Chapter 27

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[Rose and the others stand silently as the procession comes to a halt before them. All eyes drift to Hagrid and what lays in his arms.]
Rose: No... NO! [Rose’s primal cry echoes over the grounds as she rushes towards Voldemort, but Arthur steps between and wraps his daughter in his arms, letting her struggle briefly before pulling her tighter, closer, safer. Cassiopwia is watching this, tears running down her face, Theo and Blair are hugging her.]
Ada: (screaming) ANNA! ANNA! [Alex is holding her back.]
Everyone looks at them empathetically.
Voldemort: SILENCE! [Voldemort points his wand to the sky with a crack.]
Voldemort: Stupid girl. You cry for that? [Voldemort gestures to the body lying still in Hagrid’s arms.]
Voldemort: (addressing all) Tell me. These last few hours -- as you collected the dead and tended your wounded -- was she by your side? [Voldemort surveys the throng, who stand mute. He nods, as if their silence were answer enough.]
"She was too busy finding ways to kill you!" Yelled James.
Voldemort: While your hands ran dark with the blood of mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, hers were clasped in prayer -- but it was a prayer for one and one only. While you battled courageously, until you could no longer will yourself to stand, she had long since fallen to her knees. While you cursed me until your voices grew ragged, she begged me for mercy in a voice as meek as a child’s. [Voldemort’s eyes narrow.]
"How dare you?!" Screeched Lily.
"I will rip him apart with my bare hands! Moony, let me go! I have to bath in his blood!!!" Yelled Sirius with madness twinkle in his eyes.
"When i get my hands on you, you are dead!" Said James with oddly calm voice, that would sent shivers down everyone's spines if they weren't busy yelling and threatening themselves.
Voldemort: So do not cry for that. She’s not worthy of your tears. And do not despair of her betrayal. You were never in her heart. Not for one single solitary beat.
Rose: LIAR! [Voldemort flicks his wand and Rose drops to her knees, grimacing in pain. Voldemort gestures to her.]
Everyone glares at Voldemort muderiously.
Voldemort: Did you not hear me?! Anna Potter is dead! From this day forward, you put your faith in me or suffer the consequences. ANNA POTTER IS DEAD! [Nagini hisses madly as Voldemort, looking a touch mad himself, rakes his eyes over the students and staff.]
Voldemort: Now is the time to declare yourself. There is a nervous murmur among the crowd.
Lucius Malfoy: Cassie... [Cassie wipes her tears and looks up with unreadable face, sees her father summon her forth with a short nod. She hesitates. Lucius smiles thinly.]
Lucius Malfoy: Cassie, Theo, don’t be stupid --
"That's now how you convice someone to join." Said Barty.
Narcissa: Come, Cassie, Theo. [Her tone is quiet, but absolute. Cassie looks into her eyes, then ducks her head and steps forward, avoiding the baleful glances directed her way as she crosses the gulf between factions. Theo and Blair follow her. Ada mutters poisonously as she passes.]
Ada: She saved your life. [Cassiopeia falters briefly, stung, then joins her mother. Theo and Blair follow her closely. Narcissa hands Cassiopeia a wand, Anna’s wand. She stares at it bleakly.]
People look at Cassie with pity.
Voldemort: Well done, Cassiopeia, Theo... You. Who will be next? Hm? Come now, don’t be shy. [We travel over faces, weary but resolved, eyes burning with defiance, then land on Neville, chin on chest, gaze to the ground. As the Sorting Hat rocks gently in his hand, something glints within again, and a quivering parabola of reflected light dances above his brow. He steps forward.]
Everyone is stunned.
"What?" Said James shocked.
"He--- It's impossible. He wouldn't." Said Lily. Regulus wanted to point out they said same about Peter, but held himself back.
[Stunned, the others watch Neville -- blackened with soot, Sorting Hat in hand -- limp to a halt in front of Voldemort, who regards him with amusement.]
Voldemort: Well, I must say, I’d hoped for better. Is this truly the best Hogwarts has to offer? [The Death Eaters laugh.]
Voldemort: Who might you be, young man?
Neville: Neville Longbottom.
Voldemort: Well, welcome, Neville. I’m sure we can find a place for you in our ranks. [Voldemort’s eyes shift, regard those standing before him.]
Neville: I’d like to say something.
"See? He jsut want to say something. He wouldn't betray Anna." Said Lily.
[Voldemort’s brow furrows vaguely. As he studies Neville.]
[She slowly opens her eyes and studies his face when... the curious reflection quivers once again. Anna watches it dance briefly across Neville’s cheek before vanishing. Anna’s gaze shifts to the Sorting Hat in Neville’s hand, then shifts again, to Nagini.]
Voldemort: Very well, Neville. I’m sure we’d all be fascinated to hear what you have to say. [Neville turns to the others, their weary faces regarding him with confusion, suspicion.]
Neville: It doesn’t matter that Anna is gone. [A troubled murmur ripples through the crowd.]
"What were you saying?" Said Sirius, while glaring at Neville. Lily looks taken a back.
Seamus: (angrily) Stand down, Neville!
[Seamus tries to push forward but Rose grips his arm, holds him back, though not happily.]
Neville: People die every day. Friends. Family. Yes, we lost Anna tonight. But she’s still with us, here -- (tapping his heart) And so is Remus and Percy and Nigel and... all of them. They didn’t die in vain. (turning to a trio of Death Eaters) But you will, And you and you will. (to Voldemort) And so will you.
"Told you." Said Lily smugly and looked at her brave godson proudly.
Neville: Because you’re wrong. Anna's heart did beat for us. All of us... [Neville takes a step forward, looks Voldemort in the eye and spits. Then he reaches into the Sorting Hat.]
Neville: This isn’t over.
"Go Neville!" Cheered Gryffindors.
