Chapter 8

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[The world spins as Rose lies on her back on a bed of leaves and twigs. Above, sunlight streams through a canopy of trees. Wincing, Rose rises on her elbows, sees the locket lying in the dirt. She scrabbles up, scoops it into her fingers and grins.]
Anna: What’re you doing?
Rose: Protective enchantments. I don’t fancy another visit like we had on Shaftesbury Avenue, do you?
"Smart." Said Lily.
Rose: You can get going on the tent...
Anna: Tent? Where am I supposed to find -- [She stops, glances down at Anna's bag, then back to Anna.]
Rose: Repello Muggletum... Muffliato...
[The tent glows from within under a starlit sky.]
[Rose pours tea from a kettle into cups.]
Rose: How’re the mushrooms? Seem to be the only edible things growing round here. [Anna grimaces as she chews. “Edible” is clearly debatable.]
"My poor baby." Said Lily.
Anna: They’re great. [Anna sets her plate aside, plucks up the locket, dangles it in the firelight.]
Rose: What happened? I thought we were going back to Grimmauld Place.
Anna: We were. We were there. But Yaxley had hold of me. I knew we couldn’t stay once he’d seen, so when he let go I brought us here.
Everyone nodded approvingly.
[Anna rises, takes out her wand and begins to walk in a wide circle, muttering.]
Anna: Salvio Hexia... Protego Totalum...
Rose: So where do we go next?
Anna: Dumbledore had a theory. He felt
that the Horcruxes would not be made out of random objects. And he felt they wouldn’t be hidden randomly either. We know of three so far. The ring, which according to Dumbledore belonged to Tom Riddle’s grandfather. The diary, which belonged to Tom himself. And this, which -- again, according to Dumbledore --belonged to his mother. [Rose eyes the locket as it glimmers in the firelight.]
Rose: It scares me a bit, that, thinking it’s a piece of Vol--
Anna: No, don’t! Don’t say it! [Rose turns surprised.]
Everyone looks shocked at Anna.
Anna: It’s taboo -- You-Know-Who’s name. That’s how they track people now. It’s how they found us in the cafe that night.
"Of course." Said Remus in realization.
"You think same is happening now?" Asked Lily.
"I don't know, but it clearly doesn't work here." Said Sirius.
Rose: How d’you know?
Anna: I overheard someone talking about it at the Ministry.
Rose: Can i? [Anna nods, hands her the locket. Rose turns it over in her hand. Frowns. Looks at Anna, who nods.]
Anna: I know. I felt it too.
Rose: It’s... it’s like it’s ticking or something, like it has a tiny metal heart, like it’s -- alive. [Anna nods.]
"Because it is." Scrowled Regulus and glared at locket.
Rose: Seems strange, don't you think? Dumbledore sends you off to find a load of Horcruxes, but doesn’t bother to tell you how to destroy them. Doesn’t that bother you?
"My thoughts eaxactly!" Said fiery redhead.
Anna: Of course it does, he sent us, two teenager girls on mission to end war and kill dark lord without even telling us enough information, how could it not bother me? But what other choices do i have? Neither can live while other survives.
"This time she won't have to do anything she doesn't want." Said James protectibly. Sirius, Barty, Remus and Evan agreed.
[Rose looks at Anna worried, thank looks down at locket. There is a silenece, both of them are looking at locket.]
"Get rid of it already!" Said Sirius.
Rose: I hate it. It’s like he’s here with us.
Anna: That’s why we’re going to kill it.
Rose: How? You said Dumbledore didn't tell you how to destroy it.
Anna: He didn't, but I am smarter than people give me credit for. I took Basilisk's teeth before leaving.
"That she is." Said Barty proudly.
Rose: (shocked) Whaaat?
Anna: Well... It worked on diary, so i thought it would work to destroy other hocruxes, too.
Rose: Anna, you bloody genious! [Rose rushed to Anna and hugged her with big smile, Anna hugged back.]
[Anna and Rose go into the forest. Anna sweeps a layer of frost from a flat rock, lays the locket down.]
Anna: (in Parseltongue) Take me inside... [Click! The twin doors of the locket snap open. Behind each glass window a living eye blinks -- Tom Riddle’s eyes. Anna grabs Basilisk's fang and suddenly, Sirius appears.]
Anna: U-uncle pads?
Rose: (confused) What are you talking about?
"Hallucinations?" Asked Barty.
"Hocrux has it's own defence. It gets into your head and plays with your insecurities." Said Regulus.
Sirius: (hallucination) It's your fault. It's your fault i died.
"No, it isn't. Don't listen to it!" Said Sirius.
