Chapter 13

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[Scabior, Fenrir Greyback and a ragtag group of snatchers escort Anna and Rose past thick yew hedges. Rose eyes a white peacock, looking like a ghostly lawn ornament. Anna, her face horribly swollen, Whispers:]
Anna: What did you put on me?
Rose: A Stinging Jinx.
Everyone looks around worried.
Anna: How long will it last?
Rose: Not long. [Anna glances down, sees her glasses cupped in Rose's palm. As she slips them into her pocket, the group suddenly slows. Up ahead, on the other side of the gate, Bellatrix, Lucius and Narcissa approach.]
"They-- They will be okay, right?" Whispered Lily.
"Of course, Lily-flower." Said James, while hugging Lily.
[Anna looks up at sly.]
Anna: Dear life, when i said "Can my day get any worse" it was a rhetorical question, not a fucking challenge.
"Now isn't time for Jokes!" Said worried James.
[Scabior grabs Anna's arm, pushes her face up to the iron bars. Bellatrix steps close.]
Bellatrix: Show me. [Scabior reaches out his dirty fingers and pushes Anna's hair roughly off her forehead. Bellatrix shines her wand. Despite the swelling, one intriguing feature can be seen: a scar, in the shape of a lightning bolt? Bellatrix studies it long and hard... then smiles.]
Everyone glares at them.
[As Bellatrix leads the procession inside, she speaks to Narcissa.]
Bellatrix: Get Cassiopeia and Theo.
"Leave them out of it!" Glared Regulus.
[Narcissa eyes her sister briefly, warily, then strides off, toward the brightly-lit room ahead, where her husband Lucius stands, cradling a nearly-empty wine glass.]
Lucius: Why Cassiopeia and Theo?
[Narcissa passes her husband without a word.]
Bellatrix: Just sit back and watch, Lucius. Hm? Pour yourself another glass of wine. [As she passes, she flicks her finger off the rim of his glass -- pling!]
Lucius glares at her with hatred.
[Bellatrix turns, eyeing Anna and Rose.]
Bellatrix: Where'd you find them?
Scabior: In the North Forest. [Wormtail quietly enters the room. As Anna eyes him, Bellatrix pauses, studying her scar again.]
Bellatrix: Lovely scarf, Scabior. Though I'm not sure it's your color.
Scabior: It's not mine.
Bellatrix: You don't say. [Her eyes slide, catch him looking at Rose.]
Bellatrix: Fancy her, do you, Scabior? Can't say I blame you. Maybe we'll work out a little reward for you, hm?
People look at Bellatrix disgusted.
"How can she say that?!" Said horrified and disgusted Lily. Narcissa looks at her sister dissapointed.
Bellatrix: That is, assuming all is as it appears. Ah, Cassiopeia. Theo. Come here, darlings. [From the shadows at the far end of the room Cassiopeia and Theo separate from Narcissa, step cautiously forward.]
Bellatrix: My friends here say they've got Anna Potter. Seeing as she's an old school chum of yours, I thought you could confirm the fact for us.
Marauders are worried.
[Cassiopeia and Theo stare at Anna. Cassie turns to Theo and gives him pleading look.]
"They won't say it." Said Lily confidentaly.
"You can't know it." Said worried James.
"Cassie won't tell on Anna and Theo won't betray Cassie." Said Barty.
Bellatrix: Well...?
Theo: I- I don't know. [Bellatrix looks at Cassie.]
Cassiopeia: I can't... I can't be sure.
[Lucius steps forward, wine glass sloshing.]
Lucius: Look close. If we're the ones who hand Potter over to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven. Do you understand --
Gryffindors glare at Lucius.
Scabior: (quietly menacing) Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught her, I hope, Mr. Malfoy?
Bellatrix: Of course not. (eyes hardening) Narcissa. Tend to your husband. [Lucius staggers back nervously next to his wife.]
"Bitch" muttered Lucius.
Bellatfix: (to Cassiopeia) Don't be shy, sweetheart. Get up nice and close.
[Bellatrix nudges Cassiopeia forward until she's only inches from Anna.]
Theo: What's wrong with her face?
Bellatrix: What is wrong with her face, Scabior?
Scabior: She came to us that way. I reckon she picked it up in the forest.
Bellatrix: Or ran into a Stinging Jinx.
[Bellatrix, eyes flashing, steps up close to Rose.]
"Wow. She has brain." Said Sirius with fake surprise.
Bellatrix: Was it you, dearie? Give me her wand. We'll see what the last spell was. [Rose looks alarmed as a Snatcher steps forward.]
Bellatrix: What is that? [Bellatrix's tone is quietly murderous. She pushes past
Scabior and Greyback, steps before another Snatcher. Anna's beaded purse dangles from one hand. In the other, he holds... the Sword of Gryffindor.]
Bellatrix: Where did you get that?!
