Chapter 29

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[Anna and Voldemort plummet, twisting crazily, when suddenly a crack fills the sky and they apparate into a plume.]
[... entwined, morphing monstrously in and out of one another, a single screaming beast one minute, adversaries the next, hurtling downward, toward the courtyard
"What the fuck is that?" Asked Barty, while watching Anna and Voldemort morph in and out of one another.
[Rose watches Nagini thrash. As rubble rains down, she begins to run for the Great Hall, skirting Flitwick and Hagrid, who battle a pair of Death Eaters on the stairs. Further up the marble stairs, Professor Trelawney raises her wand, draws a bead on a Death Eater and with a forceful flick, sends him flying through the air. Seamus regards her with amazement.]
"I didn't expect it from her." Admitted impressed Remus.
Trelawney: There's more to me than incense and tea leaves, Mr. Finnegan.
[The fighting wizards stop, peer upward at the plume above. As it streaks toward the ground, another crack fills the sky and Anna and Voldemort burst apart as they
meet the ground, rolling onto their feet facing one another across the courtyard. Chests heaving, they stare at one another, then Voldemort's eyes shift. Anna follows his gaze and watches the Elder Wand roll to a rest.]
Anna: I told you: it's useless to you. [Just then, Rose bursts into view, followed by Nagini. Nagini rises, ready to strike. Anna turns, wand in hand, but she's too late. Voldemort grabs the Elder Wand... Nagini's head drops toward Rose... Anna watches in horror as... Neville -- appearing out of nowhere -- steps into the breach, sword in hand, and with one mighty swing... Severs Nagini's head.]
"Yeeees!" Jumped up Lily and started cheering. Marauder weren't far behind.
[Voldemort freezes, watching Nagini's body thrash madly for a time before going still. The great snake's head tumbles end-over-end and then, as it comes to a rest... Voldemort bellows in pain and turns, firing on Anna. Instinctively, Anna raises her wand, countering... and the Elder Wand sails from Voldemort's hand, turning end-over-end, the spell... ricocheting back on him. He stands, utterly still for a moment, his eyes on Anna, then drops. Dead.]
Everyone sat in silence. Shocked.
"Wow." James broke the silence finally.
"Mhm." Hummed shocked Remus.
"He is dead." Said Sirius in disbelief.
"Yeah." Said stunned Lily.
"I can't believe it." Said Regulus. Other Slytherins nod in disbelief.
[A light breeze blows over the damaged grounds.]
[Quiet now. They're all here, some huddled together in small groups, nursing their wounds. There are no tears, just quiet laughter and low conversation. Anna stands at the top of the Hall, surveying it all, then begins to walk. The Weasleys huddle together, The Malfoys sit in the shadows, avoiding eye contact. Anna goes toward them. She and Cassiopeia lock their eyes and Anna runs toward Cassiopeia, Narcissa stands protectivly in front of her, but Cassiopeia gets out and runs toward Anna as well and they kiss.]
Everyone smiles at girls.
"They finally got their deserved happily ever after." Said Barty.
[Everyone in hall watches shocked.]
Theo: (gorans) Not again! [Blair chuckles. Anna pulls away and turns toward Narcissa.]
Anna: Thank you for your help, Mrs. Malfoy. I'll make sure you, Cassiopeia and Theo won't be punished. I'm sure they would make little exception for me. [Anna winks. Malfoys and Blair smile.]
"Little not so little snake." Said Barty fondly.
Cassiopeia: What about Blair? [Anna's gaze meets Blair's.]
Anna: She was never a death eater and didn't do anything except standing next to voldy for few minutes then came back to us, so i don't she will even have a trial.
"She is right." Said Lucius.
Anna: You and Theo are underage and your mother doesn't even have dark mark and lied to dark lord for me, it shouldn't be... too hard.
"She isn't that bad." Admitted Lucius. Narcissa smirked at him.
[Malfoys smile at her happily.]
Anna: Excuse me. My friends are waiting. [Narcissa nods toward her and Anna leaves. McGonagall steps into the aisle, gives her a hug, lightly touches her face, then turns away, eyes glistening. Aberforth and Oliver Wood sit around goblets of something strong. Aberforth gives him a stoic nod. Dean and Seamus laugh together at a table. Filch communes with Mrs. Norris. Flitwick and Sprout sit quietly, dazed. Cho looks up from a group of Ravenclaws, smiles faintly. Ada and Alex are sitting next to each other, Ada has her head on his arm and they are holding hands. Neville sits wearily, the Sword of Gryffindor still clutched limply in his hand. Rose sits down beside him. Close. Smiles.]
People smile at children.
[And then Anna looks up and sees Hagrid filling the aisle. Tears in his eyes. He steps forward, wraps Anna in his massive arms. Anna winces, then Hagrid releases her, cuffs her on the arm and hobbles away, blowing his nose in a giant handkerchief. Anna watches him go.]
[The duo walk together, then stop, look back at the battered castle in the distance.]
Rose: Not exactly leaving the place
better than we found it, are we? [Anna studies her, absently playing her fingers over the Elder Wand. She looks over, nods to it.]
Rose: Why didn't it work for him? The Elder wand.
Anna: Because it answers to another.
[Rose study her.]
Anna: When he killed Snape, he thought the wand would become his. But the thing is... It never belonged to Snape. [Anna turns the wand in the light, eyeing its brutish surface as he speaks.]
Anna: It was Cassie who disarmed
Dumbledore that night on the Astronomy Tower. From that moment on, the wand answered to her. Until the other night... (looking up) ... when I disarmed Cassie.
Rose: But that means... [Anna nods.]
Anna: It answers to me. [Rose stares at the wand.]
"She is mistress of death." Said Sirius in awe.
Rose: What do you reckon we should do with it? That's the Elder Wand! It's the most powerful bloody wand in the world!
Anna: Repair everything and make sure no one gets it. [Anna repairs her wand and castle.]
"Wow." Said Lily.
"She did it so easily and effortlesly." Said Narcissa.
"Elder wand is really powerfu)." Said Lucius.
[As Anna peers down at her hands, Rose does as well, watching as she takes the ends of the wand and... Snap! ... breaks it in two.]
"Whaat?! She- She is crazy! can't just break the most piwerful wand!" Said Lucius.
"She made sure no one would get it." Said Lily.
[Anna, her face a mask, simply turns and... Pitches the pieces over the edge of the viaduct. For a moment, the duo stand in silence, as if words would bring the bridge crashing down. Finally, Anna glances off at the ruins of the castle, smoldering in the distance.]
Anna: Well, it wasn't boring, was it?
[Rose turns, ready with a reply, but whatever words were there -- briefly -- are gone before she can utter them. They both stare into the distance, giving themselves over to the silence. They glance briefly at one another and then -- tentatively, tenderly -- interlace their own fingers, looking off and closing their eyes, looking lost in memory. Gradually, the birdsongs lilting in the breeze give way to car horns...]

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