Anna: You.. you aren't real.
Rose: Anna?
Lily: (hallucination) Like always you destroy everything you touch!
"No. Anna!" Said Lily.
James: (hallucination) You killed us all. [Angry Moody, Cedric, Dumbledore, James, Lily, Sirius hallucination move toward her. Anna stumbles back.]
"Stop blaming yourself for what isn't your fault!" Said Barty.
Rose: Anna! Anna! [Anna can't hear her.]
Everyone: (hallucinations) You killed us!
"It wasn't your fault!" Said James.
Rose: (yelling) Anna, It isn't real! Anna! [Rose sent jinx at Anna and Anna yelped and looked at Rose, than looked back at hallucinations.]
Anna: (to hallucinations) I'm sorry. [Anna brings the fang down hard, cleaving the locket. A scream echoes throughout the forest. Rose breathes out in relief and eyes the shattered locket.]
Gryffindors and Barty cheer. Regulus smiles.
[Anna scoops up the locket and examines it. Riddle’s eyes are gone, the silk lining stained and faintly smoking.]
[Rose lies on her cot, fiddling with the radio. Voices surface in the static briefly, then fade.]
[The skin encircling Anna's scar constricts.]
Voldemort: (V.O.) Tell me, Gregorovitch. Tell me where it is...
[An old man (Gregorovitch) with pure-white hair and a bushy beard cowers in a dark corner.]
Gregorovitch: I told you! I no longer have it! It was stolen from me! Many years ago!
"What?" Asked intrigued Regulus.
Voldemort: You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you, Gregorovitch? Because, I must tell you... that will only make it worse for you... [As a bony hand -- Voldemort’s -- extends a wand, Gregorovitch reacts with fear and we rush in, drifting through his dilating pupil into...]
[... a hall of shadows. A younger Gregorovitch hurries toward a distant room, a lantern bobbing in his hand.]
Gregorovitch: (V.O.) I speak the truth! I remember like it was yesterday...
[Gregorovitch bursts inside, lantern swaying. Wood shavings litter the floor. On the window ledge, perched like a giant bird, a young man (Grinerwald) with golden hair grins devilishly, then raises his wand. A blast of light bleaches the screen]
[Gregorovitch’s face stricken with terror, as Voldemort’s want tip blazes with light.]
Voldemort: Who was he? The thief?
Gregorovitch: Just a boy! Not of the village. It was he who took it. I never saw it again. I swear on my life.
Voldemort: I believe you... [A burst of green light engulfs the room.]
[Anna's eyes flutter open. She sees Rose, standing a bit away, studying her.]
Rose: I thought it had stopped.
[Anna looks at her, shakes her head.]
Rose: You can’t let him in, Anna. Dumbledore himself said it. You have to close your mind. It’s too dangerous --
Anna: What me and he have-- It's different. It's not simple legitimency. Everyone knows that legitimency can't work without eye contact or with such distance.
Everyone nodded.
Anna: It's like our minds are connected and trust me i don't want to be connected to that maniac, but i can't turn it off, Rose. So can you take your lecture somewhere else?! [Rose looks surprised by outburst, than frowns, concerned.]
"Why does she have my temper?" Groaned Lily. Remus chuckled amused.
Rose: Tell me. What you saw.
Anna: He’s found him. Vol-- Tom Riddle. He’s found Gregorovitch --
Rose: The wandmaker? What’s
he got to do with You-Know-Who?
Anna: Riddle wants something Gregorovitch once had -- dunno what. But he’s desperate to have it. It’s as if his life depends on it. [Rose studies Anna.]
"What must be that important to him? Another hocrux?" Asked Barty.
[Cassie runs into her room. Narcissa following her.]
Narcissa: Cassiopeia!
Cassie: Get out!
Purebloods(not James) look surprised how she talked to her mother.
Narcissa: Manners, Cassie.
Cassie: I want to be left alone! [Narcissa sights and her indifference mask falls and she looks concerned.]
Narcissa: You can talk to me, Cas.
"What happened?" Asked worried Lucius.
Cassie: (yelled annoyed) What do you want to talk about? Our shattered family or my now nonexistance future?
Narcissa: Your future isn't...
Cassie: Yes, it is! I'm hypoctritical maniac's slave!
"At least, you are self aware!" Said Sirius and Slytherins sent him death glares.
Narcissa: (horrified) Don't say that! Someone might hear you!
Cassie: But it's true. Even if he dies, Light side will throw us in Askaban! My life, my future, everything... it's over.
Lucius and Narcissa look down in shame and guilt.
[Narcissa looks at her daughter guiltily.]
