Chapter 16

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[Rose appears first, trailed by Anna and
finds Bogrod standing placidly by himself. As Anna hang back, Rose moves forward slowly, squinting. Something massive shifts heavily. Chains clink. He looks: a giant dragon tethered to the ground, bars access to a deep vault. Its scales are pale and flaky, its eyes milky.]
"Is- is that a dragon?!" Asked Remus.
"Not again!" Groaned Lily.
Rose: Bloody hell. That’s a Welsh
Anna: It looks like it’s been down here
forever. [Hinges squeal sharply and they jump, watch Griphook -- in the shadows -- take something from a wooden box on the wall. An odd-looking metal instrument. As he steps into the light, he tosses it to Anna. She glances from it to Griphook, sees him eyeing her with a strange
"It looks hurt." Said Lily.
Griphook: Go on. [She looks unsure. Then gives it a shake. A shrill ringing echoes off the rocky passage, eerie and unpleasant. The dragon rears back instantly, howling in fear, then, as the ringing subsides, settles. Rose nods knowingly.]
Rose: It’s been trained to expect pain
when it hears the noise.
"That- That's cruel! How could Mynistry let--" Said Lily.
"Gryngotts is run by Goblins, not Mynistry." Interrupted Sirius.
Anna: That’s barbaric. [She hands the instrument back. Griphook takes it, unmoved.]
Griphook: We’ll only have a few seconds. In other words... they’ll be no doovers. Understood? [The duo eye the dragon, nod.]
Griphook: Ready, Bogrod?
Bogrod: Hm? Oh. Yes. Of course.
[Bogrod holds up his hand, waggles it. Griphook nods, eyes the dragon. Its eyes glimmer angrily. Griphook raises the instrument and shakes it. The cacophony is murderous. Anna and Rose grimace. The dragon roars hoarsely, then slowly retreats. Bogrod strides forth, blissfully ignoring the dragon’s bobbing head and presses his hand to the vault’s door. It melts.]
Lily, Regulus and Barty glare at goblins.
[All rush inside. In the ensuing silence, the dragon spits fire... just as the vault re-seals itself and all goes dark.]
Anna/Rose: Lumos! [A duo of wandtips bloom, illuminate a huge vault swimming in glittering treasure and eerie artifacts.]
Rose: Blimey... Look. [Rose crosses to what appears to be the Sword of
Rose: No wonder Bellatrix thought it was real. [Anna pays no attention, having drifted away from the others, playing her wandlight over the glittering walls. The others notice and go silent, watching. Griphook eyes Anna with particular curiosity. Finally, Rose speaks.]
Rose: Is it here, Anna? Can you feel
anything? [Anna doesn’t respond, her wandlight continuing to travel over the small treasures above. Gradually, a hum rises in her ears and she closes her eyes.]
Everyone watches Anna curiously and intrigued.
[As Rose watches, transfixed, the camera travels down her arm to her hand, which dangles nary a quarter inch from the lip of a silver bowl perched on the edge of the table beside her. The hum in Anna’s ears grows louder and her wand hand begins to twitch. The beam of light trembles over the objects nestled nearest the ceiling, then settles on an ancient cup, bearing the Hufflepuff crest. Anna’s scar contracts. She opens her eyes... The skin of Rose’s wrist brushes the lip of the bowl... Anna stares at the ancient cup above, glimmering dully in the light of her wand when... Rose yelps. As the others turn, they see her retract her hand, as if stung, sending the silver bowl tumbling to the floor.]
"Nooo!c Yelled purebloods, knowing there must be trap.
[She holds up her wrist -- displays a red welt.]
Rose: It’s hot! [All eyes turn to the bowl, wobbling madly on the floor, when it splits apart and begins to multiply.]
"Why can't anything go right?!" Yelled frustrated, worried and tired Lily.
Griphook: They’ve added Gemino and
Flagrante Curses! Everything you touch will burn and multiply! [The multiplying bowls skitter across the floor and flip into the air. As one caroms off Rose’s shoe, it bursts into twenty more.]
Rose: Fuck! [It’s smoking. As Rose stamps the ground, Anna pivots, tipping a towering stack of galleons to the floor where they multiply like cockroaches. Instantly, the room is a riot of multiplying white-hot metal.]
Griphook: We’ll be crushed! Hurry! [Anna points her wand once again at the small cup near the ceiling.]
Anna: That’s it. Up there.
Rose: How’re we going to reach it?
[Anna reaches into her beaded bag, takes out sword. Griphook’s eyes glitter greedily at the sight of it. Instantly, Anna begins to scale the multiplying mountain of objects, climbing towards the cup. As the sizzling surface shifts beneath her feet she moves upward, beads of sweat trailing over her forehead.]
"Come on, Anna." Whispered James.
[Suddenly, halfway up, she slips and -- instinctively -- to keep from falling, she reaches out and plants the flesh of her palm against the shifting slope. Instantly, objects explode forth, multiplying crazily and cascading down onto Rose and Griphook in a small avalanche.]
Rose: Keep going! [Anna climbs faster -- the sound deafening, objects clanging off one another -- until, finally, she stops just shy of the ceiling. Reaching out, she extends her arm -- further, then further still -- and slips the sword’s tip through the cup’s handle. As it shimmies down the blade, a scream rises.]
