Chapter 15

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[A firw crackles. Anna toys with the snitch Dumbledore bequeathed her. Anna turns to the two wands on the table -- the ones she showed Ollivander -- and extends the longest to Rose.]
Anna: I reckon you should take this
Rose: Can’t I use the other?
Anna: I'm not giving you Cassie's wand and you heard Ollivander. It’s mine now.
Lucius seent a glare toward Anna.
Rose: But I hate that thing -- that’s the wand that killed Sirius! How can I hold it and not feel...
Anna: Wand isn't in fault, it's Bitchatrix's fault.
Sirius nodded.
[Rose looks her in the eye, then takes it.]
Rose: How will we know what it is when we get in there? After all, a Horcrux can be anything.
Anna: I’ll know. I can’t explain. It’s like... (touching his chest) ... they sing to me. [Rose looks troubled.]
People look at Anna confused and worried.
Rose: That’s a bit scary. Did Dumbledore ever say anything to you, something that might explain why --
Anna: No. I just know. When one’s near. [Rose stare at her, silent, when a floorboard squeaks. They turn, watch shadows appear: Bill and Fleur. Fleur hands Rose a long black's woman cloak.]
Fleur: This is the closest I could find
to what you described, Rose.
Anna: It’s perfect. Thank you, Fleur.
Rose: I still think i should be the one to use it.
Anna: We both know that i'm better actress and i would be make much better villain.
"She would." Agreed Regulus.
[Fleur lays the cloak in Anna's hands, then steps back next to Bill. He studies the duo.]
Bill: You’re leaving, aren’t you?
Rose: In the morning.
Bill: And Griphook?
Anna: He’ll be leaving too. [Bill nods, staring off briefly.]
Bill: Listen, I don’t know what you’re
up to, but I know goblins. If you’ve struck any kind of bargain with Griphook, you must be exceptionally careful to live up to it. If you don’t... he won’t be forgiving.
"He is right. Goblins are very smart and tricky." Agreed Evan.
[The duo sits in silence. Watches Bill withdraw. Anna glances down at her palm again, at the Snitch.]
[The ocean crashes. Anna crouches by Dobby’s fresh grave, which now bears a simple stone: “Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf.” Anna ponders the mirror shard, turning it from sky to sea when:]
Luna: (O.S.) The sky has lost a star.
[Luna’s image skitters across the mirror’s surface and Anna looks up, finds her standing there clutching a small traveling bag, staring at Dobby’s stone.]
Luna: My father used to say that when a child died. [She looks up, smiles.]
Luna: Funny how Mr. Dobby knew exactly where to find us.
Anna: Yeah. Funny. Listen, Luna, about
your father, I don’t want you to think I--
Luna: I know you understand why my father did what he did, Anna. That’s why we don’t need to talk about it.
Evan smiles at his niece proudly.
[She continues to smile. Anna eyes the traveling bag.]
Anna: Hogwarts? [She nods, looks to the sea.]
Anna: It’s not the place you left, you
know. It’s not the same.
Luna: Neither am I.
"I will kill those mothefuckers!" Muttered Evan.
"And i will help you, darling." Said Barty.
"Not if i will do it before you two." Said Regulus.
[She gives a little wave, still bearing the trace of a smile, then disappears and is gone.]
[Rose turns, Bellatrix Lestrange
and Griphook, clutching the sword, approach from the cottage.]
Bellatrix: (Anna) Well, how do I look?
Rose: Hideous.
Marauders agreed.
[Bellatrix(Anna) eyes Griphook, who is studying the sword.]
Anna: You can give that to me to hold, all right, Griphook? [Anna extends the beaded bag. Griphook eyes Anna and then, grudgingly, lets the sword drop within.]
"He is planing something." Said Narcissa.
[Anna, Rose and Griphook stand in a tight circle. As Griphook’s hand joins the others -- WHOOSH! -- they vanish.]
[As they reappear, Rose and Griphook fall back into the shadows and Hermione, as Bellatrix, steps to the mouth of the alley to see if the coast is clear. A Warlock passes.]
Warlock: Madam Lestrange. [Bellatrix (Anna) eyes him like he's an insect and retreats back into the alley.]
"That was so Bellatrix." Said Sirius. Lucius, Regulus and Narcissa agreed.
Griphook: You weren't half bad.
Rose: Half bad? She was amazing. For a second i thought you were real Bellatrix. [Bellatrix(Anna) pulls the Invisibility Cloak from her coat, tosses it to Rose.]
Anna: C’mon. Let’s do it. [A gust of wind blows and we shift to a fading poster of
Anna flapping on the brick wall, bearing the caption  “Undesirable number one.” On the wall, in shadow, we see Griphook clamber onto Anna’s back. As Rose pitches the cloak over them... they vanish.]
[A vast marble hall. A long counter. Goblins perched on high stools. Wizard guards positioned throughout. As Rose enter, wind whistles through the doorway, sends the pages of the Goblin’s massive ledgers trembling. As the door closes, the room returns to its eerie silence. Anna steps to the long counter, where an aged goblin scribbles in his ledger.]
Aged Goblin: Identification.
Bellatrix(Anna): I hardly think that will be necessary.
Aged Goblin: (looking up) Madam Lestrange! Dear me! How may I help you today?
