Chapter 14

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[... with a great whoosh, Anna and the others tumble onto solid earth and hear the crash of waves. As Anna staggers to her feet, stars whirl above her. She sees she is on a cliff overlooking a dark sea. Rose has her eyes filled with tears.]
Anna: It’s all right, Rose. You’re safe. We’re all safe. [She doesn’t respond. Then Anna realizes they are looking past her, even Griphook, the sword hanging limply in his hand. Anna turns. Dobby stands alone, a queer smile on his face, hand over his heart, the hilt of Bellatrix’s dagger protruding between his fingers.]
"Dobby" Said Lily sadly.
"She was good elf." Said James. Everyone looked brave elf sadly.
Anna: Dobby... no... [As Anna rushes to him, the elf crumples in his arms, his eyes rolling up to the stars.]
Anna: It’s okay... Here... Just hold on, Dobby... I’ll fix you -- Rose -- your bag -- you must have something -- Essence of Dittany -- something... Rose! Help me! [She merely stands, tears streaking her cheeks.]
Dobby: Such a beautiful night... to be with friends. Dobby is happy... to be with his friend... Anna Potter... [Dobby gives a little shudder, then goes still.]
Lily starts sobbing in James chest. Marauders tear up. Regulus bows his head in the respect of Dobby.
[The others simply stare, mute, listening to the waves thunder. Footfalls sound. Rose turns, sees his brother Bill and Luna approaching from the cottage in the distance.]
Bill: Fleur’s seeing to Ollivander. Anyone else need tending -- [He eyes Anna curiously, crouched, his back turned. Then sees Dobby’s limp little legs dangling lifelessly. As the others watch, Anna reaches out and -- gently as she can -- pulls the dagger from Dobby’s chest, then shrugs off her jacket and enwraps the elf’s body. Slowly, her shoulders begin to shake. Only Luna dares to step forward. Kneeling, she sees Anna is silently crying.]
Luna: We should close his eyes. Don’t you think? [Luna reaches out, tenderly places her fingers upon Dobby’s eyelids and closes them.]
Luna: There. Now he could be sleeping.
Evan smiles at Luna.
[She turns then, looks at Anna.]
Luna: Anna. It’s all right. That it hurts. That’s what reminds us how lucky we are to be alive. [Anna turns, studies her serene face briefly, then her eyes shift to Dobby, his face serene as well, in death.]
Anna: I want to bury him properly. Without magic.
Regulus looks at Anna with more respect.
[Cassie is laying on bed. Lucius helps her sit up and brings Potion to Cassie's lips.]
Lucius: Drinks this. It will numb pain. [Cassie tries to take potion helrself, but her hand is trembling awfully.]
Narcissa tears up. Lucius and Regulus seeth with rage. Others look at girl sadly.
Lucius: (softly) Don't worry! It's an affer effect of cruciatous. It will go away in few minutes. [Cassie nods and opens her mouth, Lucius helps her drink potion.]
Lucius: What were you thinking?! You should have just told--
Cassie: (teary) I couldn't!
Lucius: Why? To save Potter's life?! You are more important!
James understood Lucius's point of view, so he didn't say anything. Lily looked at James impressed.
Cassie: (her voice breaking) I couldn't just let her die.
Lucius: (shouts) Why not?
Cassie: (yells back) Because i love her!
[Lucius looks taken a back, than sighs.]
Lucius: You couldn't choose anyone less troubling, could you?
"I agree with my fuutre self." Said Lucius.
Cassie: I didn't chose. It just-- it happened. [Lucius nods and goes to leave, but Cassie grabs his hand.]
Cassie: Don't leave! Please. [Lucius looks at her for few seconds, than sits on bed and motions for Cassie to put her head in his lap, Cassie does it.]
"You are good father." Said surprised Sirius. Everyone turned to Sirius shocked.
"Thank you" said Lucius and looked at Narcissa stunned.
"Are you ill?" Asked Regulus to Sirius. Sirius rolled his eyes.
Cassie: Thank you.
Lucius: Go to sleep Cassie. [Cassie closes her eyes. Lucius pats her head and looks at her sadly and seems to get lost in memory.]
[Narcissa is holding newborn Cassie and smiles up at Lucius.]
Narcissa: Come on, Lucius! Hold her!
Lucius: (nervous) What if i hurt her?
"Aww. Nevrous?" Teased Barty.
"Shut it." Said Lucius without taking her eyes off baby Cassie.
Narcissa: Don't worry. She isn't gonna break.
Lucius: But she is so tiny... So defensless
Everyone seemed shocked at seeing Lucius so soft.
Narcissa: (smused) Every child is. [Narcissa carefully gives Cassie to nervous Lucius. When Lucius holds Cassie, Cassie pulls his heir, Lucius smiles at her.]
Lucius: She is so beautiful... and innocent..
"She is." Smiled Narcissa and Lucius.
Lucius: (to Cassie) I promise nothing will ever harm you, my little star. I will always protect you. [Lucous kisses Cassie's head. Narcissa smiles at her husband and daughter.]
Narcissa kisses Lucius.
[Lucius is looking at sleeping Cassie and tear falls from his eyes.]
Lucius: I'm sorry, my little star. I failed you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. [Crying Lucius kisses Cassie's forhead and carefully moves Cassie's head from his lap to pillow. Than wipes his tears and puts blanket on Cassie.]
No one comments on it.
"I'm sure you did what you could." Said Narcissa.
"But it wasn't enough!" Yelled Lucius.
"Not this time. This won't be repeated!" Said Narcissa. Reegulus nodded.
Lucius: Tipsy! [Elf appears.]
Tipsy: Yes, Master.
Lucius: Don't let anyone who isn't Malfoy in this room.
"What about me or Theo?" Asked Narcissa.