"Why is she... reacting like that?!" Said nervous Remus.
"I don't know." Said Sirius.
Snatcher: It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now. [Bang! Quick as lightning, Bellatrix stuns the Snatcher and catches the sword as he drops. Scabior wheels.]
Scabior: Are you mad?! [Bang! Bellatrix drops him to his knees before his wand
escapes his cloak. He bellows in fury.]
Scabior: How dare you! Release me, woman! [Bellatrix stares at him, eyes full of fire, then flicks her wand and he slumps forward, wincing.]
Bellatrix: Go. GO! [Scabior eyes her resentfully, then exits with Greyback
and the others. Bellatrix turns.]
Bellatrix: Wormtail. Put her in the cellar. I want to have a little conversation with ginger one.
"No. No, no." Muttered Sirius horrified.
[As Wormtail jerks them away, Anna's eyes flash with panic, meet Rose's. She mouths: "It's okay."]
Anna: No! NO!
[Wormtail prods Anna down a steep flight of stairs, slams the door. Anna throws herself against it.]
Everyone glares at Wormtail.
Luna: Anna...? [Anna peers into the small, shadowy space below, senses movement.]
Anna: Luna...?
Evan, Regulus and Barty breathes out in relief.
[Bellatrix twirls a silver dagger in her fingers.]
Bellatrix: This sword is meant to be in my vault at Gringotts. How did you get it?
Rose: I don't know what you're talking about.
Bellatrix: Liar. What else did you take?
"What is she hiding?" Asked James suspiciously.
Luna: You look strange, Anna. Mr. Ollivander, look who's here. It's Anna Potter. [Anna looks past Luna and sees a goblin (Griphook) standing in the shadows. Next to him, sitting slumped
against the wall, is the wandmaker Ollivander, looking frail. His chin lifts slightly, runny eyes glimmering against the light as he studies Anna's swollen face.]
Anna: Hello, sir. [Ollivander falters, his face troubled. Anna eyes him curiously, when Bellatrix's voice echoes through the vemt.]
Bellatrix: (O.S.) I'm going to ask you once again: what else did you and your friends take from my vault!
Rose: (O.S.) I told you. I don't know what you're talking -- [Rose screams in pain. Anna closes her eyes.]
Gryffindors flinch.
Anna: I have to do something!
Ollivander: There's no way out. We've tried everything.
Luna: You're bleeding, Anna. [She points downward. Anna removes her glasses from her pocket, slips them on and peers at her sock, where blood has soaked through. Anna reaches down, pulling the sock away from her ankle, revealing a small gashand the thing that caused it: the mirror shard.]
"Mirror?" Said confused Lily. James and Sirius shared a look.
"I don't think it's just a mirror." Said Sirius.
"What do you mean?" Asked Lily.
"You will see." Sauid James.
Luna: That's a curious thing to hide in your sock. [Taking the shard, Anna turns the silvery side toward herself (and only herself) -- and for a split second -- the eye seems to flicker there again. Anna wipes away the film of blood... but the eye is gone.]
Luna: You were hiding it, weren't you?
[Before Anna can respond, Rose screams again. Pained by this, Anna debates something, then peers into the mirror:]
Anna: Help us. Please. [The others study her curiously, then footsteps sound.]
"Who is on other side?" Asked James.
"You think it's Moony?" Asked Sirius.
"Might be." Said James.
[The cellar door squeals open and Wormtail's silhouette appears in a shaft of light. Anna glares at him with pure hatred.]
Wormtail: Shut it! You. Goblin. Come with me. [As Griphook mounts the stairs he turns, eyeing Anna curiously, then Wormtail grabs his arm, slams shut the door. Dobby materializes before them.]
Anna: Dobby. What're you doing here?
Dobby: Dobby has come to rescue Anna Potter, of course. [Everyone stares, stunned. Anna stares in similar amazement at the mirror glittering in her palm.]
Anna: Do you mean to say you can apparate in and out of here? And take us with you?
Dobby: Of course. I'm an elf.
"I should make wards against Elves." Muttered Lucius.
Anna: Right. Dobby, I want you to take
Luna and Mr. Ollivander to... Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth. (as Luna looks at her) Trust me. Rose told me the address. (To Luna) You'll see to Mr. Ollivander?
Luna: Of course. (to Dobby) Whenever you're ready, sir. [Dobby blinks at Luna's use of "sir." He grins.]
"Just like her mother." Smiled Evan.
Dobby: Like her very much. (to Anna) Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds. [Luna takes Ollivander's withered hand in hers and Dobby reaches out. CRACK! -- they vanish. Then rush up the stairs toward the silver of light under the door above. CRACK! The knob turns and light splashes into the cellar as Wormtail fills the doorway. Anna stiffens, then watch Wormtail fall forward, stiff as a board, tumbling in a heavy heap on the cement floor below. They turn back as Dobby appears, Wormtail's wand in his tiny fist.]
