Said James proudly.
Letter (LILY): (V.O.) We had a very quiet birthday tea, just us and old Bathilda, who dotes on Anna. Wormy dropped by late in the day, but seemed down and didn’t stay long.
Gryffindors glare at mention of Peter.
Letter (LILY): (V.O.) James is frustrated being shut up here, but Dumbledore’s still got his Invisibility Cloak, so he doesn’t have much choice. By the way, Bathilda tells the most amazing stories about our old Headmaster. I don’t know how much to believe. Can it really be true that Dumbledore -- [Anna turns the letter over, but there is no more.]
"Dumbledore what?!" Asked Sirius to Lily.
"I don't know. It's future, remember?" Said Lily.
Rose: (O.S.) Anna! Anna!
[Anna steps out, finds Rose dashing up the stairs. Seeing her, she exhales in relief.]
Rose: You're a git, Anna! You can’t just disappear. I thought -- [She stops as Anna hands her the letter. She reads.]
Rose: It’s from your Mum. To Sirius. Bathilda Bagshot...?
Anna: Yeah. They knew her. She wrote A History of Magic.
Rose: (Sarcastically) Did she now?
Anna: I’m thinking maybe we should go talk to her. She still lives in Godric’s Hollow. I’m thinking maybe she could help us.
"It's dangerous." Said James.
[Rose looks up, regards Anna closely.]
Rose: Anna. I can imagine why you’d want to go there, but... I don’t think Bathilda Bagshot is going to know where Voldemort hid his Horcruxes.
[Anna starts to respond, frowns.]
Everyone agreed.
[Rose peers out a curtain as Anna joins her. In the courtyard outside, two dark figures stand near a tree. Another sits on a bench.]
Rose: The two clinging to the tree are Death Eaters for sure. Dunno ‘bout the bloke on the bench. (dropping the curtain) Can’t see us, of course. But we’ll have to be careful coming and going. C’mon. There’s something else you need to see.

Anna Potter and the Deathly HollowsWhere stories live. Discover now