"Well... Since you married me you are Narcissa Malfoy and Theo is blood adopted." said Lucius. Narcissa nodded.
Tipsy: Yes, Master. [Lucius leaves room.]
[In the hall, Lucius meets worried Narcissa.]
Narcissa: How is she?
Lucius: She is sleeping. She will be okay. How is Theo?
Narcissa: Better. He is sleeping, too.
"Good." Said Narcissa.
[Lucius nods and looks in distance. Narcissa grabs his arm.]
Narcissa: We will be okay. We will get through this.
Lucius: Of course we will. [Lucius kisses Narcissa. Neither of them believes what they said.]
[A spade pierces the earth as Anna begins to dig, fiercely obsessed by her task. A moment later, Rose kneels beside her and begins to do the same. Camera rises and the thundering ocean comes into view and the lone cottage in the distance...]
"How long she has been doing it?" Asked Lily.
[A knock sounds. Griphook turns, watches Bill push open the door, step aside for Anna and Rose. Anna waits for Bill to withdraw. Turns to Griphook.]
Anna: How are you?
Griphook: Alive.
Anna: You probably don’t remember --
Griphook: -- that I showed you to your vault the first time you visited Gringotts? Even amongst goblins, you are famous, Anna Potter. (nodding to the window) You buried the elf. I saw you.
Anna: Yes.
Griphook: And brought me here. [Griphook studies her curiously.]
Griphook: You are a very unusual witch.
"That she is." Said James proudly.
Anna: Why did you leave Gringotts?
Griphook: Soon the Death Eaters will control it. That was unacceptable to me.
Rose: Then you’re on our side.
Griphook: This is a wizard’s war. I take no side.
Rose: Fair.
Anna: I need to get inside Gringotts, into one of the vaults.
"Have you lost your mind?!" Yelled Lily.
Griphook: It is impossible.
Anna: Alone, yes. With you, no.
[Griphook stares impassively at her, silent. He glances at the Sword of Gryffindor, which stands in the corner.]
Griphook: How did you come by this sword?
Anna: It’s complicated. Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts?
Griphook: It’s complicated.
Barty chuckles.
[Anna and the goblin stare at each other, as if testing one another. Finally, Anna speaks:]
Anna: The sword presented itself to us
in a moment of need. We didn’t steal it.
[Griphook nods, pondering this.]
Griphook: There is a sword in Madam Lestrange’s vault identical to this one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer.
Anna: And she never suspected?
Griphook: The replica is very convincing. Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true Sword of Gryffindor.
Rise: Who put it there? The fake.
Griphook: It was not my place to ask, nor did I desire to. There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts.
Purebloods agreed. They knew what kind of curious things were in Gringotts.
Anna: And in Madam Lestrange’s vault as well?
Griphook: Perhaps.
Anna: Let's cut to the business. What do you want? [The goblin twists the curl at his chin... then his eyes drift once again to the sword.]
Griphook: That is my price.
Anna: (a beat) All right. [Rose looks shocked.]
"You are gonna give away Griffindor sword?!" Shouted James.
"There is big chance there is Hocrux in Bellatrix's valut, which is much more important than sword." Said Regulus.
Griphook: I have your word, Anna Potter, that you will give me the Sword of Gryffindor if I help you? [Griphook extends his hand. Anna reaches out, takes it.]
[The duo walk. Rose whispers:]
Rose: Anna, are you thinking there’s a Horcrux in Bellatrix’s vault?
Anna: She was terrified when she thought we’d been in there. She kept asking you what else we’d taken. I’d bet anything there’s a Horcrux there. If we find it, we can kill it. And if we kill it, we’re one step closer to killing him.
Barty pointed at Anna in agreement.
[Rose's about to answer when Fleur exits the room ahead, a half-empty bowl in hand. Seeing Anna, she stops, effectively barring the door.]
Fkeaur: He’s too weak. [Anna stares at her. Resolved. Fleur steps aside.]
[Ollivander rolls his sunken eyes toward the duo as they enter. Attempts a feeble smile.]
Ollivander: Forgive me if I don’t get up.
Anna: Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you
a few questions.
"Straight to the point." Said Remus.
Ollivander: Anything, m’girl, anything.
Anna: Can you identify these, sir? [Anna removes two wands. Ollivander takes one in hand.]
Ollivander: Walnut and dragon heartstring. Twelve and three quarter inches. Unyielding. This belongs to Bellatrix Lestrange.
Anna: And this?
Ollivander: Hawthorn. Unicorn hair. Ten inches. Reasonably pliant. This was the wand of Cassiopeia Malfoy.
Anna: (worried) Was? Isn’t it still?
Ollivander: Perhaps not -- if you won it from her. (Anna relaxes) I sense its allegiance has changed.
Anna: What do you know about the Deathly Hallows, sir? [Ollivander eyes Anna with surprise. And a hint of fear.]
Ollivander: There are rumored to be three: The Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. It is said that to possess them all is to make oneself the Master of Death. But few truly believe such objects exist --
Anna: But you, sir? Do you believe they exist?
"What is she trying?" Asked James.
Ollivander: I see no reason to put stock in an old wives tale --
Anna: You’re lying. You know one exists and you told him about it. You told him about the Elder Wand and where to go looking for it.
Ollivander: He tortured me! Besides, I
conveyed only rumors. There’s no
guarantee he will find it --
Anna: He has found it, sir. [Ollivander blinks. Ashen. Stunned.]
Anna: That’s all, sir. We’ll leave you to get some rest now. [The duo begins to exit.]
Ollivander: He’s after you, Ms. Potter. If it’s true, what you say, that he has the Elder Wand, I’m afraid you really don’t stand a chance.
Anna: I'm known for doing impossible, Mr. Ollivander.
"That she is." Said Barty fondly.

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