"Yeeees!" Cheered James, Sirius and Barty.
[Anna looks down, sees a terrified Bogrod pinned against the door, watching as Griphook sinks beneath the rising tide. Rose dashes forward, grabs Griphook’s fingers as he’s about to go under and yanks the blistered Goblin free. Anna turns and sees the swelling mountain has reached the ceiling and -- with nowhere else to go -- is about to
spill itself down upon her. Turning back... Anna leaps. She plummets, feet first, soaring through the air, then crashes down on the swelling treasure. The sword -- and cup -- fly free.]
"Nooo!" Said people dissapointed.
Rose: The cup! [Anna dives into the scalding treasure, hand outstretched, and catches it. Instantly, dozens of
Hufflepuff Cups burst from her fist, but she holds tight to the original, grimacing in pain.]
Rose: In here! [Anna jams it inside her bag. As they turn for the door, they stop. Griphook holds the sword, the real sword, in his hands, turning the blade in the light.]
Anna: We have a deal, Griphook.
[Griphook looks up. A kind of madness burns in his eyes.]
Griphook: I said I’d get you in. I never
said anything about getting you out.
"That bastard!" Yelled Gryffindors and Barty.
"I knew there was a catch." Muttered Regulus.
[Pivoting swiftly, he slams Bogrod’s hand to the door and as it melts, Anna and Rose ride an avalanche of silver and gold into the outer chamber.]
[As the duo find their feet, the dragon roars and spits fire, illuminating the tunnel. Shadow approach, stretching over the tunnel walls: gringotts goblins and guards.]
Anna: Griphook! Griphook! [But Griphook merely looks back, grins madly and, sword in hand, rushes to join the approaching throng.]
Griphook: Thieves! Help! Thieves!
Rose: Foul little git. Least we’ve got Bogrod. [The dragon spits again, reducing Bogrod to dust.]
Rose: That’s unfortunate.
"They are so unbothered." Cackled Barty.
Anna: We can’t just stand here!
Rose: You got an idea?
Anna: I’ve got something. But it’s mad.
[Rose eyes the approaching throng, turns back to Anna with looks of mild panic. Steeling herself, Anna raises her wand.]
"No way! She isn't doing what i think she is!" Saod Remus in panic.
"Oh, she is." Said amused James and Sirius and high-fived.
Anna: Relashio! [The iron cuffs on the dragon snap free.]
"Don't you dare!" Said Lily sternly.
Rose: That’s your idea?
Anna: Come on! [Anna fires stunning spells toward the goblins as she pelts toward the dragon and flings herself onto its neck. Rose jumps up behind. The dragon doesn’t move.]
Anna: It doesn’t realize it’s free! (trying out spells) Leviosa! Aviatus! Ex Cappa!
[Nothing. Rose raises her wands high
and, as one, jab the dragon with the tip of her wand. It roars, rears, and soars into the air. As it caroms off the sides of the tunnel and scrapes the ceiling, the duo duck, watching the goblins scatter like skittles and dust and debris rain down. Anna looks back, sees the dragon’s spiked tail thrashing, the tunnel caving.]
"Wow" Said Lily.
"My daughter broke into the Gringott and stole from Goblins!" Yelled James proudly.
"And she escaped with Dragon! My goddaughter flew on Dragon!" Yelled Sirius, also proudly.
[A low rumble is heard, growing louder, then a massive dust cloud billows forth and... the dragon bursts into view. It soars by, wings flapping, eyes blind, gulping fresh air.]
[The Hall trembles, fissures appear and the dragon erupts through the floor. Pillars spill, goblins dive for cover.]
[The grand facade of Gringotts disintegrates as the dragon penetrates, wheels upward and beats toward the sky.]
[The dragon soars over London, shedding scales and debris as the dust-ridden trio hunker low, the cool breeze bathing their blistered skin. Rose bellows in delight:]
Rose: That was brilliant! BRILLIANT!
Anna: We just broke into Gringotts, destroyed Hocrux, kiddnapped dragon and flew out of Gringotts on dragon. Can we get any more awesome?
James and Sirius sat with proud smirk. Lily dissaproved, so did Remus, but if you watched carefully you would see Remus's lip twitch up in amusment.
"That's my little snake!" Cheered Barty. James glared at him.
[Dust still hangs in the air. Those Goblins that survived straggle over the rubble -- and the occasional dead colleague -- toward the exits. Among them, a familiar figure emerges... Griphook. Clutching the sword of Gryffindor, he bumps past his
dazed brethren, taking an agitated glance over his shoulder as he hurries on before turning back round and coming to a dead halt before a Death Eater, who raises his wand and points it directly between Griphook’s eyes.]
"That's what you get for tricking my goddaughter!" Said Sirius unbothered.
[The sun has dropped. Below, the dragon’s giant shadow passes over patches of brown and green.]
[The duo shiver as they cling to the dragon. Anna slides a few inches. She peers up, past the beast’s head.]
Anna: We’re dropping! [The dragon circles, lower and lower. A lake shimmers.]
"No, no, no!" Panicked Lily and Remus.
"Jump!" Yelled Sirius, James and Barty.
Rose: I say we jump!
Anna: When?
Rose: NOW!
[They drop like stones into the water.]

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