[Scarlet glints in Voldemort’s eyes and he smiles, raising the Elder Wand when Neville -- in keen anticipation -- reaches into the Sorting Hat and pulls forth... The Sword of Gryffindor. As Voldemort’s wand fires, Neville parries and the curse rebounds, taking out the quartet of death eaters. Anna spills from Hagrid’s arms. Voldemort wheels wildly in Anna’s direction when:]
Cassiopeia: Anna! [Anna turns. Cassiopeia’s hand whips forward and -- to Anna’s shock -- tosses her her wand. Blair, Narcissa, Theo and Lucius look at Cassiopeia in shock. Rose grins.]
"She-- she--" Stuttered Lucius. Almost everyone looked at Cassie surprised.
Rose: Well done, Malfoy! (to herself) Can’t believe I just said that. [Wand in hand, Anna turns and -- in one continuous motion -- fires on Voldemort. Death eater- Rodolphus turns on Cassie.]
Rodolphus: Traitor! [Cassie turns around and before she can do anything, green light shoots out of Rodolphus's wand.]
Rodolphus: Avada Kedavra! [Lucius pushes Cassie away and curse hits him instead. Cassie watches his body drop shocked.]
Everyone looks stunned at fast turn of events. Narcissa tears up.
"No. No. No." Whispers Narcissa.
"Well... At least, I died protecting my family." Said Lucius.
"You did." Said Regulus and looked at Lucius with new found respect. Lucius turned to Narcissa and made her look at him.
"It's okay. We will change it, okay?" Said Lucius softly. Narcissa nodded.
[Cassie can't hear or see anything else. She is just staring Lucius's dead body. Theo and Blair whip wands out and protect Cassie from curses. Narcissa sents killing curse at Rodolphus, it hits him in the chest and he falls on ground.]
"You are even hotter when you are being vegentful, mi amor." Said Lucius to Narcissa.
"It is not funny! You died." Said Narcissa.
"I didn't. It hasn't happened yet." Said Lucius.
"And it won't." Said Narcissa.
"And it won't." Agreed Lucius. People looked at Malfoys surprised, after all, this was first time they have seen them so human.
[Cassie kneels next to Lucius and shakes him.]
Cassie: Dad? Dad! Wake up! Dad, Please. Daddy! Daddy, wake up! [Cassie keeps shaking Lucius.]
Lucius looks at his daughter guiltily. Others look at Cassie sympathetically.
[5 years old Cassie shakes Lucius. Narcissa walks in behind her with cake in her hands.]
Cassie: Daddy! Daddy, wake up!
[Lucius opens his eyes and looks at Cassie confused, than sees Narcissa and cake. Cassie sings.]
Cassie: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday, Happy birthday to you! [Lucius blows the candles and Cassie cheers. Narcissa and Lucius look at her amused.]
People smile sadly at the happy familly. Narcissa and Lucius look at the future longingly.
[Narcissa who still has tears on her face goes to Cassie, but Blair stops her.]
Blair: You are stronger dueler! I'll go. [Blair kneels next to Cassie. Narcissa replaces Blair and Theo and Narcissa protect Blair and Cassie.]
Blair: Cassie! (Turns Cassie's head around) Cas! [Cassie's eyes meet hers.]
Blair: We have to go.
Cassie: No. We- we can't leave him.
Blair: (softly) Cas. He is dead.
Cassie: No, no, He is just sleeping. Daddy's very busy. He fell asleep again! He-- he is cold. Do you have a blanket?
People look at her with pity.
"Oh, little star." Said Lucius with tears in his eyes.
[Blair hugs Cassie and tears fall down from Cassie's face.]
Blair: I'm sorry, Cas. [Cassie pushes Blair away.]
Cassie: (shouts) No! No! [Now Theo rushes toward them.]
Theo: Cassie, please! We can't hold back long. Get up. For me. [Cassie looks at Lucius, then at Theo and Blair, then looks at her mother who is struggling to protect them from all the death eaters and gets up, looking destroyed.]
Lucius looks at her sadly.
[Voldemort blocks the spell, eyeing Anna with mild disbelief, then anger. Nagini hisses -- as if attuned to Voldemort’s emotions -- and ribbons toward Anna. As she strikes, Anna
sidesteps her -- by inches -- then stumbles back and counters.]
Anna: Confringo! [Flames run the length of Nagini -- with no effect -- then climb the back of a nearby Death Eater and consume him. Enraged that Anna has attacked Nagini, Voldemort fires a volley of curses.]
Everyone watches battle nervously.
[Anna parries the first, then falls back into a cloister. The stonework explodes all around her, creating three regged holes. She pelts away.]
[As Anna arrives at the doors to the Great Hall, she finds Rose there.]
Anna: The snake! We’ve got to kill the snake! [Neville, only a few yards off, sword in hand, overhears. As his eyes shift to Voldemort and Nagini.]
Neville: Anna! Look out! [Anna wheels, sees Voldemort drawing a bead on her.]
Everyone is panicked.
[As Anna begins to raise her wand, Neville steps between, brandishing the sword... just as Voldemort’s wand blazes and Neville’s world explodes. Taking the full brunt of it all, Neville grimaces, watching as Voldemort’s spell -- like a current of electricity -- races up the sword’s blade to the hilt... and pitches off his feet and fifty feet back into the Great Hall.]
"That's my godson!" Said Lily proudly, but still worried for everyone.
[Anna exchanges a glance with Rose. Their faces say it all: no one could have survived that. The Entrance Hall explodes with counter-fire as members of the Order, students and staff return fire. Voldemort flicks his wand, the air prickling with disturbance as he summons a shield of air insulating himself from attack. As he sweeps forward, he responds with a devastating series of spells and the Entrance Hall quakes.]


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