Bellatrix(Anna): I wish to enter my vault.
Aged Goblin: I see. Very well. Excuse me, won’t you? [The goblin slips off his stool, goes to consult with another, even more ancient goblin (Bogrod).]
"Somethings is wrong." Said Regulus
"They know." Said Barty, at the same time.
Bellatrix(Anna): I don’t like to be kept waiting. [Anna’s tone is harsh, authoritative.]
"She is really good at this." Said impressed Evan.
[Then Griphook's voice hisses in Rose's ear:]
Griphook: (V.O.) They know! [Rose stiffens and whispers:]
Rose: What do you mean?
Griphook(V.O.): They know she’s an imposter! They’ve been warned!
[Rose watches the two goblins return to
Bogrod: Madam Lestrange. Would you mind presenting your wand?
Bellatrix(Anna): (disgusted) And why I do that? [Just then, the guard across the room begins to walk toward her.]
Bogrod: It’s the bank’s policy. I’m sure you understand, given the current climate --
Bellatrix(Anna): No, I most certainly do not understand --  [Sensing Rose’s presence, she falters, but regains herself quickly. Bogrod eyes her intensely.]
"Shit! She slipped up." Said James.
Bogrod: I’m afraid I must insist. [As the guard closes on Anna, Anna looks about frantically. The guard approaching Anna shifts her gaze briefly to the entrance, as do the Aged Goblin and Bogrod. Nwither see Anna’s hand slip her wand out from Coat and pointed at Bogrod.]
Anna: (O.S.) Imperio. [The door glides shut. The wind dies. Bogrod blinks.]
"She did every unforgivable." Said Lucius. Lily and James frowned.
Bogrod: Very well, Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me.
Aged Goblin: But... Bogrod, there have been special instructions regarding the Lestrange vault.
Bohrod: I’m fully aware of that. I’m also aware the Lestranges are one of our oldest and most respected families.
Aged Goblin: Yes, sir, but our instructions are very specific --
Bogrod: Let me be specific with you, Ricbert. I’ve run this bank for forty-five years, long before anyone had even heard of a Death Eater. The day may come that they feel they can run this place better than me, but that day has not yet arrived. Am I understood! [The Aged Goblin hesitates, then nods.]
"Isn't it... too easy?" Asked Regulus. Everyone agreed.
[Bogrod turns to Anna.]
Bogrod: Madam, if you will, I will escort you myself. (to the guard) Teffington, see to that door, will you.
[A cart hurtles through the darkness, ferrying the lot of them -- Anna, Rose, Griphook and Bogrod -- down the rickety rails, twisting and turning, sloping ever downward. Rose leans toward Griphook, who commandeers the cart.]
Rose: How long before they come after us?
Griphook: Time will tell. [Rose’s eyes meet Griphook’s in the flickering darkness.]
Rose: What’s that? Up ahead. [Rose points. In the distance, directly over the tracks, something shimmers like a curtain of water.]
Griphook: I should have known --
[Furiously, Griphook starts to throw levers, trying to slow the cart.]
"What is that?" Asked Lily.
"The thief's downfall. Removes enchantments." Answered James.
Rose: What is that, Griphook? [The wheels screech, throwing off sparks.]
Rose: Griphook! What is that! [He doesn’t answer, furiously preoccupied with the cart. Rose turns to Anna, hoping she has an explanation, but she just shakes her head, staring up ahead as Griphook slumps back, powerless, watching in grim resignation as the cart careens wildly down the rail and pierces the shimmering curtain. Instantly, water engulfs them with ferocius power. The seats beneath them collapse, flipping downward and they drop. In a cascade of roaring water toward the ground rushing up 30 feet below. Anna screams something, her wand flashing and one by one...... they splash down (relatively) gently, (relatively) unscathed. As the water drains away, they peer upward, watching as, alarms blaring, the cart rattles back the way it came. Rose turns to Anna as she pockets her wand.]
Rose: Well done. Hey. (studying her)
You look like... you.
Everyone groaned.
"Great! More trouble." Said Remus.
[Anna is soaking wet and looks like... Anna. Rose looks like Rose. Griphook nods to the waterfall.]
Griphook: The Thief’s Downfall. Washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly.
Rose: You don’t say. (as the cart’s alarms grow faint) Just out of interest... is there any other way out of here?
Griphook: No. [Before the duo can savor this tidbit:]
Bogrod: What the devil are you all doing down here?! [They all turn, seeing a soaking Bogrod, cleansed of the Imperius curse, backing away in angry confusion.]
Griphook: We need him!
Bogrod: Is this your doing, Griphook? You have no rights here anymore. When you gave up your keys, you --
[Rose and Anna raise their wands. Too late.]
Rose: Imperio! [Bogrod blinks, resumes his mild demeanor. Anna turns, sees Rose, wand outstretched.]
"Now Rose is using unforgivables!" Said Lily frustrated.
"They are in war." Defended Barty.
[Griphook steps past, pushes Bogrod on.]
Griphook: Well done. [The duo watch the goblins go, exchange a glance. Unnerved. Just then a moan is heard, deep and unsettling, coming from down the tunnel. Rose cocks her ear in disbelief.]
Rose: No. It’s not possible...

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