"Go Dobby!" Cheered Gryffindors and Barty.
[Quickly, cautiously, Anna pad toward the main room as Dobby slips off in another direction. As Anna steps past the lifeless Snatcher without a glance. Something flutters weakly in the Snatcher's pocket. The tip of a golden wing. Anna crouches, looks. It's the Snitch. Quickly, Anna takes the Snitch, slips it in her pocket.]
[Slowly, Bellatrix comes into view, towering over Griphook, who holds the sword, studying it. Rose lies at Bellatrix's feet. Seeing her, Anna clunchest her fist.]
Everyone glares at Bellatrix.
Bellatrix: Well?
Griphook: I left Gringotts employ many weeks ago, but when I was last in your
vault, the sword was there. [Rose studies the two then watches as a strand of Bellatrix's hair drifts free and, as if in a dream,floats through the air...]
Bellatrix: Perhaps it just walked out on its own then.
"What if there is fake one in her valut?" Asked Barty.
Griphook: There is no place safer than Gringotts, Madam LeStrange. [... and catches on Rose's shirt.]
Bellatrix: Liar! You can't deceive me! [As Rose looks up, away from the hair, Bellatrix slashes the dagger across Griphook's cheek and a deep gash opens. He barely flinches, the hint of a smile on his lips. Bellatrix looks mildly unnerved by his reaction.]
Bellatrix: Consider yourself lucky, Goblin. The same won't be said for this one. [Bellatrix poises the dagger over Rose.]
Anna: Like hell! [Bellatrix wheels, sees Anna pelting forward.]
Anna: Expelliarmus!
"Anna!" Cheered Barty, Sirius and James. Others look worried.
[Bellatrix's dangling wand shoots free, tumbles end over end... right into Anna's hand.]
Anna: Stupefy! [Lucius Malfoy drops instantly, his wine glass shattering in a burgundy bloom on the hearth. Narcissa, Theo and Cassiopeia draw their wands. Jets of light spray across the room.]
Bellatrix: Stop or she dies! [Anna freezes, see Rose leaning limply against Bellatrix, the dagger at her throat.]
Everyone is on edge.
Bellatrix: Drop your wands. [Anna stands rigidly, staring balefully at Bellatrix.]
Bellatrix: I said drop them!
Anna: (angrily) All right! [Anna drops
Bellatrix and Wormtail's wands.]
Bellatrix: Pick them up, Cassiopeia. Now! Well, well, look what we have here. Anna Potter. All bright, shiny and new again. Just in time for the Dark Lord. [Anna glances in the mirror opposite, sees that the Stinging Jinx is wearing off.]
"Shit shit shit" said Remus. Everyone is panicking.
Bellatrix: Call him, Theo. [Theo hesitates. But Lucius doesn't, pulling up his sleeve and touching his finger to the dark mark on his forearm. Anna's scar constricts and she grimaces in agony. Bellatrix cackles maniacally, her knife pressed against the tender flesh of Rose's neck. A bead of blood bubbles on the blade and then... a grinding noise is heard. Anna glances up, sees the chandelier begin to tremble. As the tinkle of glass fills the room, Bellatrix stares directly upward, watching as the chandelier bursts free of the ceiling and plummets. Bellatrix bolts and Rose staggers clear, falling into Anna's arms. Griphook grabs the sword and as glass explodes in razor-sharp slivers, Cassiopeia covers her bloody face. Anna wrests the blood-soaked wands from Cassire's hands and, wheeling, points all three at Lucius.]
Anna: Stupefy! [Lucius flies off his feet and drops in a heap. Anna does same to Theo.]
Bellatrix: You dirty little monkey! You could have killed me!
"That was intention, bitch! Wait, till get out of here!" Growled Sirius.
[Anna turns, sees Bellatrix raging at Dobby. The elf stands fearlessly across from her, defiant.]
Dobby: Dobby meant only to maim or seriously injure, not kill.
Bellatrix: For God's sake, Cissy, you've got a wand! Use it! [Narcissa hesitates. Crack! -- Dobby waves his little fist and Narcissa's wand flies from her hand.]
"Thank you." Said Lily to Narcissa. Narcissa nods at her.
Bellatrix: How dare you take a witch's wand. How dare you defy your masters.
Dobby: Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Anna Potter and her friends! [Anna tosses Rose a wand, grabs her beaded bag and joins the others in the center of the room.]
Anna: Tell Tommy he should be scared, because Anna Potter is coming! [Anna cackles and closes on Dobby's and the drawing room begins to spin.]
"That's my pup/little flower/little snake!" Said Sirius, James and Barty.
[Bellatrix's face twists into an ugly blur. Her arm rises, dagger in hand. There is a flash of silver. Then... All goes black. For a long time.]

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