Narcissa: I'm sorry...
Cassie: (sight) It's not your fault, mom. I know you do your best and even more than that to keep this family safe! To keep me and Theo and... and... [Narcissa looks at her with understanding.]
Narcissa: I know it hurts you to see him like this, but... [Cassie sits down on her bad and lays back with sight. Narcissa sits next to her.]
Cassie: He isn't my father, mum. My father is pridefull and confidence and maybe cocky, but not that! You saw it! That look in his eyes! He is defeated! [Tears roll down Cassie's face.]
Lucius looks down again. Narcissa and Regulus glared at everyone who dared to look in Lucius's way with famous Black glare.
Cassie: He gave up. He is degraded in his own house, his wand snapped. He doesn't even have wand to use magic!
Lucius sinks in his seat. Narcissa hold his hand.
[Narcissa holds Cassie's hand.]
Narcissa: If you are worried about his safety... [Cassie sits up.]
Cassie: Don't lie to me and say he will be okay, he won't! Even if dark lord is defeated, even if with some miracle he gets away from aurors, he will never be okay! Askaban... he... The most of the time he doesn't even realise where he is! I had to call him eight times today, so he would come back to earth! He is locked in his own head. He has been since Askaban. It's like he's just a shell, not a person! He looks half dead and he doesn't eat even if he pretends to for me! And that eyebags under his eyes! He is fading! I feel like i'm losing him and i can't do this, mum. I can't... [Cassie starts crying and Narcissa hugs her daughter.]
"Not this time." Promised Lucius.
Narcissa: You are right. Askaban affected him terribly, but he will overcome it. Your father is strong man, he will get throught this.
Lucius smiled at Narcissa lovingly. Gryffindors look at Malfoy family surprised.
Narcissa: He just needs time. He just came back from Askaban. Give him time to get used to the fact he isn't there anymore. All we can do now is stand with him and support him.
[Cassie looks up at her with hopefull eyes.]
Cassie: You really think that? You think he will be okay?
Narcissa: I know he will.
Cassie: Thank you.
Narcissa: For what?
Cassie: Everything. I love you, mum. [Narcissa looks at her softly.]
Narcissa: I love you, too, princess.
Lucius smiles at his family.
[Cassie first looks surprised, than smiles.]
Narcissa: What?
Cassie: You haven't called me that since i was six.
Narcissa: You told me not to. (Amused) It was emberessing you as i remember.
Cassie: (chuckles) Yeah... just missed hearing it, i guess.
[Rose sleeps beside the crackling radio. Anna lies a few feet away, awake.]
[Anna reaches out, starts to turn the radio off when:]
Radio: (V.O.) ... Severus Snape, newly appointed Headmaster of Hogwarts...
[As the signal fades, Anna rolls onto her side and twists the dial. Behind her, we see Rose’s shadow rise, move away from the tent...]
[Rose moves toward the trees...]
[As the radio resists her, fading in and out, Anna grabs her rucksack, pulls out the wrinkled marauder's map.]
Radio: (V.O.) ... bears little resemblance to the school under Dumbledore’s leadership. Snape’s curriculum is severe, reflecting the wishes of the Dark Lord and infractions are dealt with harshly by the two Death Eaters on the staff...
"If school already started, why was Cassie in house?" Asked Evan.
"Probably went late for few days. Mission?" Gueesed Barty.
[Anna peers at the map before her and -- sure enough -- discovers Snape’s name drifting about Dumbledore’s office.]
[Rose moves deeper into the trees, then stops. Shadows splinter amid the towering trunks and voices come clearer. Standing utterly still, Rose watches as a gang of snatchers make their way in her direction. They look unwashed and feral, as if they’ve been in the wild for some time.]
People are worried for Rose.
[As they pass, within feet of her, but unable to see her, only Rose’s eyes track their passage. As before Scabior leads the way, Fenrir Greyback at his side. Abruptly, Scabior stops, eyes narrowing.]
Scabior: What’s that? That... smell? [The others glance about dumbly. Scabior retraces his steps until he stands directly in front of Rose, his eyes looking right through her. He leans forward ever-soslightly only inches from her neck, nostrails flaring.]
Everyone watches tensed up.
[Then, slowly, Scabior pulls back, eyes probing the darkness, before withdrawing, leading the others away. The last pair drag what appear to be bodies. As they vanish within the trees, Rose finally swallows.]
Anna: (O.S.) Snatchers. [She spins, finds Anna standing a few feet off.]
Anna: Good to know our enchantments work.
Rose: He could smell it. My perfume.
"Fuck." Muttered Renus.

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